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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Why don't you come over here

Why don't you come over here Çeviri Fransızca

175 parallel translation
Why don't you have Kathy come over here?
Demande donc à Kathy de venir!
Why don't you come over here?
Viens ici.
Why don't you come over here and jump on the bumper.
Venez donc sauter sur les pare-chocs.
Say, why don't you come over here and sit down?
Venez donc vous asseoir ici.
Why don't you come over here too?
Pourquoi n'approcherais-tu pas, toi aussi?
Why don't you come on over here.
Viens donc, rapproche-toi.
Why don't you come over here next to me?
Viens donc t'asseoir à côté de moi.
Why don't you come over here and swap words with Mr Johnson.
Viens par ici tenir compagnie à M. Johnson.
Why don't you come over here and help.
- Si tu aidais! Conseiller!
Why don't you just come over here where you should be?
T'en fais pas pour là où vous devriez être, venez à votre place.
Why don't you come over here and sit down? Hmm?
Venez donc vous asseoir.
Why don't you come over here and tell us funny stories about model agencies.
Toi! Raconte-nous les dessous de la vie de mannequin.
Listen... why don't you come over here tonight?
Ecoutez, venez chez moi cette nuit.
Why don't you just sort of ask her to come on over here and talk?
Mais la vérité était que, tout ce qu'il a fait, il l'a fait pour lui-même.
Why don't you come over here and let me see your claws?
Faites venir Tigerman. Il a été affecté à une de vos sœurs.
- Why don't you come back over here?
- Si vous reveniez ici?
- Why don't you come over here?
- Si tu venais ici?
Why don't you come over here and cheer me up? I need it.
Viens me réconforter un peu, j'en ai besoin.
Why don't you come over and take a seat anywhere over here.
Je vous prie de bien vouloir vous asseoir.
Why don't you come over here and sit on my lap?
Tu veux venir t'asseoir sur mes genoux?
Okay, why don't you go over there... and invite them to come over here and join us, okay?
Tu devrais les inviter à notre table.
Why don't you come over here and say goodbye nicely?
Pourquoi ne viendrais tu pas ici et dire aurevoir gentillement?
Why don't you come over here and get it?
Viens en chercher!
Then why don't you come over here and give me a kiss good morning.
Alors pourquoi tu viens pas m'embrasser pour me souhaiter une bonne journée?
Why don't you come over here, Charley?
Viens donc par là...
- Why don't you come over here?
- Pourquoi tu ne viens pas ici?
Why don't you come on over here?
Nous mangerons ensemble.
Krissie, why don't you come over here?
Viens par ici. Je te prépare un rail.
Why don't you come over here and tell me no?
Approche et redis-moi non.
Why don't you come over here?
Viens donc ici.
Sam, why don't you come over here?
Sam, pourquoi tu viens pas là?
Why don't you come over here with me and lie down?
Viens t'allonger à côté de moi.
- Why don't you come over here?
- Et si tu montais, toi? - Pourquoi?
Viens par ici que je te voie.
Why don't you come on over here, sit down, relax a little bit.
Tu veux pas venir t'asseoir ici, te relaxer un peu?
Mr. Munro, why don't you come over here and have a seat?
M. Munro, veuillez vous mettre ici... et asseyez-vous.
Why don't you come on over here, sit down and relax.
Viens t'asseoir et mets-toi à l'aise.
Son, listen, why don't you come over here with me.
Viens, fiston, suis-moi.
Billy, why don't you come on over here and piss with me?
Billy, pourquoi tu viens pas ici pisser avec moi?
Why don't you guys come over here and sit on the couch?
Pourquoi n'allez-vous pas vous asseoir sur le sofa?
Why don't you come over here and sit down beside me.
Viens t'asseoir à côté de moi.
Louise, why don't you come over here and give me a little piece of what you got goin'on?
Louise, pourquoi tu ne viens pas là, me montrer ce que tu trimballes?
Uh, why don't you come over here... and make yourself more comfortable?
Viens par ici et mets-toi à l'aise.
Why don't you come over here and make yourself comfortable?
Toi, viens par ici et mets-toi à l'aise.
Why don't you come lay over here and get comfortable?
Tu viens là et tu te mets à l'aise.
Come over here. Why don't you, come on.
Tu veux pas venir chérie?
Why don't you just come over here?
T'as qu'à venir nous voir.
I'm comin'over there! - Why don't you come over here!
- Viens, je t'attends...
Why don't you come over here?
Pourquoi tu ne viens pas... plus près?
Why don't you guys come over here?
Approchez, tout le monde.
- Why don't you come over here?
- Venez donc par là.

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