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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / When were you gonna tell me

When were you gonna tell me Çeviri Fransızca

194 parallel translation
So when were you gonna tell me about the three after?
Quand t'avais prévu de me parler des autres 3 000?
When were you gonna tell me?
Quand pensais-tu me le dire?
When were you gonna tell me that you're in a choir?
Tu ne m'avais pas dit que tu chantais dans un choeur!
When were you gonna tell me?
Vous alliez me le dire?
When were you gonna tell me?
Quand est-ce que tu allais me le dire?
- When were you gonna tell me?
Tu comptais me le dire quand?
- When were you gonna tell me this?
Quand me l'aurais-tu dit?
When were you gonna tell me?
Quand allais-tu me le dire?
- When were you gonna tell me?
- Il nie ce droit? - Minute. - Tu m'as rien dit?
When were you gonna tell me about the $ 3 million... we got in from San Francisco two days after I was arrested?
Quand allais-tu me parler des trois millions de dollars... qu'on a eus de San Francisco deuxjours après que j'aie été arrêté?
When were you gonna tell me about this?
Quand allais-tu m'en parler?
- When were you gonna tell me?
- Tu allais m'en parler quand?
- When were you gonna tell me?
- Tu comptais m'en parler?
When were you gonna tell me?
Quand allais-tu me le dire? Le jour de ton départ?
- When were you gonna tell me?
- Quand allais-tu me le dire?
And when were you gonna tell me this?
Et tu comptais me le dire quand?
When were you gonna tell me you're shagging a Latina?
Fallait dire que tu sautais une fille du coin.
So when were you gonna tell me you were shagging a Latina?
Fallait dire que tu sautais une fille du coin.
- When were you gonna tell me this?
- Vous alliez m'en parler quand? - Maintenant.
When were you gonna tell me about Angela Blake?
Tu comptais me le dire quand, pour Angela Blake?
When were you gonna tell me that we were workin'John?
Quand allais-tu me dire qu'on était là pour travailler?
When were you gonna tell me about it if I hadn't called you here?
Et quand comptais-tu me mettre au courant?
When were you gonna tell me about that?
Tu comptais m'en parler quand?
When were you gonna tell me?
- Quand allais-tu m'en parler?
When were you gonna tell me about the girl, Jack?
Quand allais-tu me parler de la fille, Jack?
When were you gonna tell me this?
Quand allais-tu me dire ça?
Milwau... well, when were you gonna tell me, you know, your boyfriend?
Milwau... tu allais m'en parler quand? À ton propre copain?
When were you gonna tell me about the $ 65,000?
Vous comptiez me parler des 65 000 dollars?
All right, when were you gonna tell me about this?
Ok. Quand comptiez-vous m'en parler?
When were you gonna tell me about Jack's alibi?
Quand allais-tu me dire à propos de l'alibi de Jack?
- When were you gonna tell me about this?
- Tu allais m'en parler quand?
When were you gonna tell me?
Tu comptais me le dire quand?
When were you gonna tell me?
Quand comptiez-vous me le dire?
When were you gonna tell me you're in a band?
Tu allais m'en parler quand, de ton groupe?
When were you gonna tell me?
Quand comptais-tu m'en parler?
When were you gonna tell me about getting shot at by the Russians?
La fusillade des Russes, tu comptais en parler quand?
So when were you gonna tell me about this?
Et tu comptais me le dire quand?
And when were you gonna tell me?
Et quand allais-tu me le dire?
- When were you gonna tell me.
- Quand comptais-tu me le dire?
I saw your car in the alley, but no one could tell me when you were gonna be here... when I'd actually see you.
J'ai vu ta voiture mais j'ignorais si j'allais te voir.
When were you gonna tell me?
Alors? Quand comptais-tu me le dire?
When the hell were you gonna tell me?
Vous allez finir par me le dire?
When were you gonna tell me you were dating freaky teeth guy?
Comment t'as fait?
So I guess any petty bickering about when you were gonna tell me... -... is pretty much out of the question. - Oh, please.
Je suppose que la moindre querelle à propos de quand tu comptais me l'annoncer est hors sujet pour l'instant?
And when exactly were you gonna tell me about this?
Tu allais me prévenir quand?
And you were gonna tell me about this when?
Quand avais-tu l'intention de m'en parler?
When I was gonna detach formation, you said you were gonna tell me something. You remember?
Avant que je quitte la formation, tu voulais me parler.
Just when did you think you were gonna tell me?
Vous pensiez me l'annoncer quand?
And when were you gonna tell me that you were leaving?
Et... quand allais-tu me dire que tu partais?
And when you do, you're gonna tell the world about me... like you were gonna do before I stopped you.
Et quand tu le feras, tu diras au monde à propos de moi. Comme tu l'aurais fait avant que je ne t'arrête.
When were you gonna tell me that?
Quand alliez-vous me le dire?

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