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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Why is he doing that

Why is he doing that Çeviri Fransızca

60 parallel translation
- Why is he doing that?
- Pourquoi fait-il ça?
- David, why is he doing that?
- Pourquoi fait-il ça?
- Addison, why is he doing that?
- Addison, qu'est-ce qui lui arrive?
Why is he doing that?
- Qu'est-ce que c'est?
Why is he doing that?
Pourquoi il fait ça?
Why is he doing that now?
- Pourquoi il fait ça?
Why is he doing that here?
Je sais pas pourquoi il fait ça ici.
( whispers ) Why is he doing that?
pourquoi fait-il ça?
Why is he doing that?
Pourquoi fait-il cela?
Why is he doing that?
No, he can't Why is he doing that?
Non, il peut pas. Pourquoi il fait ça?
- Why is he doing that?
- Pourquoi il fait ça?
- Why is he doing that?
Pourquoi il fait ça?
Why is he doing that?
Pourquoi il fait ca? II arrete pas?
Now, if he was gay, why is he doing that?
S'il était gay, pourquoi ferait-il ça?
- Why is he doing that, Jerry?
Pourquoi fait-il ça, Jerry?
So I thought,'Why is he doing that? '
Alors j'ai pensé : "Pourquoi fait-il cela"?
Well, why is he doing that?
Pourquoi fait-il ça?
Why is he doing that?
Que fait-il?
Why is he doing that?
Oh mon Dieu.
Why is he doing that?
Pourquoi est-ce qu'il fait ça?
They got every cop in town huffing and puffing trying to find out who he is. Why are they doing that?
Tous les policiers s'évertuent à savoir qui il est.
That's why I came to you. I thought you could see him, talk to him and get him to stop this thing he's doing, whatever it is.
Peut-étre pourrez-vous le voir, lui parler... le convaincre de cesser son activité.
Il y a un cercueil.
Why is he doing that?
Pourquoi fait-il ça?
I heard Doc tell the captain that he was dangerous and capable of doing anything... which is why I came to get the knife.
J'ai entendu Doc dire au capitaine qu'il était dangereux. C'est pour ça que j'ai pris le couteau.
Why is he doing that?
[So why is that... the GNU project that's had so much lead-time, that's been doing this, Why... Why is it that he was able to kinda come in at the tail end so to speak]
Alors comment se fait-il que le projet de GNU qui existe depuis si longtemps, qui essaye de faire ça, comment se fait-il qu'à la fin il reste à la traine, d'une certaine façon?
Apparently, Clark is still doing his chores and that's why he blew us off.
Clark n'est pas là car il n'a pas fini ses corvées.
- Why the hell is he doing that?
- Il travaille. - Quelle idée, pourquoi donc?
Why'Lynne Warner, created a Tyrgyztan situation and I pay'I, and I swear to God I'm paranoid, I would think that is'sick of politics and he wants to get back to doing the director.
Warner joue la crise avec le Tyrgystan, et je suis le dindon de la farce, et si j'étais parano, je penserais qu'elle prépare son retour comme PDG lorsqu'elle arrêtera la politique.
He says that he's here to heal the world, but what he's doing threatens to tear everything apart, which is why I have no choice but to continue my campaign, to continue to be a voice for unity and cooperation,
Il dit qu'il est ici pour guérir le monde, mais ce qu'il fait, risque de tout détruire. C'est pourquoi je n'ai pas d'autre choix que de continuer ma campagne, pour continuer à défendre l'unité et la coopération, et pour offrir une alternative dont nous pourrons tous profiter.
Why are you doing that? Why is he —?
Pourquoi vous faites ça?
- Is that why Leif Christensen is with? - Why is he doing?
C'est pour ça que Leif Christensen est là?
Why is he not doing that himself? Oh.
Pourquoi il ne le fait pas lui-même?
I think he is doing a great job. Why, why, you don't think he's.. I, I, I think he's doing a fine job, but I don't tell him that I love him.
vous ne pensez pas qu'il... mais je ne lui dis pas que je l'aime.
So tell me, why did Matt come in gushing about how happy he is that we're doing the surgery?
Qu'est-ce que Matt fout là, à jubiler pour l'opération?
Then why is he doing this? Maybe because he's been a behind-the-scenes guy his entire life And now that he's turning 50,
Toute sa vie, il a été un homme de l'ombre, et à 50 ans, il voudrait sa part de gloire.
Okay, well, it still doesn't explain how and why somebody would sneak onto Garcia's camp site, drug him, shoot him and make it look like a suicide. What's interesting to me is that all this guy was doing... all he was doing was trying to save his marriage.
Ça n'explique pas comment et pourquoi avant de maquiller ça en suicide. c'était pour sauver son mariage.
And when they asked him why'd he keep doing it? He said, "Because that's where the money is."
Et quand ils lui demandaient pourquoi il continuait à faire ça, il disait "parce que c'est là que l'argent est".
Th I'm doing for Krieger, which is why he broke the server, to help Lana cover up that Ray and Mr. Archer are killing cops for a drug dealer and also Ray's been faking that he's paralyzed?
Dont je participe pour Krieger, ce pour quoi il a cassé le serveur, pour aider Lana à couvrir Ray et Archer à tué des flics pour un dealer et aussi Ray qui fait semblant d'être paralysé?
Why is he not doing that now?
Pourquoi ne refait-il pas?
And that's why I want to speak directly to him today and offer him my forgiveness if... .. if he will stop what he is doing,'give himself up and show genuine remorse and repentance.'
Et c'est pourquoi je veux m'adresser directement à lui aujourd'hui et lui offrir mon pardon si... il arrête ce qu'il fait, se rend, montre un sincère remords et se repente.
Well, the fact that you're doing this anyway, because it makes her happy, is possibly number one in the million reasons why I love you.
Hé bien, le fait que tu vas tout de même y aller pour lui faire plaisir est, possiblement, la principale raison qui fait que je t'aime.
Which is why you didn't want to hear how your golden boy was doing it, that he was out there trading top secret information to God knows who.
D'où votre refus de connaître les méthodes de votre protégé qui entretenait là-bas un trafic d'infos top secrètes... - Par pitié.
He's not really sure why he's doing that, but he is compelled to do it.
Il n'est pas sûr de savoir pourquoi, mais il est forcé à le faire.
And if we want to help Javi out, then the best thing that we can do is find out who Jared Stone is and why he is doing this, and some of those answers might be at his apartment.
Et si nous voulons aider Javi à sortir, alors la meilleure chose que nous pouvons faire est trouver qui est Jared Stone et pourqoi il fait ça, et une partie de ces réponses pourraient être dans son appartement.
Which is why I would like to tell him that we are doing as much for this country as he is.
- J'aimerais beaucoup pouvoir lui dire a quel point nos efforts pour le pays sont à la hauteur des siens.
Yeah, well, then why is he doing the whole thing with my mom and Hakeem like that?
Ouais, mais pourquoi fait-il tout ça - Avec ma mère et Hakeem comme ça? - Je sais, je sais

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