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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Woolworth

Woolworth Çeviri Fransızca

87 parallel translation
On trip back, I take you up in Woolworth Building.
Un jour, on montera sur un gratte-ciel.
I'll take 5 and 10 in Woolworth.
Je préfère aller à la maison.
I ever get back, I'll have a swell law office in the Woolworth Building. Have it all picked out on the 28th floor. You can see the whole city, the bay, Brooklyn.
Si j'en reviens, j'ouvrirai un cabinet tout en haut d'un gratte-ciel à New York.
Woolworth Building, here I come!
A moi les gratte-ciel!
"From the city's highest spot Atop the famous Woolworth Tower"
"du plus haut point, la Woolworth Tower"
- The Woolworth Tower?
La Woolworth Tower?
" Hold the phone, Joe Did you say the Woolworth Tower?
" Pas si vite, mon beau. Tu as dit la Woolworth Tower?
Diamond bracelets Woolworth doesn't sell
Les diamants Woolworth Ça vaut pas tripette
The only trouble is that after Duelling Cavalier... nobody'd come to see me jump off the Woolworth Building into a damp rag.
Après la sortie du Spadassin la seule musique que j'entendrai, sera la Marche Funèbre!
- Hey, is that the Woolworth Building?
- Dites, c'est le Woolworth Building?
Get me the Columbia Aircraft Corporation, Woolworth Building, New York City.
Passez-moi la société d'aviation Columbia, Woolworth Building à New York.
I bought these in Woolworths.
Ça vient de Woolworth.
You'll have to go to Woolworth's and buy one, I think.
Il faudra que t'ailles en acheter un au Monoprix.
- Working at Woolworth's.
- Je bosse chez Woolworth.
I am going to give you not only these free Woolworth balloons... Not only these genuine tootsie rolls but I am prepared to sock real money to each and every one of you, ah, distinguished ladies and gentlemen.
Je vais non seulement vous donner ces ballons gratuit des magasins Woolworth, ces authentiques bonbons Tootise rolls, mais je rajoute... des vraies pièces de monnaie, pour vous tous, cher public.
Get yourself a nice job in Woolworth's or something.
Va travailler chez Woolworth.
Ten years in Leavenworth, 11 years in Twelveworth, or 5 and 10 in Woolworth.
10 ans à Leavenworth, ou 5 et 10 à Woolworth.
Woolworth ´ s.
- Au Prisunic.
Still, you ´ d rather screw a high-class hooker in a designer dress than a gal who dresses at Woolworth ´ s.
- N'empêche que tu préfères baiser une poule de luxe,.. .. plutôt qu'une nénette qui se fringue au Prisunic.
# Diamond bracelets Woolworth's #
Mais les bracelets en diamant
I used this once when I went hunting in Woolworth's.
je l'ai utilisé quand je chassais au magasin.
You went hunting in Woolworth's?
Vous avez chassez dans un magasin?
I'm a security guard at Woolworth's.
Je suis agent de sécurité chez Prisunic.
He's in a frame I just bought at Woolworth's.
Dans le cadre que j'ai acheté à Woolworth's.
Yes, but the last time it was Woolworth's, a toenail clipper, and John Cameron Swayze.
La dernière fois, c'était Woolworth's, un coupe-ongles et le reporter de la télé.
They're sellin'hippie wigs in Woolworth's, man.
Ils vendent des perruques hippie à Woolworth's, mec.
Why'd you get dinosaurs? They were on sale at Woolworth's. Oscar said it didn't matter.
Oscar a dit que ça allait. ça va.
We'll stop at Woolworth's.
On passera au drugstore.
But not Woolworth's.
Pas le drugstore.
Sur le trottoir devant le Woolworth.
Like an angel.
Les diamants Woolworth Ca vaut pas tripette
Then they have those Woolworth glasses.
Et il y a les lunettes Woolworth.
Listen. Old Clyde and I were in Woolworth's shopping.
Clyde et moi, on faisait des courses chez Woolworth.
One day, I was in Woolworth's.
Un jour, j'étais au Woolworth.
The "Woolworth's" on America Street isn't far!
C'est pas si loin, le Prisu de la rue d'Amérique!
I looked high and low and I finally found one down at the Woolworths.
J'ai remué ciel et terre pour finir par en trouver un chez Woolworth.
This is a front view of Monticello. Down there is the Woolworth Building. It's his hobby.
Voici la façade du Monticello, et là, c'est le Woolworth Building.
In 1 91 3, when the Woolworth Building was being built workmen found the body of a rich industrialist, Talbot Soames.
En 1913, quand on a construit le Woolworth Building... on a trouvé le corps d'un industriel, Talbot Soames.
She'll be in a basement near or in the Woolworth Building.
Elle est dans une cave... près du Woolworth ou à l'intérieur.
Have Emergency Services Unit meet us by the Woolworth Building.
Qu'une équipe d'urgence nous rejoigne au Woolworth.
- But there's no Woolworth's nearby.
- Mais il n'y a pas de commerce.
And stay out of Woolworth's!
Ne mettez plus les pieds dans un Woolworths.
I used to like those turtles at the Woolworth's.
Petite, j'aimais les tortues de mer.
They got a Woolworth's behind one of these barracks?
Ils ont un chausseur derrière les baraquements?
There was this Woolworth's that was burning.
Woolworth brûlait.
This dress makes me look like a Woolworth's lamp shade.
Dans cette robe, j'ai l'air d'un sac de patates.
- Make it Woolworth's.
- Allez chez Woolworth.
- I'm at Woolworth's now.
- Je vais bien.
Did I tell you?
Sais-tu que je suis chez Woolworth, maintenant?
Woolworth's I got it. Oh, it's lovely, Tim.
- Je l'ai acheté chez Woolworth.
- Woolworth's.
- Chez Woolworth.

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