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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You got to see this

You got to see this Çeviri Fransızca

428 parallel translation
Billy. Billy! You got to see this.
Billy, faut que tu voies ça.
Sarah, you got to see this.
Sarah, viens voir ça.
You got to see this.
Tu dois voir ça.
I know, but you've got to believe and remember... ... because, you see, this is my one chance of survival.
Je sais, mais vous devez me croire et vous souvenir, car c'est ma seule chance de survie.
"you got to pull this thing." See? See how it works?
"tu dois tirer la corde." Tu vois comment ça marche?
But you've got this good job, and you're getting more used to it every day, and you see parties, like tonight, meet men like Stanhope. Millionaires.
Mais tu as ce bon poste, et tu t'y habitues un peu plus chaque jour, tu assistes à des fêtes, comme ce soir, tu rencontres des hommes tels que Stanhope.
- No, but you don't understand. This is sensational. You've got to see it!
Non, c'est sensationnel!
We've got all this to see to. Have you got the sheets there?
Il faut tout préparer.
In this house, you've got to believe what you can't see.
Dans cette maison, vous devez croire ce que vous ne pouvez voir.
You see, we're used to men getting shot... and the boys just haven't stopped to remember... that this is your grandfather and the only one you've got.
On a l'habitude de voir des blesses. Les gars n'ont pas pense que votre grand-pere est le seul etre qu'il vous reste.
I need to see an X-ray to be sure, but you've got a hole this size.
La radio en dira plus. Mais tu as un trou comme ça.
We've had differences, and I've always tried to see your point of view... but this time you've got me stumped. You haven't tried to see my point of view.
Tu n'as jamais essayé!
Doc, General. You've got to see this.
Doc, Général, venez voir cela.
All this folderol, as I see it... has got nothing to do with the ethics and honor of our profession. It has everything to do with envy of one man's genius for healing the sick... ofhis use of remedies you can't prescribe, buy in bottles or apply with a knife.
Tout ce remue-ménage ne concerne pas l'éthique de notre profession, mais bien la jalousie envers le génie médical d'un homme et ses remèdes que vous ne pouvez ni prescrire ni acheter.
- This you got to see.
Un truc à te faire voir.
I want you to see this stock Ruby's got on her thirty-thirty. Isn't that a dandy?
Regardez cette crosse que Ruby a fait faire à son fusil!
You see we have to know where you got this fifty-dollar bill.
Mais nous devons savoir d'où vous avez eu ce billet.
I'm glad to see you got this company.
Je suis content de vous.
But now, this sheriff of yours now, of course, I don't wanna say nothing agin him but if you got any mutts around you wanna get rid of just take them over to his place to see if he can handle the job.
Votre Shérif... Je ne veux rien dire contre lui, mais si vous avez des chiens à enfermer, amenez-les-lui pour voir s'il saurait faire son métier.
Got here this morning. Came right up to see you.
Je suis arrivé ce matin, et je suis venu aussitôt.
And now I think you better take a walk until you've got rid of this mood, and I don't want to see you back here again - till this afternoon. - Yes, sir.
Je suis confus, je suis de mauvaise humeur.
You see, I've been trying to tell somebody this ever since I got home.
J'essaie de te le dire depuis mon retour.
I've got to keep this appointment, you see?
J'ai ce rendez-vous, tu vois?
I hate to break this up, but I've got a meeting in 10 minutes, so see you later.
Désolé d'interrompre tout ceci, mais j'ai une réunion.
You've got a nerve, coming to see me at this time in the morning!
Quel culot. Me déranger en pleine nuit!
Do you mind if I turn this lamp up to see that you haven't got a entire posse?
Ça te dérange pas si j'éclaire un peu plus, pour être sûr que t'as pas tout un gang ici?
Well, you see, I got this here off-white block piece of cement I'm trying to match up with a blonde.
J'ai un bloc de ciment couleur blanc cassé, qui irait bien à une blonde.
I want you to see this so you'll know what you got to look forward to.
Viens, tu sauras ce qui t'attend!
People'll take it wrong that I leave this to you, but I got Papa's business to see to.
Les gens vont mal l'interpréter, mais je dois m'occuper des affaires de papa.
You see, the left watch, which is my uncle's, runs correctly, and the one which is my watch, this one on the right here... uh, I've got to explain this to you... happens to be about five minutes off,
Celle de gauche, qui vient de mon oncle, fonctionne bien, et la mienne, celle-là... Il faut que je vous explique... a cinq minutes de retard.
You can see now why this product's got to be changed.
Vous pouvez voir maintenant pourquoi ce produit doit changé.
Uh, ma'am, you see, this time, I've got something to tell you.
Cette fois, c'est moi qui ai quelque chose à vous dire.
This is the last chance we got to see this river. Just wait until you feel that white water under you.
C'est notre ultime chance de voir la rivière et de sentir cette eau limpide sur notre peau!
You got this TV thing on you mind. No, no, no, let's understand something. You see, you think I'm reluctant to talk to you.
Vous pensez que je refuse de vous parler mais c'est faux.
Don't you see, this is something You've got to come to terms with.
Vous ne voyez pas qu'il vous faut bien admettre ce fait?
Oh, I'm sure it doesn't make a difference at all, but, you see, uh, like I was saying earlier, see that's the kind of loose end that, uh, I got to tie up, those tiny little things. Otherwise, it won't let me close the book on this case.
Je suis sûr que ça change rien mais comme je vous disais... c'est le genre de petit détail... que je dois éclaircir pour pouvoir boucler le dossier.
You see, I got this buddy, and he's in the county jail. He's in the lockup for three months, and he wants to leave the biggest gob in the world right under his bunk, see?
Tu vois, j'ai un ami, il est en taule, enfermé pour trois mois, et il voudrait laisser le plus gros mollard du monde sous son lit.
Last night I called, you said you couldn't talk... and this morning, as soon as our Mitchell story hits the stands... you call me and say you've got to see me right away.
Chez toi, tu refuses de parler. Et puis l'affaire Mitchell sort, et tu veux me voir d'urgence.
Now see, we picked you out Of over a hundred fellas... to run this operation'cause you got class.
On vous a choisi parmi 100 types pour gérer cette opération. Parce que vous avez de la classe.
I see you've got auto theft, you've got breaking and entering. All this leading up to a burglary warrant.
On vous a arrêté pour vol de voiture, vol avec effraction, tout ça nous mène à l'actuel mandat pour vol.
Pier, you've got to go and see the master this afternoon.
Pier, tu dois aller voir le maître.
The day you see the reality... you'll shoot yourself... because you'll be honest and will see the harm you've done us... with all this "got to organize", "up the working classes"... with all this "History" crap!
Le jour où tu verras les choses comme elles sont, tu te flingueras parce que tu te rendras compte du mal que tu nous auras fait avec ton optimisme á la con. "Organiser la classe ouvriére!" Toujours la merde!
Let me see if I've got this straight? You want me to entertain a man I've never met.
Donc, si j'ai bien compris, vous voulez que je divertisse un homme que je ne connais pas.
Sis! You've got to come out front and see this car!
Faut que tu sortes voir cette voiture!
You see, Skridlow, this guy's got to be a big man.
Ce gars doit être important.
Mr. Valentine, you've got to see this my way.
M. Valentine, vous devez me comprendre.
Hey, i want you to see this new cassette i got.
Il a pris une brique sur la tête.
- Mick, you've got to see this.
- Mick, il faut que tu voies ça.
You watch for a while. I got to see this guy.
Ca, j'adore.
- You've got to see this.
- Tu dois voir ça.
You've got to see this.
Faut que tu voies ça.

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