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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / Yacim

Yacim Çeviri Fransızca

5 parallel translation
I talked to Yacim, the younger one, in Algeria for the first time.
"J'ai d'abord parlé avec le petit, Yacim, " qui venait pour la 1 re fois en Algérie. "
Along with his younger brother, Yacim Boumaza.
Il a aussi croisé son jeune frère, Yacine Boumaza.
Yacim doesn't care about anything.
Regardez Yacine. Il se fout de tout.
Her brother Yacim is resistant. But we may have a chance with her.
Son frère Yacim est réticent, avec elle, on a une chance.
He just told Yacim you could help my brother.
- Il a dit à Yacim que vous pouviez aider mon frère.

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