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Why would i do this Çeviri Fransızca

134 parallel translation
Why would I do this?
Pourquoi est-ce que je fais ça?
Why would I do this?
Pourquoi ferais-je ca?
- Why would I do this to rag you?
Je ne vais pas te taquiner! Pourquoi ferais-je ça pour te taquiner?
Why would I do this to my own business?
- Pourquoi je ferais ça à mon école?
if there was no crumb, why would I do this damn job?
Je ferais ce foutu boulot pour des prunes?
And now that you've been so good to me, and allowed me back into your home like no time has passed, why would I do this now?
Vous avez été si bons avec moi, vous m'avez accueilli chez vous comme au bon vieux temps, alors pourquoi je ferais ça maintenant?
And why would I do this?
Et pourquoi je ferai ça?
I've been doing this by myself for 3 years, why would I do it with Sung Min Ah now?
pourquoi devrais-je le faire avec Sung Min Ah maintenant?
I don't know why she would get so upset about this, do you?
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ça l'a contrariée.
I don't know why you would, since I had nothing to do with drawing up this ridiculous scheme.
je n'ai aucune envie d'y retourner!
I do not understand why a white man would come to this place.
Je ne comprends pas ce qu'un Blanc fait ici.
I just wanna know why you would do this to me.
Je veux savoir pourquoi tu m'as fait ça.
Why would someone do this to me? I never hurt anyone.
Je n'ai jamais fait de mal à personne.
He was just "afro." I don't know why somebody Would want to do this To him.
Pourquoi lui avoir fait ça?
I do not wish to insult someone who brought me wine but one does wonder why the successor to the great Curzon Dax would consent to serve upon a ship like this.
Je ne tiens pas à insulter quelqu'un qui m'a apporté du vin, mais on se demande pourquoi le successeur de Curzon Dax a accepté de servir à bord d'un vaisseau comme celui-ci.
Now, this would never happen to me. That is why I do my homework on Saturday.
Voilà pourquoi je fais mes devoirs le samedi.
Do you have any idea why someone would want to stop this film from being made?
Qui pourrait souhaiter l'i nterruption de ce tournage?
I mean, there is no thing. lt- - l'm freaked out and angry, and I don't understand why he would do something like this.
Il n'y a pas d'histoire. Je suis paniquée et en colère. Pourquoi a-t-il fait ça?
Why? So you can be king of Groundhog Day? Do you think I would do this for personal power?
Pour être le roi du Jour sans fin? Croyez-vous que je cherche la puissance? Elle...
Why would you do this? Well, I was thinking that if a party of 10 people was fun... that a party of 30 people would be twice as much fun.
J'ai pensé que si on s'amusait à 10, à 30 on s'amuserait deux fois plus.
Unless there's something you're not telling me I cannot think of a reason why someone would want to do this to us.
A moins que tu me caches quelque chose... il n'y a aucune raison pour que quelqu'un nous en veuille.
- Why would you do this? I gotta go.
Tu as laissé Rory s'énerver et paniquer, croyant l'avoir perdu.
I just can't understand why you would do this.
Je ne peux pas croire que tu ais pu faire une chose pareil, Hans.
Why would I want to when I can do this?
Alors que je peux faire ceci?
I can't understand why he would do this to Mike.
Pourquoi il aurait fait ça?
I don't understand why he would do this.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi il a fait ça.
I never would have hurt you! Why did you do this to me?
Jamais je ne t'aurais fait de mal!
I would give her 10 excellent medical reasons why we can't do this procedure.
Je lui donnerais dix raisons médicales qui nous interdisent cet examen.
What I don't get is, why would Billie do this to us?
Pourquoi Billie nous ferait ça?
I'm hazy as to why I would do this. But I distinctly recall those sort of shenanigans on the last season of "Mad About You."
Je sais pas vraiment pourquoi, mais ils faisaient ce genre de truc dans la dernière saison de Dingue de toi.
I don't know why you would think I would do Something like this for you.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi vous penseriez que je ferais quelque chose comme ça pour vous.
Oh, why did I say I would do this?
Pourquoi est-ce que j'ai dit que je le ferai?
Why do I would this pleasure?
Que me vaut le plaisir?
You Did All This For Your Own Enjoyment And Didn't Care What It Would Do To Me, Which Is Exactly Why You And I Could Never Work.
Tu as fait tout ça pour ton plaisir, sans te préoccuper de ce que ça me ferait, et c'est pour ça que ça ne pourra jamais marcher entre nous.
Do you think he would mind if I talked to him about why he's doing this?
Pensez-vous que je pourrais lui parler pour savoir pourquoi il fait ça?
So why exactly would I do this?
Pourquoi exactement je ferais ça?
So why, exactly, would I do this?
Pourquoi accepterais-je?
- I don't understand. Why would Horatio agree to do this? - Oh.
Moi, ce que je ne comprends pas, c'est la raison pour laquelle Horatio a accepté de faire ça.
Why would you do this? I don't know.
- Pourquoi est-ce que tu faisais ça?
I do this at home, why would I?
Les choses sur le net sont fausses.
I'm not saying you would want to do this at all, But if you were to do this, Why would you do it by yourself, am i right?
Je dis pas qu'on voudrait le faire tout court, mais si vous faisiez ça, pourquoi le faire tout seul, j'ai pas raison?
Why would she call you? Because she knows I can do this...
Parce qu'elle sait que je peux faire ça.
Exactly. So why would I do him this one last favor?
Alors, pourquoi lui rendrais-je service?
I don't know why anybody who's had this sex would do anything but have sex.
J'ignore comment quiconque qui ait vécu ça, veuille faire autre chose.
Why would they do this to you? I don't know.
J'ai des fringues dans ma voiture...
Why would I ask you to do any of this if I'm guilty? Why would I ask you to find out the truth if the truth was bad for me?
Si j'étais coupable, pourquoi je te demanderais de découvrir une vérité qui me nuirait?
I mean, there are many people who are capable, but, uh, I don't know why anyone would do something like this.
Beaucoup de gens en sont capables, mais je ne vois pas pourquoi on lui ferait ça.
I know, I know. Okay, Sir Barclay, hypothetically speaking, why would someone like yourself and your incredibly colorful and well-coordinated team do this to our store?
Ok, Monsieur Barclay, en théorie, pourquoi quelqu'un comme vous et votre, équipe haute en couleur et bien organisée, ferait ça à notre magasin?
- And I would do that why? - This could have something to do with the Lundy shooting.
- Une intuition sur l'affaire Lundy.
You see, I couldn't understand why someone would do this to Mr. Greeson now after all this time, unless time itself is running out.
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi on s'en prendrait à lui maintenant. Après toutes ces années, à moins que vous ne manquiez de temps.
I'm sure I'm gonna have nightmares about this drink. Why would you do that?
Je vais faire des cauchemars à propos de ce truc, pourquoi tu m'as fait ça?

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