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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Where have you come from

Where have you come from Çeviri Fransızca

160 parallel translation
Well, where have you come from?
D'où viens-tu?
Where have you come from?
D'où venez-vous?
- Where have you come from?
D'où viens-tu?
- Where have you come from?
Vous venez d'où?
Where have you come from?
Where have you come from?
D'où viens-tu? Ton avion s'est écrasé?
- Where have you come from?
- Tu viens d'où? - De Thessalie.
Where have you come from?
D'où arrivez-vous?
Only to think how long it is since we last met... where have you come from now?
Quand j'y pense, depuis combien d'années on ne s'est pas vu... D'où arrivez-vous maintenant?
- Where have you come from?
- D'où viens-tu?
Where have you come from?
D'où tu sors?
Where have you come from?
D'où est-ce que tu viens?
Where have you come from?
D'où vous venez? C'est possible?
- Where have you come from anyway?
- D'où êtes-vous déjà?
Where have you come from?
D'ou viens-tu?
Dear golly, where have you come from then?
Alors, d'ou venez-vous?
Where have you come from?
D'ou venez-vous?
Where have you come from, creature?
Mais d'où sors-tu créature?
- Where have you come from?
- d'où es-tu venu?
"Tell us, you, who has brought this misfortune, where have you come from?"
" toi qui nous as apporté ce malheur, que fais tu? D'où viens-tu?
Where have you come from?
Vous venez d'où?
Come on, let's have it. Who are you? Where'd you come from?
Allez, dites-nous qui vous êtes et d'où vous venez.
I and my genial troupe come to you directly from our triumphs abroad where we have played before all of the crowned heads of Europe.
Ma troupe de génie et moi arrivons directement de l'étranger où nous avons joué devant les têtes couronnées d'Europe.
Who else! Where have you come from?
Qui d'autre?
Why don't you ask where I have come from?
Petite sœur!
You know, where I come from... I have the right to be picked out of a lineup.
Dans mon pays, on aligne plusieurs suspects.
Where have you come from?
- D'oû venez-vous?
You have nothing like that where you come from? Nothing.
Vous n'avez rien de tel là d'où vous venez?
I'll accept that you found a body, but I still want to know where you come from and why you have no passport.
Admettons que vous ayez trouvé un corps. Ça ne me dit toujours pas d'où vous venez et pourquoi vous êtes sans passeport.
You have returned to where you come from.
Retourne d'où tu viens!
Didn't you have one where you come from?
Votre famille n'en avait pas?
I could have you both carted back where you come from in irons.
Je pourrais vous faire ramener dans les fers...
I don't know where you come from but they must not have given you much love when you was a little girl.
Je sais pas d'où vous venez. Mais y avait pas beaucoup d'amour chez vous.
Don't they have girls where you come from?
Il n'y a pas de filles, là d'où vous venez?
Where have you come from?
- Et d'où viens-tu?
From where have you come?
T'arrives d'où?
Where might you have come from, laddie?
D'où viens-tu, mon garçon?
You know, where I come from, we have a saying.
Vous savez, d'où je viens nous avons un dicton.
How have you come now, and from where?
Par où vins-tu et d'où?
You know, back where I come from... they have this quaint old custom...
Vous savez, dans mon pays, il y a une vieille tradition
But to get there... you have to come out from where you are... so that they'll let you come home to Rex... and to me.
Mais pour y aller, il faut que tu sortes d'où tu te trouves. Pour qu'ils te laissent rentrer auprès de Rex et de moi.
They have no idea where you come from.
Ils n'ont pas idée de tes origines.
Where you come from, you must have done something.
D'o - tu viens, tu faisais bien quelque chose.
Have you never... listened to other people's conversations on the bus... or on the Tube, seen people, somebody on the street... that looks interesting or is behaving... slightly... oddly or something like that and wondered... what their lives involved, what they do... where they come from, where they go to?
Vous n'avez jamais écouté des conversations dans le bus ou le métro, trouvé quelqu'un intéressant, ou remarqué un comportement étrange, puis vous demander de quoi est faite leur vie, d'où ils viennent, où ils vont?
Where I come from we have a word for people like you.
Là d'où je viens y a un nom pour les gens comme vous.
But when you compare it to a country like Chile where even the leaders of the opposition come from the upper class a guy like me would have no shot.
Mais quand vous comparez cela pour un pays comme le Chili Où même les leaders de l'opposition proviennent de la classe supérieure Un mec comme moi n'aurait pas prise.
Well, do you have any thoughts then on where this passion... - might've come from?
Alors, auriez-vous une idée... sur l'origine de cette passion?
You may not have seen any... where you come from.
J'imagine que vous n'avez pas dû en voir beaucoup... dans vos campagnes!
Lady, I don't know who you are or where you come from, but you obviously don't have the slightest idea who you're dealing with.
Je ne sais pas d'où vous venez, ni qui vous êtes, mais vous ne savez pas à qui vous avez affaire.
But years from now, when you're old and have children of your own, what would you give to come back and fight this one day? This one day where you could have made a difference? Where you could have told Scott Tenorman,
Mais plus tard, quand à votre tour, vous aurez des enfants, vous regretterez de ne pas avoir combattu, à l'époque où vous auriez pu changer les choses et dire à Scott Tenorman :
I don't know where you come from, but it seems we have a lot in common.
Je ne connais pas encore ton nom, mais je pense que nous avons pas mal de choses en commun.

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