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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ Y ] / You won't like it

You won't like it Çeviri Fransızca

636 parallel translation
Well, you got away with it that time, But I know what you look like. And it won't happen again.
Tu t'en es sorti cette fois-là mais je sais de quoi t'as l'air et ça n'arrivera plus.
But if you should, you know, someone like Ernest... he won't want to know anything about your past... as long as you keep it in the past.
Mais sinon, quelqu'un comme Ernest n'a rien à savoir de ton passé. À toi d'y veiller.
You know, so it won't be so sudden-like?
Pour que cela ne soit pas une trop grosse surprise.
Next time you'll hear me a mile away. It won't sound like no wind in the pipes.
La prochaine fois, on m'entendra à deux kilomètres.
Mister, I won't conceal it from you. I would like to make $ 10,000.
Monsieur, je ne vous cacherai pas que j'aimerais cela.
Well if you're all officers, we won't mention any names, but in comes your fine captain drink as a pig... and orders 3 bottles of champagne... then he lifts up one leg like this and brings it down on my piano and starts to play it with his boot.
Un officier. On ne cite pas de nom, mais votre capitaine entre, soûl, iI commande du champagne. II lève une jambe,
Then you won't do it because you don't like me.
Plutôt car vous ne m'aimez pas.
You'd like me to strike you. - Well, I won't do it.
Vous voudriez que je l'imite.
Well, you know, it won't be easy to get a man like that on a train when he wants to go by plane.
Vous savez, ça sera difficile de faire monter un tel homme dans un train s'il veut prendre l'avion.
- What is it? You won't like what I'm about to say, but please don't be angry.
Vous n'allez pas aimer ce que je vais dire, mais ne vous fâchez pas!
Sometimes I get afraid it won't be always like this working only for you while you do the show just for me.
J'ai peur que ça ne dure pas toujours. Travailler pour toi... qui monte un spectacle pour moi.
I know it hurts, Son, but you won't always feel like this.
Ça fait mal, je sais. Mais ça ira mieux.
Oh, the commander would say in a case like that, I won't be able to repeat it to a woman like you.
Ce que dit un Commandant dans un cas pareil, je pourrais pas le répéter à une femme comme vous!
But you won't like it in the North, Miss Julie, tell you what.
Mais vous ne vous plairez pas dans le Nord.
- You won't like it at the North.
Sauf dans le Nord.
I won't hurry, Julie, because, it looks like you may have to adjust your standards.
Je ne me presse pas, Julie, on dirait que tu vas devoir revoir tes critères.
Once you're here, we'll give the professor the boot, easy like, where it won't blind him.
Quand tu seras là, on va expédier le professeur... bien gentiment, sans lui faire trop de mal.
You won't like that one little bit when you find out it means your workingman expects something as his right, and not your gift.
Tu ne vas pas aimer ça du tout quand tu vas comprendre qu'ils veulent leurs droits, et non tes charités!
All right, but you won't like it!
Entendu, mais ça ne vous plaira pas!
Well, you won't like it.
Ça n'a pas à vous plaire!
You like my doing that, but you won't admit it.
Vous aimez que je fasse ça, mais vous ne l'admettrez pas.
I know you won't like me saying it but if that young man comes here...
Vous n'allez pas aimer ce que je dis mais si ce jeune homme vient...
And now, Donald, how would you like to hear a story... about another bird so amazing you won't believe it?
Tu veux que je te raconte l'histoire d'un oiseau plus extraordinaire que jamais?
I need you to like my line, or it won't work.
J'ai besoin que vous aimiez ma collection. Sinon, ça ne marchera pas.
And you won't like it either.
I have to tell you something, and you won't like it.
Je dois te parler. Tu vas être furieux, mais...
You've never done anything like this before, and I won't let you do it now.
Tu n'as jamais agi comme ça, et je ne te laisserai pas faire.
Won't you ever learn that with you, it's like stepping off a roof... and expecting to fall just one floor?
Pauvre idiot. Tu n'apprendras jamais que pour toi c'est comme sauter d'un toit... et espérer ne tomber que d'un étage?
No, you won't. You've forgotten what it feels like to be well.
Non, tu as oublié comment c'est de se sentir bien.
- You won't like it. You'll have to get a divorce if you want to open that restaurant.
Désolé, mais tu dois divorcer avant d'ouvrir ce restaurant.
It isn't easy for me to beg like this, but won't you please come home? No.
Crois-tu que cette démarche me soit facile?
I won't be asleep - I'm much too upset - so you can come in and say good night to me if you feel like it.
Je ne m'endormirai pas. Tu viendras me dire bonsoir...
But I'm sure you won't need it on a warm night like this.
Vous n'en avez pas besoin, avec cette chaleur.
That's Belinski for you, tossing it over your shoulder like that. But I won't let you.
C'est bien de vous de prendre les choses à la légère.
I can only think of one thing to say, and you won't like it.
Cela ne va pas vous plaire. Dites toujours.
John, are you letting her out like this? Are you gonna stand for it, with a man who won't even come to the door?
Tu vas la laisser sortir sans rien dire avec cet homme qu'on ne connaît pas!
Try it, you won ´ t like the jails.
Essayez, vous irez en prison.
You won't like it right at first. I don't like doing it.
Tu ne vas pas aimer, et je n'aime pas avoir á le faire.
Maybe you won't like it back there.
Vous n'aimerez peut-être pas.
I know you won't like it at first but she's a good woman.
Je vais épouser sur le coup, ça ne va pas vous plaire mais bon, en fait, elle n'est pas si mauvaise que ça.
You won't like it. I don't.
Vous n'allez pas aimer.
There will be women like you when we will have our parliament, won't it Hirayama?
Quand nous aurons un parlement, il y faudra des femmes comme vous, n'est-ce pas Hirayama?
I warn you, the master won't like it.
Je vous avertis, le maître n'aimera pas ça.
- You won't like it.
- Ça ne va pas vous plaire.
You need to get a cover for it so it won't get wet Because if you ruin it, you won't find another fool like me ready to buy it
Prenez-en bien soin, parce que vous ne retrouverez jamais un pigeon comme moi.
I won't be doing much else it looks like, except wondering... about you and me, about you and the baby, me and my fine character.
Je ferai de même. Sur toi et moi. Toi et le bébé.
You won't like it
Tu ne vas pas apprécier
You know you won't like it.
Vous n'allez pas aimer.
It won't be like what you have in mind.
Pas de la façon dont vous pensez.
It sounds like you won't need a guarantor.
Je pense que vous n'avez pas besoin d'une caution.
It won't be a shrimp priest like you to change orders of the real head of the parish by will of the people!
C'est l'homme le plus aimé du pays.

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