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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / Yossarian

Yossarian Çeviri Fransızca

39 parallel translation
- He's Captain Yossarian. He's crazy.
- Le capitaine Yossarian est dingue.
- Yossarian, your head is OK.
- Yossarian, ta tête va très bien.
- What is it this time, Yossarian?
- Encore un problème, Yossarian?
Yossarian's caught one.
Yossarian en a pris un.
Something to do with Captain Yossarian.
Vous parler du capitaine Yossarian.
Are you and Captain Yossarian up to something?
Vous êtes en combine avec Yossarian?
Yossarian says they're gonna start taking it out of my salary.
D'après Yossarian, on devrait me faire payer la casse.
It's that Captain Yossarian.
C'est Yossarian.
Captain Yossarian!
Capitaine Yossarian!
Come on, Yossarian, let's go!
Allez, Yossarian. On y va.
Yossarian, maybe it's some kind of strategy thing.
Yossarian, il doit y avoir une raison stratégique.
- Are you ready to take us in?
- Tu nous guides, Yossarian?
- Cut it out, Yossarian!
- Arrête, Yossarian!
- My name is Yossarian.
- Mon nom est Yossarian.
Watch where you put your hands, Yossarian.
Doucement avec les mains, Yossarian.
I'll need a full report on this, Captain Yossarian.
Je voudrais un rapport sur cet accident, capitaine.
That's just Yossarian.
Ce n'est que Yossarian.
- My name is Yossarian.
- Je m'appelle Yossarian.
- His name is Yossarian, Ma.
- Yossarian, maman.
Yossarian, don't you recognise me?
Yossarian, tu me reconnais?
Yossarian, look, here's Papa.
Regarde, Yossarian, c'est papa.
- His name is Yossarian, Pa.
- Il s'appelle Yossarian, papa.
Ma, his name is Yossarian.
Maman, il s'appelle Yossarian.
It's not Harvey, it's Yossarian.
Pas Harvey, maman. Yossarian.
Yossarian, listen!
Yossarian, écoute!
Yossarian, get off the field.
Yossarian! Sors de la piste!
Take cover, Yossarian.
Planque-toi, Yossarian!
Cut that out.
Arrête, Yossarian!
What are you doing, Yossarian?
C'est encore toi, Yossarian?
You're AWOL, Yossarian.
Yossarian, tu es porté absent sans permission.
- Hello, Yossarian.
- Bonjour, Yossarian.
- How do you feel, Yossarian?
- Comment vous sentez-vous?
Ultimately, Yossarian must accept that he's trapped in an insane world.
Ce n'est pas le message principal.
Hope for what? Beauty is, we don't know.
En premier lieu, Yossarian doit accepter le fait qu'il est emprisonné dans un monde de fou.
Yossarian laughed with buoyant scorn and shook his head.
C'est d'une mauvaise humeur. C'est digne d'un rêveur.
'l'm not running away from my responsibilities.
Yossarian rit dédaigneusement et secoua sa tête.
I think we may have already found our "Yossarian."
Je pense que vous avez déjà trouvé votre "Yossarian".
Which leads me to believe that he was "Yossarian," their liaison during the exercise.
Ce qui me pousse à croire qu'il était "Yossarian", leur liaison pendant l'exercice.
Don't worry.
T'en fais pas, Yossarian.

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