You've Çeviri Fransızca
309,205 parallel translation
And then I'll tell him what a big help you've been.
Je lui dirai à quel point vous m'avez soutenue.
Because you would've lost.
- Tu aurais perdu.
Even if Conway took the presidency, we would've had a foothold with you.
Mais on aurait gardé un pied dans l'arène grâce à toi.
First time you've been invited, I understand.
Première invitation, je crois.
I wonder how your citizens would feel about what you've done.
Je me demande ce que vos citoyens vont penser.
You've done well by me, Raymond.
Vous m'appréciez.
I've been given special permission to show you what we've been working on.
On m'a autorisé à vous montrer le projet sur lequel on travaille.
I've learned you've got to grab the present by the balls.
Vous devez attraper le présent par les couilles.
You've exceeded everyone's expectations, the way you handled yourself all weekend, but...
Votre conduite ce week-end a dépassé toutes les attentes.
I've had somebody watch you sometimes when you go to New York.
Je te fais suivre parfois quand tu vas à New York.
Well, Mark, we asked you back here because... we've come into possession of a second audio recording of your candidate on an airplane.
Mark, on vous a demandé de revenir parce que... on possède un second enregistrement, de votre candidat dans un avion.
So I imagine you've heard that I'm on the outs.
Vous devez savoir qu'on me pousse vers la sortie.
You know, Doug... you and I, we've been around long enough to see the guard change.
Tu sais, Doug... depuis le temps, on a vu la garde changer.
I've got something for you.
J'ai quelque chose pour toi.
You've always been very good to me.
Tu as été bon avec moi.
- I wish I were. - You've made a thousand deals.
Tu as déjà fait ça.
So, I've gone over the numbers of the proposed agreement of steel with Beijing and I have a couple of questions for you.
J'ai revu les chiffres de l'accord sur l'acier avec Pékin, et j'ai quelques questions.
I can have my assistant give you a tour. Uh, show you some of the video from Haiti and some of the work that we've been doing there over the last several months.
Mon assistant peut vous faire visiter, vous montrer des vidéos d'Haïti et le travail effectué là-bas depuis plusieurs mois.
You know, I've met with, uh, many wonderful organizations so far.
J'ai vu de nombreuses organisations.
If you hear from Rachel, just, uh... tell her I've taken care of everything.
Si vous avez des nouvelles de Rachel, dites-lui que je me suis occupé de tout.
You've put my press secretary and his staff in a very difficult situation.
Vous mettez mon attaché de presse en difficulté.
- It's horrifying. Now, you know I've always shown restraint in the past, but... I'm going to be making an executive order for military action.
J'ai toujours été dans la retenue, mais je vais ordonner une action militaire.
I've used my political capital to help you.
Je fais tout pour vous aider.
For the last several years, you've been a familiar face.
Ces dernières années, on vous a vue partout.
Tell me the worst thing you've ever done.
Quel est le pire truc que tu aies fait?
I've a way for you to get out.
Je peux t'aider.
The things that you've been lauded for all your life, those are suddenly fatal flaws.
Les choses pour lesquelles on vous a encensé deviennent des défauts qui vous sont fatals.
People who've been with you through thick and thin, who you thought would never fail you, they fail you.
Ceux qui restaient contre vents et marées, ceux qui ne devaient pas vous trahir, finissent par vous trahir.
You've been on my mind.
Je pensais à vous.
I've often hated your guts, but I have to admit, I'll miss you.
Je vous ai souvent détesté, mais vous me manquerez.
Oh, Bob, in case you've forgotten, the Senate is Democratic.
Auriez-vous oublié? Le Sénat est démocrate.
No. Not until you give me what you've got.
Pas tant que je n'aurai pas ce que tu as.
You've been around a long time. Nobody tells you how to vote.
On ne te dit pas comment voter.
You know, those parts you blacked out, that's... - I've never told anyone but you.
Ces parties que tu as noircies, je n'en ai parlé qu'à toi.
You've been sabotaging me from the moment you stepped into my house.
Depuis votre arrivée, vous me torpillez.
Oh, don't deny it. You've loved it.
Ne niez pas, vous avez adoré.
I've made you the president.
J'ai fait de toi la Présidente.
I've been meaning to call you.
Je voulais vous appeler.
You've trapped me, Francis.
Tu m'as piégée.
No, I do not accept that I've done something to you.
Non, je ne t'ai rien fait.
Stop talking about what I've done to you.
Arrête de parler de ce que je t'ai fait.
Look, I've always been a supporter of the idea of a woman in the Oval Office. But when all is said and done, you do realize that Francis Underwood will still be sleeping in the White House tonight?
J'ai toujours aimé l'idée d'une femme dans le bureau ovale, mais vous comprenez bien que Francis Underwood dormira encore à la Maison-Blanche ce soir?
Two years you've been writing about this administration.
Vous y travaillez depuis deux ans.
I need to be honest with you. I've been in talks with him about helping him start a foundation of some kind.
Je suis en discussion avec votre mari pour l'aider à lancer une fondation.
All you've had to swallow, the sacrifices, the compromises. You're gonna want to isolate yourself. Not trust anyone.
Après tout ce que vous avez subi, les sacrifices, les compromis, vous allez vouloir vous isoler, vous méfier de tous.
You've already made your choices.
Vous avez choisi.
You've reached LeAnn Harvey.
Ici LeAnn Harvey.
So your whole life, you've been like, "It's all about M-E."
[Pastor Denise] And now, friends, we've come to the time where you are invited to share your testimony.
Les amis, vous pouvez maintenant partager votre témoignage.
We've gotta tell on her before she tells on you.
On doit la dénoncer avant qu'elle ne te dénonce.
I, uh, trust that you've resolved your conflict. Yes, we're fine.
Oui, c'est bon.
you've got this 65
you've got a point 16
you've seen them 46
you've got mail 34
you've got a friend in me 28
you've been served 82
you've earned it 130
you've done it now 22
you've done enough 157
you've been there before 25
you've got a point 16
you've seen them 46
you've got mail 34
you've got a friend in me 28
you've been served 82
you've earned it 130
you've done it now 22
you've done enough 157
you've been there before 25