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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You take care of yourself

You take care of yourself Çeviri Fransızca

1,043 parallel translation
You take care of yourself too, Georgie.
Et toi aussi, Georgie,
Now you take care of yourself.
- Prenez soin de vous. - Au revoir.
You take care of yourself and the baby. That's what you gotta do.
Prends soin de toi et du bébé.
You take care of yourself, you hear?
Soigne-toi bien.
Either you take care of yourself or I, too, shall resign.
Soignez-vous ou je démissionnerai moi aussi.
You take care of yourself, Frank.
Prends soin de toi, Frank.
You take care of yourself.
Fais attention à toi.
- You take care of yourself.
Prends soin de toi.
You take care of yourself.
Prends soin de toi.
You take care of yourself while I'm away, won't you?
Porte-toi bien pendant mon absence.
You take care of yourself.
Soigne-toi bien.
well, now, you take care of yourself, you hear?
Prends bien soin de toi, tu entends?
You take care of yourself.
Au revoir.
You take care of yourself, you hear?
Prends soin de toi, tu entends?
Now, you take care of yourself.
Prenez soin de vous, vous entendez?
I'll take care of myself. You take care of yourself.
Je prends soin de moi, tu prends soin de toi.
You, too. Take care of yourself.
Toi aussi, prends soin de toi.
- You must take care of yourself
Il faut te soigner.
I want you to go home and take care of yourself for a few days.
Je veux que tu rentres et que tu te soignes pendant quelques jours.
Any country you go to, you can take care of yourself. Yeah.
Où qu'on aille, on arrive à se débrouiller.
You can take care of yourself.
Tu sauras prendre soin de toi.
You still have to take care of yourself.
Il va falloir vous soigner.
She sits there nursing the baby and tells you you're big enough to take care of yourself.
Elle s'occupe du bébé. Toi, tu es un grand.
Now, I want you to take good care of yourself, dear.
Prends bien soin de toi
- Listen, you just take care of yourself.
- Occupez-vous de vos affaires.
Well, if you're in such a hurry to take care of them, why don't you go tackle the job yourself?
Si tu as si hâte qu'ils meurent, pourquoi tu ne t'en charges pas toi-même?
You can take care of yourself.
Take care of yourself and whatever you do, do it honorably.
Prends soin de toi. Garde le sens de l'honneur.
Take care of yourself, Juanito. You too.
- Faites attention à vous, Juanito.
You live a long time and take good care of yourself.
Prends bien soin de toi et vis longtemps.
Nonsense. You've got to take care of yourself now. Shh.
Tu dois prendre soin de toi maintenant.
You take good care of yourself.
Prends bien soin de toi.
Yeah, you can take care of yourself!
- Bien sûr!
You've got to take care of yourself.
Vous devez prendre soin de vous.
Take care of yourself. I'll see you in class next Friday
Rien de grave, juste une petite égratignure.
Well, I guess I've been taking care of you for so long that... I forgot you can take care of yourself.
J'ai tellement veillé sur toi que... j'oublie que tu sais te débrouiller.
You take good care of yourself, Seven.
Faites attention à vous, Sept.
Take care of yourself. I'm so afraid to lose you.
Sois prudent, j'ai si peur de te perdre.
You'd better take care of yourself.
Tu ferais mieux de penser un peu à toi.
Take care of yourself. Oh, you know me.
Tu me connais, je ne dors jamais.
It must be tough on you, having to take care of that baby all by yourself.
Dis-moi plutôt comment tu comptes faire avec ce bébé.
We'll take care of this, Boss. Get yourself out of here while you can.
Parrain, fuyez!
You have to take care of yourself.
Tu devrais te soigner un peu.
You should take more care of your health and look after yourself, also your dressing.
Vous devriez prendre d'avantage soin de votre santé, et prendre soin de vous, et aussi de votre soutane.
Now that I'm here. I will see that you take better care of yourself.
Maintenant que je suis là, je veillerai à ce que tu prennes mieux soin de toi.
Take care of yourself, Henry. Remember how you catch cold when you get your feet wet. Don't break up, Bessie.
Comme dans la vie, nous, on trouve ça amusant, l'idée que chacun porte en soi, toujours là, sa propre avalanche...
You've got to take great care of yourself.
Vous devez prendre bien soin de vous.
Now, you just go home and take good care of yourself.
Rentre chez toi et repose-toi.
You should take better care of yourself.
Tu devrais faire plus attention à toi.
And take care of yourself, do you hear?
Prends soin de toi, d'accord?
You'll have to take care of yourself.
Je te conseille d'être prudent.

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