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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / What were you going to do

What were you going to do Çeviri Fransızca

193 parallel translation
What were you going to do?
Que vouliez-vous?
What were you going to do?
Vous vouliez faire quoi?
What were you going to do?
Que vouliez-vous lui faire?
What were you going to do out there now?
Pourquoi vouliez-vous y aller maintenant?
- Tell me, Ian, what were you going to do to me?
MARCO : Dites-moi, Ian, qu'alliez-vous me faire?
What were you going to do?
Qu'alliez-vous faire?
What were you going to do? You were going to go abroad?
Qu'est-ce que tu comptais faire?
What were you going to do before you became a cop?
Tu voulais faire quoi avant de devenir flic?
What were you going to do with the last unicorn in the world - keep her in a cage?
Que pensais-tu faire de la dernière licorne au monde. La mettre dans une cage?
What were you going to do when I interrupted?
Qu'allais-tu faire quand je t'ai coupé la parole?
What were you going to do if it had been her?
Qu'aurais-tu fait si ça avait été elle?
What were you going to do with the money?
Et que vouliez-vous en faire, de cet argent?
What were you going to do?
Qu'est-ce que tu comptais faire? Comme d'habitude.
She's my sister! What were you going to do with her?
Qu'est-ce que tu fais avec elle?
What were you going to do with this?
Qu'alliez-vous faire avec ça?
What were you going to do with the blade, Jerry?
What were you going to do, little one?
Tu comptais faire quoi mon petit?
What were you going to do?
Qu'est ce que tu penses faire?
What were you going to do with the tape?
Qu'allais-tu faire avec la vidéo?
I wouldn't know what you were going to do next.
Vous êtes capable de faire n'importe quoi.
Newton, I hear you've been bragging about what you were going to do if... - Who, um, me?
Il parait que tu te vantes  de ce que tu ferais si...  Qui. moi?
Men, if you found yourselves stopped by the dirty enemy and you had to get around him and you were going to need your boats again bad, what would you do?
Si l'ennemi vous bloquait, que vous deviez le contourner, puis réutiliser vos canots, que feriez-vous?
You decided what you were going to do, Charles, some time ago.
Ta conduite était déjà une décision.
I was so curious to know what you were going to do if you thought i was unarmed.
Je l'admets. J'étais si curieux de savoir ce que vous alliez faire si vous pensiez que j'étais désarmé.
We wanted to see what you were going to do when you found her there alone.
Nous voulions voir ce que vous alliez faire en la trouvant ici seule.
You've done exactly what you planned you were going to do when you were a junior in medical school.
- Mais si. Tu fais ce dont tu rêvais quand tu étudiais la médecine.
If I were a spy do you think I would've waited until tonight to warn the fascists about what was going on in the factory?
Si j'étais une espionne, aurais-je attendu ce soir pour aller raconter aux fascistes ce qui se passait ici, à l'usine?
Suppose that were true, what are you going to do about it?
Si ce que tu dis est vrai, que comptes-tu faire? Rien.
I wondered what stupidity you were going to do.
Je me demandais quelle bêtise vous alliez faire.
I told the police what you were going to do.
- J'ai prévenu la police.
Is it true what one hears that they were, how do you say, sweethearts, and they were going to be married?
Est-ce vrai ce que l'on entend, qu'ils étaient... comment dire... amoureux, et qu'ils allaient se marier?
- Why didn't you tell me what you were going to do?
Pourquoi ne m'as-tu rien dit?
You were told to get a job, and that's what you're going to do.
On t'a dit de trouver un travail, et tu vas le faire.
You made a fool out of me yesterday at the opera. You already knew what you were going to do.
En me faisant croire que tu allais à l'opéra, tu savais ce que tu voulais.
I don't want to hear what you were going to do or where or when!
Je ne veux pas entendre ce que vous alliez faire, ni où ni quand!
Tell me what you're going to do. You were the clever little boy. Half an hour earlier you were making all the smart remarks.
Tu étais le petit génie il y a une demi-heure.
Could you tell us what you fantasised you were going to do with this, this man Wilson?
Pouvez-vous nous dire ce que vous pensiez faire avec cet homme, ce Wilson?
If you were going to do a man in, what weapon would you use?
Si tu devais descendre un homme, quelle arme utiliserais-tu?
Even if you were to betray not just those of your generation, but yourself and the truth, you'll never find out what I'm going to do.
Tu aurais beau trahir non seulement ta génération, mais aussi toi et la vérité, tu ne sauras jamais ce que je ferai.
You knew damn well what they were going to do.
Vous saviez très bien ce qu'ils allaient faire!
That's what you were going to do to me.
Non? Laisse-moi passer.
I wondered what you were going to do when you went down from Cambridge.
Je me demandais ce que tu allais devenir une fois sorti de Cambridge.
I never had any problems knowing what you were going to do, Hosein.
Je ne me suis jamais fait de souci pour toi, Hosein.
You are going to do what I thought you were going to do.
Tu vas bien faire ce que je croyais que tu allais faire.
Now, what was it you were going to do?
Maintenant, quelles sont vos intentions?
I know what you were going to do.
Je sais ce que tu allais faire.
Listen to me, my son. I realized a long time ago that no matter what I thought or how I felt, you and your brother were going to do exactly as you felt anyway.
Ecoute, mon fils, j'ai compris depuis longtemps que je dois m'incliner, que ton frère et toi n'en feriez jamais qu'à votre tête.
Well, why didn't you tell me that's what you were going to do? I wake up this morning, you gone.
Pourquoi ne pas m'avoir dit que c'était ce que vous alliez faire?
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"Oui, je suis Daniel", et ça commence, hein? "enchanté", et commence ce qui peut terminer en... enfin, à condition qu'elle s'appelle Esther si elle s'appelle Alicia, elle continue son chemin, et même si on l'appelle Esther parfois elle ne réalise pas....... une fois, il y en avait une qui s'approchait, je l'ai appelée Esther elle s'est retournée et m'a dit : "Je suis José Luis" et rien ne s'est passé parce que c'est pas pour moi ce type de ni ce type ni aucun type, enfin, c'est pas mon genre, mes parents m'ont élevé d'une certaine façon et j'ai su les récompenser en honorant, disons....... ils m'ont élevé dans la liberté de penser ce que j'ai envie mais les choses se passaient d'une certaine façon il fallait aussi respecter son prochain, parce que chacun peut faire ce qu'il veut de sa vie, non?
What were you going to do with it?
Kay, ce ne sont pas des choses qui se disent.
Did you have it pretty well worked-out, what you were going to do?
Savais-tu exactement ce que tu faisais?

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