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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Wilmer

Wilmer Çeviri Fransızca

85 parallel translation
Wilmer can take care of him.
Wilmer peut se charger de lui.
My technique is not so abrupt as Wilmer's.
Ma technique est plus douce que celle de Wilmer.
Why, I feel toward Wilmer exactly as if he were my own son.
Je considère Wilmer comme un fils.
- Lf your scheme were practical, which it isn't, what would prevent Wilmer from telling the police about the falcon and all of us?
- Si votre plan était viable, ce qui n'est pas le cas, qu'est-ce qui empêcherait Wilmer de parler du faucon et de nous tous?
My fondness for Wilmer renders it impossible.
Mon affection pour Wilmer rend ceci impossible.
Wilmer, lock that door.
Wilmer, ferme cette porte.
It's gonna be Wilmer.
Et je choisis Wilmer.
What do you think of the idea, Wilmer?
Que penses-tu de cette idée, Wilmer?
- Now, now, Wilmer.
- Du calme, Wilmer.
- Now, now, Wilmer.
- Allons, Wilmer.
Poor Wilmer.
Pauvre Wilmer.
Just why did Wilmer kill Thursby, and how did he kill Captain Jacobi?
Pourquoi Wilmer a-t-il descendu Thursby et comment a-t-il tué le capitaine Jacobi?
So Wilmer followed him to his hotel and did what he did.
Alors Wilmer l'a suivi à son hôtel et a fait le nécessaire.
If Wilmer killed both of them with the same gun then the bullets will match.
Si Wilmer les as tués tous deux avec la même arme, les balles seront identiques.
Wilmer, you'll go, of course.
Wilmer, tu seras du voyage, bien sûr.
And a kid named Wilmer Cook.
Et un gamin du nom de Wilmer Cook.
Shot to death by Wilmer Cook.
Liquidé par Wilmer Cook.
Never mind, Wilmer.
Assez, Wilmer.
That's ridiculous. I feel towards Wilmer here just exactly as if he were my own son.
Je considère Wilmer comme un fils.
Really, I do. But if I even for a moment thought of doing what you propose what in the world would keep Wilmer from telling the police every last detail about the falcon and all- -
Et, quand bien même... qui empêcherait Wilmer de leur raconter l'histoire du faucon?
Well, what do you think of this, Wilmer?
Qu'en penses-tu, Wilmer? C'est drôle, non?
Now, how would you be able to fix it so that Wilmer couldn't do us any harm?
Comment vous arrangerez-vous pour neutraliser Wilmer?
I can show Bryan, our DA, that if he goes around tryin'to collect everybody he'll have a tangled case but if he sticks to Wilmer here, he can get a conviction standing on his head.
Je démontrerai à Bryan que s'il essaie de nous arrêter tous, ça sera coton! Mais que s'il s'en tient à Wilmer, il le fera condamner!
Now, now, Wilmer.
Assez, Wilmer.
Then in exchange for the $ 10,000 and Wilmer you'll give us the falcon and an hour or two of grace.
Contre 10000 $ et Wilmer, vous nous donnerez le faucon et 2 heures d'avance.
So Wilmer followed him back to the hotel and did what he did.
Alors Wilmer l'a suivi et a fait le nécessaire.
And at that juncture you decided to slip me a Mickey.
Et j'ai eu Wilmer aux fesses!
Mr. Cairo and Wilmer and I went to call on Captain Jacoby.
M. Cairo, Wilmer et moi sommes allés voir Jacoby.
No, not intentionally. Though, we, or Wilmer at least, were responsible for the fire.
Involontairement, bien que Wilmer en fût responsable.
While the rest of us were talking in the cabin, Wilmer went about the boat trying to find the falcon.
Pendant notre discussion, Wilmer quitta le bateau. Il cherchait le faucon et il a été imprudent avec des allumettes.
I sent Wilmer downstairs to cover the fire escape before ringing the bell.
J'ai envoyé Wilmer barrer l'issue de secours.
Wilmer shot Jacoby as he was coming down the fire escape shot him more than once, but Jacoby was too tough to fall or drop the falcon. He climbed down the rest of the way, knocked Wilmer over, and ran off.
Wilmer a tiré sur Jacoby, lequel, costaud, n'a pas lâché le faucon, a assommé Wilmer et s'est enfui.
Wilmer, I'm sorry to lose you, but I want you to know I couldn't be fonder of you if you were my own son.
Wilmer, navré de te perdre... Je t'aimais comme un fils.
That's something I'd expect from someone Wilmer's age.
C'est bon pour les jeunots comme Wilmer!
Here it is : Jacoby and Thursby were killed by a kid named Wilmer Cook.
Jacoby et Thursby ont été tués par Wilmer Cook.
Dumped out of a car on Third and Wilmer, about a half an hour ago.
Balancé d'une voiture au coin de la 3è et de Wilmer il y a une demi-heure.
My late husband, Wilmer H. Millett III always said that he...
Mon défunt mari, Wilmer Millet le 3e, disait toujours...
Spit it out, Wilmer.
Alors accouche, Wilmer.
Lenny is dead. Wilmer's wrapped up like a mummy in County General.
Lenny est mort, et Wilmer est dans un lit d'hôpital.
Wilmer knows.
Demandez à Wilmer.
What room's Wilmer in?
Dans quelle chambre est-il?
I know what Wilmer told Sinclair's goon, but the rocket ain't in hangar three.
Désolé, patron, le colis n'était pas dans le hangar.
Wilmer McLean at your service.
Wilmer McLean, pour vous servir.
Maybe I don't have to do it this way... but I am so into this, I get the feeling I'm Wilmer Todd.
Je m'y prends peut-être mal. Je suis tellement dans mon truc que j'ai l'impression d'être seul.
Comrade Wilmer.
Camarade Wilmer.
Yes, comrade Wilmer.
Oui, camarade Wilmer.
Wilmer wants you to come.
Wilmer veut que tu y ailles.
That's how Wilmer will stab your mommy and then he'll cut her throat.
C'est comme ça que Wilmer poignardera ta mère, et ensuite il coupera sa gorge.
Wilmer, Juan's too small, he's not to blame.
Wilmer, Juan est trop petit, il n'est pas à blâmer.
You have just become the top of my list of enemies You have just leapt right past Wilmer Valderrama
Tu es en tête de ma liste d'ennemis, juste au-dessus de Wilmer Valderrama.
- Lieutenant Terry Wilmer.
Lieutenant Wilmer.

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