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Yer Çeviri Fransızca

542 parallel translation
"Sufferin'coyotes... yer don't mean t'say you ain't heard tell about gold in the Dakotas!"
"Mausus de coyotes. Dis-moi pas que t'as pas entendu parler de l'or au Dakota!"
Quit yer hollerin'.
Arrête de brailler.
- Oh, does yer mudder know you're out?
Ne parlez pas de ma mère!
♪ Park yer carcass with Ida, Mammy
Range-toi donc là avec Ida, maman
I can see by the look in yer eye and the way you're a-walkin'.
Je le vois a l'expression de ton regard et a la façon dont tu marches.
Now, will yer?
Le ferez-vous?
You won't be cross if I tell yer? You won't, will yer?
Tu ne seras pas fâché si je te le dis, hein?
- You saw'em, didn't yer? - Yeah.
Tu les as vus, pas vrai?
She told me about that job and I'm warning yer.
Je vous préviens : pas touche.
Where are yer?
Où es-tu?
Mum, what d'yer think? There was a man with a barrow of flowers...
Y a le marchand de fleurs...
Two o'yer?
Vous êtes deux?
I'm not talking to two o'yer.
Je parle pas à deux.
Take that piece of glass out o'yer eye.
Enlevez votre binocle, va!
- All right, blast yer.
- D'accord, bon sang!
'Olding out on me, were yer?
Vous faisiez le malin, hein?
I knew I was being soft with yer.
Je savais que j'étais trop bonne.
I'll give yer something to dream about, mister.
Je vais vous donner de quoi rêver.
... and the home.
Et du fo... yer.
Right, get yer picks and shovels.
À vos pelles!
I've got a } ob for yer.
Au boulot!
Yeah... Well then, Doc Holliday's yer man!
Alors Doc Holliday est votre homme.
So fill up yer glasses and join in the song, the law's right behind you and it won't take long.
Venez remplir vos verres et chanter avec moi. La justice n'est pas longue, elle vous rattrapera.
! YOU inform them, if you don't it'll be on yer own'ead!
- À vous de les informer!
There's gratitude for yer!
Bravo la gratitude.
Adam He yer is calculating how much the cost... of an operation for his wife will take from his savings.
Adam Heyer calcule combien lui coûtera l'opération de sa femme.
Yer'd better get up.
Shut yer stinkin'mouth.
Ferme ta gueule!
- Won't yer?
- Des clous!
For one thing, you've to be able to read and write before they set yer on.
Il faudrait au moins que tu saches lire et écrire.
- What do yer mean?
- Pourquoi?
- How long d'yer think that's gonna take?
- J'irai à pied. Tu n'auras jamais le temps.
You know what they said when I took you on? " You'll have to keep yer eyes open now.
On m'a prévenu, quand je t'ai engagé, de bien faire attention.
He'll take yer breath if you're not careful ".
Tous pareils, ils voleraient père et mère.
How many times d'yer want telling'where to put that bag?
Tu sais où il faut ranger le sac.
- Billy, what do yer mean, Germans bite?
Ça voulait dire quoi, German Bight?
- Are yer comin'nesting'tomorrow? - Ar. - What time?
On va chercher des nids, demain?
- His father, he'll be down to yer.
- Allez me le chercher.
- Bugger off, you little sod! - Get him up, will yer?
- Va-t'en, petit voyou.
He's fast asleep and he's not goin', so just get off with yer.
Il dort et il ne bougera pas. Allez, file!
Now pick up yer... pea shooter and let's get movin'!
Alors ramasse ta pétoire et on y va.
Looks like you was explaining, hand over yer gun!
- Je vois ça.
Appreciate yer feelings Doc, but I can't let ya.
J'apprécie, Doc, mais je peux pas vous laisser faire.
The alarm's gone off, yer know.
Le réveil a sonné.
- Clock's not fast, yer know. - I said, shut it.
- Le réveil est à l'heure.
- Where are yer gonna work?
Où ça, alors?
And have I to tell yer why?
Je sais pourquoi.
- I told yer it wouldn't take me long. What did you do?
Vous voyez, j'ai fait vite.
Yer clumsy young bugger! What yer tryin'to do?
I wouldn't put it past yer, either.
Tu en serais capable.
Are yer all right now?
Ça va mieux?

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