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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / What were you going to say

What were you going to say Çeviri Fransızca

175 parallel translation
But... But what? What were you going to say?
Pourtant... Pourtant quoi? Qu'allais-tu dire? Ça n'était pas ton père.
What were you going to say?
Qu'alliez-vous dire?
- What were you going to say?
- Vous alliez dire?
- No, go on, what were you going to say?
- Allez-y, qu'alliez-vous dire?
- What were you going to say?
Vous disiez?
Now, what were you going to say?
Alors, qu'allais-tu dire?
- No, what were you going to say?
Vas-y. - Qu'allais-tu dire?
What were you going to say, Phil?
Tu disais, Phil?
What were you going to say?
Qu'aviez-vous â dire?
What were you going to say, Mr. Laurence?
Qu'alliez-vous dire, monsieur Laurence?
What were you going to say?
- Qu'est-ce que tu allais dire?
What were you going to say?
Qu'alliez-vous dire.
What were you going to say?
Ce n'était pas important, ce... Qu'alliez-vous d...
Now, what were you going to say before we were interrupted?
Qu'allais-tu dire avant cette interruption?
What were you going to say?
- Oui. Qu'allais-tu dire?
- What were you going to say?
- Qu'allais-tu dire?
What were you going to say? What were you going to say?
Qu'est-ce que tu allais dire?
- What were you going to say?
- Tu disais?
What were you going to say earlier?
Que voulais-tu me dire là-bas?
What were you going to say?
Qu'est-ce que vous alliez dire?
- So, what were you going to say?
- Qu'est-ce que tu voulais me dire?
- What were you going to say?
- Qu'alliez-vous dire?
- No, what were you going to say?
- Vous, qu'alliez-vous dire?
What were you going to say?
Tu allais dire quoi?
What were you going to say?
Tu disais quoi?
What were you going to say, rolf?
- Tu disais, Rob?
Tell me what you were going to say to me.
Contez-moi ce que vous alliez me dire.
- Pardon me, what were you going to say?
- Pardon?
If they wanna know what we were talking about, say I was asking you if you were going to identify that shiv.
Si on vous interroge, dites que je vous demandais si vous identifieriez le surin.
I know what you were going to say, but I'm afraid you're a little too late.
Je sais ce que vous allez dire mais j'ai peur que vous soyez en retard.
What were you going to say?
Vous disiez?
Oh, not that you were a client of his, as you say, you hardly knew him but may I ask what were you going to see him about yesterday morning?
Vous n'étiez pas un de ses clients et le connaissiez à peine, mais... pourquoi teniez-vous à le voir, hier matin?
Did you forget what you were going to say?
Tu as oublié ce que tu allais dire?
Isn't that what you were going to say?
C'est ce que tu allais dire?
I thought for a moment I knew what you were going to say.
Je croyais soudain savoir ce que tu allais dire.
Is it true what one hears that they were, how do you say, sweethearts, and they were going to be married?
Est-ce vrai ce que l'on entend, qu'ils étaient... comment dire... amoureux, et qu'ils allaient se marier?
You can remember that? I wish you could remember what you were going to say to me, Lieutenant.
Vous aviez raison.
I know what you were going to say.
Je sais ce que tu veux dire.
Of course, if that is not what you were going to say.
Mais si ce n'est pas ce que tu allais dire...
What would you say if I told you that you were going to the Homecoming Dance tomorrow night?
Si je te disais que tu viens au bal demain soir?
I knew what you were going to say.
Je savais que tu allais me dire ça.
That's not what you were going to say.
Tu louvoies.
The words. what were the words he had you say to him while this was going on?
La manière dont Jarmon a établi sa compagnie, Petrovich ne prend rien. Il garde juste ses 10 ° / o.
tell me what you were going to say.
ce que vous n'osiez me dire tantôt.
"Big mistake." That is what you were going to say, right?
Et ça, c'était une... "Erreur monumentale". C'est ce que tu allais dire, non?
"Yes, I am Daniel," and there starts out, "pleased to meet you," and there starts out what could turn into... well, as long as her name is Esther, if shes called Alice she keeps going, it doesnt register either, however much you say Esther to her....... once, one was coming, I said, "Esther" she turned around and said, "My name is José Luis," and nothing started out because I dont go for that sort, that sort of neither that guy nor any other guy, I mean, it isnt my thing, my parents brought me up in a certain manner and I have seen my way to responding to that education, honoring, honoring it, let us say, I was educated in the freedom to be able to think whatever I feel like, but yes, things were done in a certain manner ; it was also necessary to respect others, because each person could do what he or she wanted with her life, right?
"Oui, je suis Daniel", et ça commence, hein? "enchanté", et commence ce qui peut terminer en... enfin, à condition qu'elle s'appelle Esther si elle s'appelle Alicia, elle continue son chemin, et même si on l'appelle Esther parfois elle ne réalise pas....... une fois, il y en avait une qui s'approchait, je l'ai appelée Esther elle s'est retournée et m'a dit : "Je suis José Luis" et rien ne s'est passé parce que c'est pas pour moi ce type de ni ce type ni aucun type, enfin, c'est pas mon genre, mes parents m'ont élevé d'une certaine façon et j'ai su les récompenser en honorant, disons....... ils m'ont élevé dans la liberté de penser ce que j'ai envie mais les choses se passaient d'une certaine façon il fallait aussi respecter son prochain, parce que chacun peut faire ce qu'il veut de sa vie, non?
Was that the opposite of what you were going to say or was that just your natural instinct?
Etait-ce... le contraire de ce que tu allais dire, ou était-ce ton instinct naturel?
Sorry, I thought I knew what you were going to say then, but I don't.
Je croyais savoir ce que t'allais dire, mais non.
Don't tell me that's what you were going to say.
Vous n'alliez pas me dire ça?
What did your professor say when you told him you were going to publish the editorial?
Qu'ont dit vos professeurs quand vous leur avez parlé de votre article?
Finish what you were going to say.
Dites ce que vous alliez dire.

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