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61st Çeviri Portekizce

26 parallel translation
One week from next Saturday, you will be called for at 11 : 10am and taken to the Timothy Swardon Sanitarium, 84 East 61st Street.
Do próximo sábado a uma semana irão buscá-lo às 11.10 e levá-lo para o Sanatório Timothy Swardon, na Rua 61, 84 Leste.
Even though he wasn't a native, his popularity caused the 61st Amendment.
Mesmo não tendo nascido cá, a sua popularidade provocou a Emenda 61.
[Exclaims] 61st and Lex. 1 : 45.
Rua 61 e Lex, às 13 : 45.
That's correct, Your Honor. ( Franks ) On my 61st birthday you were cramming for a torts exam.
Quando eu fiz 61 anos, você estava num exame de delito civil.
We got 61 st and 3rd or 84th and Broadway.
Temos um na 61st com a 3rd Avenue e outro na 84th com a Broadway.
In addition, Peggy has commissioned you to paint... a mural for the entrance hall to her new town house on 61st and Lexington.
Além disso ela encomenda-te um painel para a entrada da sua nova casa, na 61ª com a Lexington.
" 61st and Central Park West.
" 61st e Central Park Oeste.
8 : 30. 159 East 61st Street.
20 : 30. 159 East 61st Street.
61st and Central Park West.
Rua 61 com Central Park Oeste.
This will be Cannes's 61st edition.
Cannes vai na edição número 61.
61st Wing, intel, surveillance, recon division.
61ª Esquadrilha. Divisão de informações, vigilância e reconhecimento.
Lesbian Simon and Garfunkel, 61st and Park.
Simon e Garfunkel lésbicas, no crusamento 61 com Park.
I'll meet you at the viand coffee shop- - 61st and park, tomorrow morning, 9 : 00 a.M.
Encontro-o na cafetaria na 61ª com a Park, amanhã, às 9 da manhã.
Lesbian Simon and Garfunkel, 61st and Park.
Simon e Garfunkel lésbicas, 61 com a Park.
The field office on 61st Street.
No escritório da Rua 61.
I'm coming to 61st Street right now.
Vou agora mesmo para a Rua 61.
B-Unit, cover the 61st Street exit.
Unidade Bravo, cubram a saída da 61st Street.
And on my long-ass subway ride from 61st and Woodside, I came up with a plan to keep you each other's good side.
E na longa viagem de metro até aqui, pensei num plano para vos manter em paz.
We're going to go to 61st and Madison.
Estamos a ir para Avenida 61 em Madison.
Miso will only poop on the north side of 61st Street and occasionally on the doorman's shoes at the pier.
A "Miso" só faz as necessidades no lado norte da 61st Street e, ocasionalmente, nos sapatos do porteiro do cais.
Lieutenant Colonel Johns. Out of all UAV crews in the 61st Attack Squadron, Crew 3-2 has been selected to conduct special operations in the war on terror.
Tenente-coronel Johns, de todas as suas unidades no Esquadrão de Ataque 61, a unidade 3-2 foi seleccionada para realizar operações especiais na Guerra contra o Terror.
Can you confirm that you leased an apartment at, um, 112 East 61st Street in 1979?
Pode confirmar que alugou um apartamento - na 112 East 61st Street, em 1979?
Now, you're gonna meet me at 10 : 00 tonight, 61st Street pier at Galveston.
Vais-te encontrar comigo às 22 : 00h, no cais da 61st Street, em Galveston.
He told me he's fleeing the country, and... he needs me to get his go bag and to meet him at the 61st Street Pier in Galveston.
Disse-me que ia fugir do país, e... precisa que eu lhe vá buscar o saco de fuga dele e que vá ter com ele no cais da 61st Street, em Galveston.
- 61st.
Sam and Maxine uncovered that in'06, Clark Sims delivered double-pane windows to a contractor in Queens, who then installed them in 2236-01 East 61st Street, also known as Caitlin O'Brien's townhouse, five months before the murder.
O Sam e a Maxine descobriram que em 2006, o Clark Sims entregou janelas a um construtor em Queens, que depois instalou-as no 2236-01 na rua 61, também conhecida como a casa da Caitlin O'Brien,

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