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Why don't you go ahead Çeviri Fransızca

426 parallel translation
Why don't you guys go ahead.
Pourquoi vous n'allez pas de l'avant les gars.
Why don't you go ahead and try making it?
Pourquoi ne prenez vous pas les devants pour essayer de le faire?
Well, why don't you go ahead and do it?
Alors, prouve-le!
Why don't you go ahead and serve it, then.
Pourquoi n'êtes-vous pas venu le délivrer?
Well, why don't you go ahead?
Charlie, why don't you let the young men go ahead, so long as they're here?
Laisse donc ces jeunes hommes continuer tant qu'ils sont là.
- Go ahead then, why don't you?
- Tu n'oserais pas!
I don't know what would interest you, but - If you want to, why, go ahead.
Il n'y a rien d'intéressant, mais allez-y.
Go ahead, ask me some questions about it. Go ahead, ask me, why don't you?
Allez-y, posez-moi des questions.
- Why don't you and André go ahead and have lunch?
Pourquoi André et vous n'allez pas déjeuner? Eh bien!
Why don't you go down ahead and look Granger over?
Pourquoi ne pas me devancer et visiter Granger?
Go ahead and shoot! Why don't you shoot?
Pourquoi ne tirez-vous pas?
Why don't you go ahead, Mr. Martin? You got a big day tomorrow.
Allez-y M. Martin, la journée de demain sera longue.
Look, why don't you go ahead and wash up.
Pourquoi ne vas-tu pas te rafraîchir?
Why don't you go ahead with your new idea until you're ready and then get them to form a new committee?
Pourquoi ne pas développer votre nouvelle idée jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit prête et à ce moment-là faire former un nouveau comité?
Look, why don't you go ahead without me?
Pourquoi ne pars-tu pas sans moi?
Why don't you go ahead, I'll wait for you.
Je t'attendrai.
Go ahead! Why don't you have your bugler blow the charge too?
Pourquoi ne sonnez-vous pas aussi la charge?
Why don't you go ahead and really spoil them for her?
Tu veux les lui gâcher completement?
Well, why don't you go on ahead, then and I'll meet you there.
Pourquoi tu n'irais pas maintenant et que je t'y retrouve?
Connie, why don't you go ahead?
Connie... Allez dans le compartiment...
Why don't you girls go ahead and talk girl talk.
On va vous laisser parler entre femmes.
Why don't you go on ahead?
Passez devant, je vous rejoins.
Look, uh, why don't you two go ahead and sit down.
Pourquoi ne pas aller vous asseoir.
Why don't you go ahead, and I'll meet you there.
Allez-y, je vous rejoindrai.
Oh, look, why don't you go ahead and have a good time.
Va donc t'amuser un peu.
- Why don't you hit him? Go ahead. - 16 points.
Rentre-lui dedans.
If you're not gonna remember me for anything else, why don't you just go ahead?
Si c'est la seule chose qui te fera te souvenir de moi, vas-y.
Why don't you go ahead and tell me your story?
Allez-y, racontez-moi votre histoire.
Well, why, if you like it that much, why then... Why don't we just go ahead and take it?
Eh bien, si ça te plaît tant que ça, on n'a qu'à le prendre, non?
Why don't you just go ahead by yourself this time, Maloney?
Allez-y tout seul. Nous, on laisse tomber.
Mary Tate and Anita are over at the club... so why don't you all go ahead and...
- Mary Tate et Anita sont au club. Allez-y et je vous rejoins plus tard, d'accord?
Why don't you go on ahead.
Why don't you go ahead without me?
Vous devriez y aller sans moi.
Look, why don't you guys go ahead with your work and just pretend i'm not around.
Continuez votre travail. Vous occupez pas de moi.
Why don't you just go ahead and call her?
Pourquoi tu te lances pas et l'appelle?
Why don't you go ahead. I'll catch up with you at the opera.
Pars de suite, je te rejoindrai à l'opéra.
Why don't you go ahead and forage... and me and a few of the lads'll stay behind and guard the boat?
Pourquoi ne partez vous pas devant chercher de la nourriture... et moi et quelques gars on restera derrière et on gardera le bateau?
Why don't you go ahead?
Si vous me devanciez?
- Tell you what, sweetheart, why don't you go ahead, order two lunches and eat them yourself.
- Ecoute, mon chéri, pourquoi ne pars-tu pas devant, commande deux déjeuners et tu les manges toi-même.
Why don't you go ahead?
Vas-y, j'arrive.
Hey, Wade. Why don't you go ahead and make your move?
- Wade, va la draguer.
Why don't you go ahead.
Retourne au micro.
Why don't you go ahead and try it?
Si tu essayais?
Why don't you just go ahead?
Tu peux y aller.
You know what, George why don't you go ahead.
Tu sais, George, tu devrais y aller d'abord.
Why don't you go ahead and sit down?
Mets-toi à l'aise.
Mr. Wolchezk, why don't you go ahead and make that announcement?
Vous pouvez annoncer la nouvelle.
Why don't you just go ahead and say it.
Vous attendez quoi pour le dire?
Why don't you go ahead and do whatever it is that you do —
vas-y et fais les trucs que tu fais —
All right, why don't you go ahead?
Moi, je vais chercher Cherine.

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