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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You should have come to me

You should have come to me Çeviri Fransızca

138 parallel translation
- You should have come to me. I asked you to tell me if you heard anything. I did.
Vous deviez me prévenir si on vous parlait de Floyd.
You should have come to me the first time this happened, my friend.
Vous auriez dû venir me voir au premier symptôme, mon ami.
If you believed someone was stealing, you should have come to me, Silas.
Si tu penses qu'il y a un voleur, tu dois venir me voir.
Don't you think you should have come to me first with this, Lieutenant?
Vous auriez pu me prévenir.
You should have come to me instead.
Vous auriez dû venir me trouver.
- You should have come to me first.
- Vous auriez dû venir me voir d'abord.
You should have come to me straight away.
Fallait venir me voir plus tôt!
You should have come to me, Peyt. You didn't have to lie.
Tu aurais dû me le dire, Peyton, tu n'avais pas besoin de mentir!
I tried. You should have come to me right away.
T'aurais dû venir me voir sans attendre.
You should have come to me sooner.
Vous auriez dû me consulter plus tôt.
- You should have come to me.
- Vous auriez dû m'en parler de suite.
You should have come to me.
Vous auriez dû m'en parler.
- You should have come to me right off.
- Tu aurais dû venir me voir aussitôt.
All the more reason why you should have come to me.
Raison de plus pour venir me voir.
If you needed money, you should have come to me.
Si tu avais besoin d'argent, tu aurais dû venir me voir.
If you wanted dancing, you should have come to me.
Si tu voulais de la danse, il fallait me demander. Vous avez répété.
You should have come to me.
Vous auriez dû me le dire.
You should have come to me, Monica.
Tu aurais dû venir m'en parler.
You should have come to me as your friend.
Vous auriez dû venir me voir en tant qu'ami.
You should have come to me the minute you suspected him.
Tu aurais dû venir me voir à la minute où tu as eu des soupçons.
Gary, you should have come to me first.
Gary, vous auriez dû venir me voir d'abord.
You should have come to me.
Vous auriez du venir me voir.
That's right, you should have come to me earlier.
Oui c'est simple, tu aurais du venir plus tôt.
You were my friend. You should have come to me like a man.
Tu étais mon ami, nous aurions pu en parler comme des hommes.
You'd have come to me quietly and talked to me as lovers should at the proper time.
Tu serais venu à moi et tu m'aurais parlé comme un amant.
And why should you have come to me and no one else?
Pourquoi est-ce vous qui êtes venue et non une autre?
If my dad had put me to blacksmithing when I was a kid, I don't think I should have ever come to Africa. I might have... but then I wouldn't have met you, Rosie, old girl.
Si mon père, m'avait appris ce métier, quand j'était enfant, je ne serais sans doute, jamais venu en Afrique,... probablement pas, je n'aurais pas eu la joie, de te connaître, Rosie chérie.
Oh, well, you should have come back to me years ago.
Oh, vous deviez me revenir depuis longtemps
If it was for that, you should not have asked me to come.
Si c'était pour ca, il fallait pas me demander de venir. Aïe!
My beloved has written a letter that I should come to see her to Ruzomberok my beloved, you are calling me in vain, I have to stay in the army, I can't go away
Ma bien-aimée m'a supplié de rentrer. D'aller la rejoindre à Ruzembrok. Tu m'as écrit pour rien, ma poupée adorée!
And if such a day should come, I trust that you will turn to me a friend of Joseph Valachi a member of your family, and the man whose friends can be counted among those who have respect not only in this city, in this country, but beyond the seas.
Et si ce jour doit arriver, j'espère que c'est à moi que vous ferez appel, moi, un ami de Joseph Valachi. Un membre de votre famille, un homme qui a des amis haut placés et très respectés, dans cette ville, dans tout le pays et à travers le monde.
Hello, hello will you please bring me a finale... what, you mean to tell me you don't have any... come on a theatre equipped the right way should have shelves full of finales... ljust need a finale, quick, quick!
Je vais appeler les archives... Allo, Franceschini? - Hmm?
If it's me you're after, you should have the courage to come and get me.
Si c'est moi que vous voulez, ayez le courage de venir me chercher.
I should have known there was something up. Come to think of it, he sold me that refrigerator too. Where do you think the girls went, Al?
Quand tu lui auras ôté toute son humanité, toute la fierté qu'elle a, au moment où quand elle se baisse pour embrasser tes pieds, dis-lui que tu as la bague de la part d'Al Bundy.
It is also my wish to inform you, sir... that I propose your daughter Mary should come to live with me, if you have no objection.
Je désire de même vous proposer que votre fille Mary vive avec moi si vous n'avez pas d'objections.
Tell Stapleton that I would have been happy to come with you but the urgent business requires me to be in town. I don't understand should I not come with you to London?
Dites aux Stapleton que j'aurais aimé vous accompagner mais qu'une affaire urgente me retient à Londres.
I should have you both killed for daring to come before me... but your blood is unworthy of me.
Vous mériteriez que je vous fasse tuer tous les deux, mais votre sang est indigne de moi.
I have a situation, uh, that's just come up that's really pretty serious... and I don't know who to talk to or what I should do... but maybe you could put me in touch with somebody if I explain myself?
Il vient de m'arriver un problème plutôt grave. J'ignore à qui en parler ou quoi faire. Si vous me passiez quelqu'un, je pourrai lui expliquer.
I know I should never have stuck my toes in the gene pool in the fii rst place... but ifyou've come here to tell me "I told you so", say it and let's get on to something else, okay?
Je n'avais pas à semer mes gènes, je sais. Dis-moi que j'étais prévenu, qu'on passe à autre chose.
You should've come to me first. This wouldn't have happened.
Ceci ne serait pas arrivé si vous étiez venu avant.
As soon as you feel that you may have any new complications within your body you should come to see me.
Dés que votre corps éprouvera des complications nouvelles, venez me voir.
You should have come to my Kingdom and joined me
Pourquoi ne viens-tu pas me rejoindre en ce Royaume?
- You should have come to get me.
- Tu aurais dû m'appeler.
There have been amendments. You should've come to me sooner.
Vous auriez dû venir me voir plus tôt.
I should have you come in with me to stand guard over these gargoyles.
J'aurais dû vous demander de venir avec moi et de surveiller ces gargouilles.
You should have given me a call, then I hadn't come all the 800km here to see you.
Tu aurais dû m'appeler. J'ai fait 800 bornes pour te voir!
You should have come and talked to me.
Tu aurais dû venir me parler.
Through a friend. I have to say when he told me I should come see you, I thought he was full of shit.
Pour être franche... quand il m'a conseillé de vous voir, j'ai craint le plan foireux.
We should go,'cause you told me to come get you when we have something and...
On doit filer, tu m'as dit de venir si on avait trouvé quelque chose...
I should have insisted you come to lunch with me today.
J'aurais dû insister pour que vous veniez à ce déjeuner aujourd'hui.
You should come with me.I mean, I-I have to go there anyways today, so... you could see her.She'd be so glad to see you.
Tu devrais venir avec moi. Je dois y aller. Tu pourrais la rencontrer.

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