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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Who was that on the phone

Who was that on the phone Çeviri Fransızca

95 parallel translation
Who was that on the phone?
C'était qui?
Who was that on the phone?
- Qui c'était, au téléphone?
- Darling, who was that on the phone?
- Dis-le-moi.
Who was that on the phone?
- Qui était au téléphone?
By the way, who was that on the phone from Tibet?
C'était quoi, cet appel du Tibet?
Who was that on the phone?
- Qui a téléphoné?
Who was that on the phone, Marie-Ange?
- Qui t'a téléphoné? Marie-Ange - ah non...
Who was that on the phone just now?
Qui t'appelait?
- Who was that on the phone?
Qui t'a appelé, au téléphone?
Then who was that on the phone?
Qui était-ce au téléphone?
Who was that on the phone?
Qui c'était au téléphone?
Who was that on the phone?
C'était pour qui le téléphone?
Who was that on the phone? Only your wife.
- À qui tu parlais?
- Who was that on the phone?
- Qui c'était, au téléphone?
- Who was that on the phone?
- Qui était au téléphone?
- Who was that on the phone?
Qui c'était?
Who was that on the phone?
C'était qui au téléphone?
- Who was that on the phone?
- C'était qui, au téléphone?
- So who was that on the phone?
Alors qui était au téléphone?
- C'était qui au téléphone?
Who was that on the phone?
- Qui as-tu eu au téléphone?
Who was that on the phone?
Qui était-ce?
Who was that on the phone?
C'était qui, au téléphone?
Then who was that on the phone?
- Non. Alors, qui appelait?
- Who was that on the phone?
- Qui était-ce au téléphone?
Who was that on the phone?
Qui était-ce au téléphone?
- Who was that on the phone, Rita?
C'était qui, au téléphone?
Who was that on the phone just now?
C'était qui au téléphone?
I was wondering who that was on the phone.
Je me demande qui a téléphoné.
Do you know who that was on the phone?
Tu sais qui c'était?
That was a woman who just called you on the phone, wasn't it?
C'est une femme qui vient de vous appeler, n'est-ce pas?
- Who was that on the phone?
C'était qui?
The guy who answered said that Jenny was too busy working to come to the phone.
On m'a dit que Jenny était trop occupée pour répondre.
You tell me who was on the other end of that phone, and I'll make it quick.
Dites-moi qui était à l'autre bout de fil, et j'abrège votre agonie.
Do you know who that was on the phone?
Tu sais qui c'était au téléphone?
- Who was that woman on the phone?
- Qui est la femme qui a appelé?
So who was that boy on the phone today?
Alors qui était ce garçon au téléphone?
That's funny because Jack was just wondering why the crazy lady who spent the last hour chain smoking and talking on her cell phone while her kid ate sand would come over to two strangers and give them parenting advice.
C'est drôle, Jack s'étonnait justement qu'une folle fumant comme un pompier et plus à l'écoute de son portable que de son gosse ose donner des conseils à deux parfaits inconnus.
No, really, I appreciate you being cool about the phone thing... because I once went on a date with this guy who got so angry I was on the phone... that he grabbed it out of my hand, and he threw it in the fish tank.
Merci de supporter mes coups de fil. Un de mes ex avait craqué et balancé mon portable dans l'aquarium.
Okay. First off, i don't even want to know who was on the other end of that phone.
Pour commencer, je ne veux même pas savoir qui t'appelait.
Last night on the phone, she told me that she was gonna meet someone, but she didn't say who.
Hier soir, au téléphone, elle m'a dit qu'elle allait rencontrer quelqu'un, mais elle ne m'a pas dit qui.
Who was that on the phone?
- Qui était-ce au téléphone?
Get me the Perry file and find out who that was on the phone so I can fire him.
Sortez le dossier Perry, trouvez qui m'a appelé, que je le vire.
Mr. Henley, who abducted his former wife at gunpoint, went to great lengths to give her family the impression that she had run away, even going so far as to force Ms. Barrister to leave a message on her fiance's cell phone that indicated she was
M. Henley, qui a enlevé son ex-femme la menaçant d'une arme, s'est donné beaucoup de mal pour faire croire à sa famille que celle-ci avait fui, jusqu'au point de forcer Mlle Barrister à laisser un message sur le portable de son fiancé pour lui faire croire qu'elle allait bien et qu'elle rentrerait bientôt.
Who was that you were talking to on the phone earlier?
Vous parliez à qui au téléphone tout à l'heure?
That's a lie, Michael,'cause we have a witness that saw you in his truck yesterday, and you're also the last person who called him with this phone right here that, by the way, was inside your pocket.
Tu mens, Michael, on a un témoin qui t'a vu dans sa dépanneuse hier, et tu es la dernière personne à l'avoir appelé avec ce téléphone qui, en passant, était dans ta poche.
Then will you tell me who it was I spoke on the phone with that time?
Alors peux-tu me dire qui j'ai eu au téléphone l'autre jour?
Hey, who was that on the phone?
C'était qui?
Who was that woman on the phone?
Qui était cette femme au téléphone?
Is that who Ashley was talking to on the phone all night? Ben?
c'est a lui que parlait Ashley au telephone toute la nuit, Ben?
Congressman, I was on the phone this very day with the Governor of Texas who told me personally that all of his Congressional district are gonna vote no on the bill.
J'ai appelé le gouverneur du Texas aujourd'hui. Il m'a dit lui-même que les représentants des districts rejetteront la loi.

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