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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You won't believe

You won't believe Çeviri Fransızca

1,617 parallel translation
- There's things up there you won't believe. - What about the party?
- Il y a des choses en haut que tu ne peux pas imaginer.
I take it you still believe our plan won't work.
Vous ne croyez toujours pas que le plan va marcher.
- They won't believe you. You know that.
- Ils ne te croiront pas, tu le sais.
- Because you won't believe her.
- Tu ne la croirais pas.
Maybe you won't believe me.
Tu ne me croirais sans doute pas non plus.
You won't believe it. It was incredible.
Incroyable, je volais.
You won't believe it. There's an amusement park on the moon!
Vous ne me croirez pas, il y a un parc d'attractions sur la Lune!
You won't believe this hack, man.
Tu le croiras pas.
Tell them you made 25 grand last month, they're won't fucking believe you. Fuck them!
Ils seront sciés quand vous vous ferez 25 000 par mois!
You won't believe what's happened.
Tu n'imagines pas ce qui est arrivé.
- Do you believe Linda... still won't let me cook in the house?
C'est dingue, Linda refuse que je cuisine.
We've picked something off a radio telescope pointed in your direction. You won't believe this.
Nous avons capté quelque chose d'un radiotélescope.
I don't believe the stories about you... but my not believing them won't alter the situation.
Je ne crois pas ce qu'on dit de vous, mais ça ne change pas la situation.
I've gotta tell you something, but you probably won't believe me.
Je dois te dire un truc, mais tu ne me croiras sûrement pas.
Why won't you believe me?
Pourquoi tu ne veux pas me croire?
You won't believe it, but I made seaman, which is a glorified deckhand.
Je passe quartier maître, ou vulgaire matelot de pont.
You won't believe it, he even taught him to use the potty.
Tu ne le croiras pas. Il lui a même appris à aller au pot.
Frank, you won't believe what's been happening to me.
Frank, tu ne vas pas me croire.
Besides, she won't believe us anyway. She'll just think you take after me.
Elle ne nous croira pas.
You won't believe what Susan said when she was leaving.
Tu ne croiras pas ce que Susan a dit quand elle est partie.
You won't believe this.
Vous allez pas y croire.
You won't believe it, he's been trying to learn Urdu since a child.
Il essaye d'apprendre l'Urdu depuis toujours!
- You won't believe it.
- Tu vas pas le croire.
- You just won't believe it.
- Tu ne veux pas y croire.
- You won't believe what happened to me.
- ll m'est arrivé un truc incroyable.
You won't believe this.
Tu vas pas en revenir.
- You won't believe this.
- Vous n'allez pas le croire.
Believe me, when you dying and you find out you child as you week to leave you will beg to make a deal with the devil... but you won't have to
Croyez-moi, quand la mort est là, vous bénissez le Diable pour qu'il rallonge votre vie... mais vous n'aurez pas à le faire, car je suis là.
You won't believe it!
Vous n'en croirez pas vos yeux!
Believe me, I won't need you. I'll be too busy here gettin'my groove on.
T'inquiète, je serai trop occupé à composer.
I was just talkin'to the manager. You won't believe what he was telling me.
Devine ce que m'a dit le manager.
You won't believe it, but I gotta put a new roof on this place.
Je dois faire refaire la toiture du restaurant.
Believe me... you'll be so caught up in the excitement of exploration, there won't be any time for worrying about infections, mitochondrial or otherwise.
Croyez-moi, l'exploration s'avérera si passionnante que vous n'aurez pas le temps de vous soucier des infections.
- You won't believe it.
- Vous n'allez pas me croire.
We're gonna nail this thief... just so bad you won't even believe it.
On va agrafer ce voleur en...
I hope you're finished touching your roots, because Mugatu's making you an offer you won't believe.
Mugatu te fait une offre inouïe. Ramène tes miches.
When she sees you, she won't believe her eyes.
Elle va pas en croire ses yeux!
And when you hear my voice on the other end, then you'll believe in fate, won't you?
Et quand vous entendrez ma voix, vous croirez peut-être au destin.
Mummy, Dad, you won't believe what this snake is doing!
Maman, papa! Venez! Ce serpent est incroyable!
You won't believe it when you take a shit in somebody else's body.
T'en reviendras pas, c'est super d'etre dans un autre corps.
Dorothy, you won't believe what Paige made me do.
Dorothy, devine ce que Paige m'a fait faire.
Life is just so goddamn wonderful, You almost won't believe it.
La vie est si épatante que tu le croiras pas
Why won't you believe i'm ninety-six? I guess you just look young.
Vous avez l'air si jeune.
Oh, my God. You won't believe this.
Vous n'allez pas me croire.
Forget it, Mom, you won't believe me, anyway
Oublie ça. Tu ne me crois quand même pas.
You won't believe what I've been through, but I'm really close now.
Tu ne croiras jamais ce qui m'est arrivé. Je suis plus très loin.
Then you also believe that I won't hesitate to splatter your guts all over these cobblestones unless you do exactly as I say.
Alors crois bien que je n'hésiterai pas à t'exploser les tripes si tu ne fais pas exactement ce que je dis.
You won't believe how gross the laundry room was.
Tu n'imagines pas l'état de la machine.
I can't believe I fell for that shit you said the other night. How you're gonna do right by me and Joe-Joe. How you won't cheat not gonna hurt me, keep breaking my heart.
Quand je pense que j'ai cru à tout ce que tu m'as dit l'autre soir... que t'allais t'occuper de moi et de Joe Joe... que t'arrêterais de me tromper... et de me briser le cœur...
Dad. You won't believe it.
Papa, monsieur, tu ne vas pas me croire.
You won't believe this but this is me smiling.
Tu ne vas pas le croire. C'est moi en train de sourire.

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