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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Why is he doing this

Why is he doing this Çeviri Fransızca

109 parallel translation
Why is he doing this?
Pourquoi est-ce qu'il fait ça?
- Why is he doing this?
- Pourquoi fait-il ceci?
And why is he doing this?
Et pourquoi il fait tout ça?
Why is he doing this?
Pourquoi fait-il ça?
Why is he doing this to me?
Pourquoi est-ce qu'il me fait ça?
Why is he doing this?
Pourquoi fait-il cela?
Why is he doing this?
Pourquoi il fait ça?
Why is he doing this?
Pourquoi fait-iL ca?
And why is he doing this?
Pourquoi fait-il ça?
- Why is he doing this here?
Pourquoi il fait ça, là?
Why is he doing this to me?
Pourquoi il me fait ça?
Why is he doing this?
Pourquoi il fait tout ça?
Why is he doing this to us?
Pourquoi nous fait-il ça?
Why is he doing this?
Pourquoi fait t'il tout ça?
Oh well, if He loves me so much, why is He doing this to me then?
S'll m'aime tant que ça, pourquoi me fait-ll ça?
Why is he doing this?
Qu'est qu'il...
- Why is he doing this?
- Pourquoi il fait ça?
why is he doing this now?
Pourquoi fait-il ça maintenant?
Why is he doing this to me?
Pourquoi me fait-il ça?
Why is he doing this to me?
Pourquoi me fait-il ce coup-là?
Why is he doing this?
Ouais, c'est Bauer. Pourquoi fait-il ça?
Why is he doing this?
Pourquoi fait-il ça? À nous?
Why is he doing this?
Pourquoi le fait-il?
Let me out! Why is he doing this?
Pourquoi il fait ça?
Then why is he doing this?
Pourquoi il fait ça?
I mean, why is he doing this?
Pourquoi il fait ça?
Ok, why is he doing this?
Alors, pourquoi fait-il ça?
- Yes. Why is he doing this, the bomber?
Pourquoi ce poseur de bombes fait ça?
So why is he doing this, then? Playing this game with you.
Pourquoi joue-t-il à ça avec vous?
Why is he doing this anyway?
Tu sais pourquoi il fait tout ça?
Why is he doing this?
Pourquoi faire ça?
Then why is he doing this? Maybe because he's been a behind-the-scenes guy his entire life And now that he's turning 50,
Toute sa vie, il a été un homme de l'ombre, et à 50 ans, il voudrait sa part de gloire.
Why is he doing this to her?
Pourquoi fait-il ça?
Why is he doing this?
- Pourquoi il fait ça?
Why is he doing this?
Quel est son but?
That's why I came to you. I thought you could see him, talk to him and get him to stop this thing he's doing, whatever it is.
Peut-étre pourrez-vous le voir, lui parler... le convaincre de cesser son activité.
Maybe we'll find an answer to why he is doing this.
Elle nous livrera peut-être des indices permettant de déchiffrer ses intentions.
- Why is he doing it this way?
- Pourquoi s'y prend-il ainsi?
- Why is she doing all this? - Maybe she sleeps with him... finds out he's married, and now she's pissed off.
Elle couche avec lui, apprend qu'il est marié.
- Why is he doing this?
Je t'en prie, je dois le faire. PASSAGE EN COURS Passage en cours. - Pourquoi fait-il ça?
[So why is that... the GNU project that's had so much lead-time, that's been doing this, Why... Why is it that he was able to kinda come in at the tail end so to speak]
Alors comment se fait-il que le projet de GNU qui existe depuis si longtemps, qui essaye de faire ça, comment se fait-il qu'à la fin il reste à la traine, d'une certaine façon?
Why is he doing this?
- On essaie de le savoir.
What is Leo doing with all this money, and why is he hiding it from me?
Que fait Leo de tout cet argent et pourquoi me l'a-t-il caché?
Why is he still doing this to me?
Pourquoi continue-t-il à me faire ça?
If this is real, why would he be doing this?
Et si tout ça est réel, pourquoi ferait-il ça?
The two most important questions to ask ourselves are, what is this guy doing with these women for 48 hours, and why is he willing to use his own son to abduct them?
Les 2 questions primordiales pour nous sont : Que fait-il de ces femmes pendant 48h? Et pourquoi utiliser son fils pour les enlever?
We need to tell people what this is about, why he's doing it.
Il faut dire au public pourquoi il le fait.
Why is he doing this?
- Pourquoi fait-il ça?
Okay, well, it still doesn't explain how and why somebody would sneak onto Garcia's camp site, drug him, shoot him and make it look like a suicide. What's interesting to me is that all this guy was doing... all he was doing was trying to save his marriage.
Ça n'explique pas comment et pourquoi avant de maquiller ça en suicide. c'était pour sauver son mariage.
I know why coach is doing this. He's punishing me for trying to leave early.
Il se venge parce que je veux devenir pro.
Why is he doing this to us?
Pourquoi il nous fait ça?

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