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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You're not leaving

You're not leaving Çeviri Fransızca

1,062 parallel translation
You're not leaving? Orders, madam.
- Vous ne partez pas?
You're not leaving us?
Eh bien, quoi? Tu t'en vas?
You're not leaving?
Vous ne partez pas?
You're not leaving, you stay here.
Tu ne pars pas, tu restes ici.
You're not leaving on my account?
Vous ne partez pas à cause de moi?
You're not leaving tonight, I hope?
Tu ne pars pas ce soir, j'espère?
- You're not leaving the club?
- Vous ne quittez pas le club?
- Look, you're not leaving here and you're not going to be standing here when that stage pulls in.
- Vous ne partirez pas et la diligence ne doit pas vous voir.
Well, you're not leaving.
Vous partez?
You're not leaving this room until you tell me what happened to her.
vous ne partirez pas de cette chambre avant de dire ce qu'elle est devenue.
You know I'm not leaving here until you're locked safely inside.
Rentre et ferme la porte à clef.
- You're not leaving, are you?
Ne partez pas.
Suppose I tell you that I not only know when you're leaving the country tonight but the latitude and longitude of your rendezvous and your ultimate destination.
Figurez-vous que je sais à quelle heure vous partez ce soir, ainsi que la latitude et la longitude de votre destination.
- I hope you're not leaving just as I'm arriving?
Je te fais fuir?
You're leaving tomorrow and you're not coming back.
Vous partirez demain et vous ne reviendrez pas.
- You're not leaving!
- Tu ne sors pas d'ici!
You're not leaving.
Tu ne partiras pas.
- Don't be a wuss. You're not leaving now.
- Ne sois pas lâche ne te débine pas.
You're not leaving me here with these... Sharecroppers.
Ne me laisse pas ici avec ces... fermiers.
You're not leaving this camp with her. I'll promise you that.
Vous ne partirez pas avec elle, je vous le garantis.
You're not leaving.
- Vous ne partirez pas d'ici.
- No you're not. We're leaving!
Vous l'avez pas entendue la sirène?
You're not leaving till you promise to bring him here to us.
Oh non. Tu ne pars pas d'ici sans nous promettre de nous l'amener.
You're not leaving on my account, I hope?
Je ne vous chasse pas j'espère?
Why not a balaclava since you're at it? You would think I'm leaving for Tibet!
- Pourquoi pas de la quinine et un passe-montagne?
- You're leaving. - Well, I'm not through yet.
- Je n'ai pas fini.
You're not leaving anything with me.
Ça ne me regarde pas!
You're not leaving this house.
Tu ne quitteras pas cette maison.
I'm glad you're not leaving.
Je suis contente que vous restiez.
- You're not leaving me like this.
- Ne me laissez pas comme ça!
Oh, gracious! You're not leaving?
Vous n'allez pas nous quitter!
You see, you're not an old heap and he's a slob for leaving us alone like this.
Tu n'es pas un tas de ferraille. Nous abandonner ainsi, quel mufle!
Darrin, you're not exactly leaving your problems at the office.
Darrin, tu ne laisses pas vraiment tes problèmes au bureau.
You're not leaving me alone, Lib.
Ne me laisse pas toute seule!
- You're not leaving us, Miss Clyde?
- Vous nous quittez, Mlle Clyde?
Marta " tell me it's not true Tell me you're not leaving
Marta, dis moi que ce n'est pas vrai, que tu ne pars pas
- You're not leaving? ! It's such a bore here.
Piotr connaît un endroit plus drôle.
- You're not leaving! You must not. You can not leave.
Vous ne pouvez pas partir!
If you're not careful, you'll be leaving here in your wooden suit.
Fais gaffe, ou tu sortiras d'ici les pieds devant.
Henry Drummond. you're not leaving.
Henry Drummond, reste ici.
You're not leaving!
Restez ici!
- I'd rather pretend you're not leaving.
- Imaginons que vous restez.
Let's pretend, just for tonight, that you're not leaving.
Faisons semblant d'y croire. Rien que ce soir!
I hope you're not leaving.
Vous nous quittez déjà?
But you're not leaving here with the money and that's the main thing.
Mais vous ne filerez quand même pas avec l'argent.
- You're not leaving?
Vous n'y croyez pas?
That's not funny and you're not leaving this house.
- Très drôle! Tu ne quittes pas cette maison.
- You're not leaving us?
- Vous voulez nous abandonner?
- You're not leaving me alone, are you?
Vous me laissez pas tout seul là! eh ben!
I don't care how it happened. You're not leaving here alive.
Je veux ta peau, c'est tout.
You're not leaving until you give him back to me exactly the way you found him.
Tu ne partiras pas avant de me le rendre exactement comme il était.

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