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22s Çeviri Portekizce

38 parallel translation
Fellas, this is just me, but I'd rather get shot with one of those pissant.22s... than with my.38.
Amigos, Sou eu apenas a falar mas peferiar levar um tiro dessa merda de 22s Do que da minha 38.
- The.22s?
- As.22?
Do you want me to talk to some of the Ocean Side boys... see if I can't get a couple of.22s?
Não quer que eu fale com alguns dos rapazes do Ocean Side... e ver se arranjo uns 22?
Well, I see nines,.22s, there's even some rifle action.
Sobretudo de 9mm, mas também há de 22mm e até espingardas.
Wow... this tree has more lead than wood. You got nines there,.44s,.22s.
Esta árvore tem mais chumbo que madeira. 9mm,.44,.22.
You know, historically,.22s were the hit man's bullet of choice.
As 22 eram as balas de eleição dos assassinos profissionais.
The bullets that were found in Teddy keller's skull, were copper washed cci.22s.
As balas retiradas do crânio do Teddy Keller, eram revestidas a cobre e de calibre 22.
- Chrome 22s, sweet.
- Cromadas, 22. Lindas...
Set of Kruz Laguna chrome 22s, run you around 3200.
Um conjunto de Kruz Laguna 22 cromados custa 3.200 dólares.
Our F / A-22s and ABLs are all in the air, but so far there's been nothing to intercept.
Os nossos FA22 e ABL estao todos no ar. Mas, ate agora, nao houve nada para interceptar.
Looks like. 22s.
Parece calibre 22.
- Must have been one of your other. 22s.
- Talvez uma outra calibre 22.
Just be easy on the 22s. Be easy on the 22s.
Mas leva-me essas jantes devagar.
We caught these two in the bushes firing their.22s at the wild zombies.
Apanhámos estes dois nos arbustos, a disparar contra os zombies.
.22's are small but efficient.
.22s são pequenas, mas eficientes.
We're gonna throw some 22s on it, put some spinners on the 22s...
Vamos pôr jantes de 22, vamos pôr giratórios nas jantes...
These 22s, I don't want you grinding them. No.
Não quero que estragues as jantes de 22 polegadas.
They're sending F-22s to the city!
Vão mandar F-22's para a cidade!
F-22s, we're still waiting.
F-22's, estamos à espera.
They're both. 22s.
As duas calibre. 22.
- Find any 22s?
- Encontraram alguma.22? - Duas.
.22s aren't exactly The weapon of choice these days.
As.22 não são a arma preferida, hoje em dia.
-. 22s will do that. - Yeah.
- As balas.22 fazem isso.
.22s deteriorate significantly on impact, so there's no slug and it's below the waterline.
Balas calibre 22 deterioram muito no impacto, então sem balas. E é abaixo da linha da água.
.22s and.38s.
Calibre 22 e 38.
Yes, Counselor, in a day bursting with catch-22s, this one seems particularly egregious.
Sim, advogada. Em dia de pegadinhas, essa me parece rude.
You recover the slugs? Yes, all three- -.22s.
- Sim, todas as três, calibre 22.
If need be, they can have F-22s in the air in 30 seconds.
Se for preciso, podem colocar F-22 no ar em 30 segundos.
F-22s were scrambled, but before they could intercept it, the plane landed here.
Os F-22 foram chamados, mas antes que pudessem barrá-lo, o avião aterrou aqui.
You want to buy some 22s?
Quer comprar 22?
- What are 22s?
- O que são 22?
22s, that's what they are!
22, é o que são!
And right above them are two F-22s, ready to shoot you out of the sky.
E, acima dela, há dois F-22, preparados para o tirarem do céu.
I just got confirmation that two F-22s were scrambled out of Wright-Patterson.
Recebi confirmação de que dois F-22 saíram de Wright-Patterson.
And sometime around the time you talked to Investigator Dedering on the occasion we just described, were you trying to sell one of the Dassey boys'.22s to a man named Jay Mathis at work?
Na altura em que falou com o investigador Dedering na circunstância que estamos a descrever, estava a tentar vender uma das.22 dos Dassey a um homem chamado Jay Mathis, no trabalho?
Madam President, the F-22s are 50 klicks from the target, closing in and weapons-free.
Sra. Presidente, os F-22 estão a 50 km do alvo. Em aproximação.
"Yo, man, I got some raisin toast sittin'on 22s. " 22s!
Tipo, " Meu Deus, aquele negro disse arma ( gun )!

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