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All i could think was Çeviri Portekizce

436 parallel translation
All I could think was, "This stops everything."
Eu só pensava : " "lsto vai pôr um fim a tudo." "
For the moment all I could think was : I will never forgive myself.
Neste momento, tudo o que podia pensar era : # Nunca me perdoarei a mim própria. "
and all I could think was it was that damn fool Patrick up to his silly games.
- Por exclusão de partes. O Edmund Swettenham é um comunista intelectual, que escreve livros.
All I could think was that Norman was just gonna pull up any second with Dylan... just pull up outside with an ice cream cone.
Tudo o que pensava era que o Norman viria a qualquer momento com o Dylan... Aparecesse lá fora com um gelado.
We weren't auditioning, but all I could think was "$ 2,000,000. $ 2,000,000".
Não estávamos a fazer audições, mas eu só conseguia pensar em "$ 2.000.000".
I've just been trying to sing The Lord's My Shepherd and all I could think of was reversing round a side bend.
Tenho estado a tentar cantar'Deus É o Meu Pastor'e tudo em que conseguia pensar era numa inversão à volta duma curva.
All I could think of was that they were going to kill me.
Sò pensava na possibilidade de eles me matarem.
Oh, when I was a deputy, I could think. Now I'm sheriff, I'm all fuddled.
Quando era delegado era capaz de pensar, agora sou xerife e fico todo confuso.
All I could think of was Fisher.
Só conseguia pensar no Fisher.
- When I think what I've gone through... trying to find a girl who all the time was in your desk drawer, I could scream.
- Quando penso no que passei para encontrar uma moça que estava na tua gaveta! Apetece-me gritar!
All I could think of was the guy with the saxophone and what he was playing.
Só conseguia pensar no tipo do saxofone a tocar aquela canção...
While she was talking, all I could think of was a little girl in brown pigtails and dirty overalls, flying at the boys when they pushed her too far.
Enquanto ela falava, eu só conseguia pensar numa menina... de rabo-de-cavalo num macacão sujo... lutando com os miúdos que a provocavam.
All I could think of was the part I had to play.
Só conseguia pensar no papel que devia interpretar.
But I was kiddin'myself, and all I could think of was how much I wanted her.
Mas eu estava me enganando, e tudo que conseguia pensar era em como eu a queria.
I didn't even think about him much as we headed home. All I could think about was how his family would feel as they read his letter.
Mas agora que ele ficou só na terra vermelha da Birmânia... poucos pensamos que... sua lembrança desapareceria, com o som de sua harpa birmanesa.
All I could do was think that he didn't love me!
O único que pensei foi que ele não me amava.
All I could think of was how you took me and ditched me.
Só pensava em como me tinhas usado e abandonado.
All I could think of was one thing.
A única coisa em que consigo pensar é no seguinte.
All I could think of was fairy tales, you know? What kind of stuff is this?
Tudo que me vinha à cabeça eram contos de fada.
All I could think of was his extraordinary gift for hope.
Eu só conseguia pensar na extraordinária esperança dele.
All I could think of was Sonja.
Só conseguia pensar na Sonjal
tudo o que pude pensar era... que o sangue estava me chegando à cabeça.
When I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle.
Quando estava lá, só conseguia pensar em voltar para a selva.
All I could think of was :
Só conseguia pensar :
The trouble was all I could think about was Roger.
O problema era que eu só conseguia pensar no Roger.
All I could think about was, I was going to be rich.
Só conseguia pensar que ficaríamos ricos.
I think amongst all the love affairs I was running through in those days, you were the one person that could have stopped me.
Penso em todos os casos amorosos que andava a ter nessa altura, e tu eras o único que me podias ter feito parar.
All I could think of was Leonard... how much I missed him and loved him... and all the terrific times we'd spent together.
Só conseguia pensar em Leonard... e em como sentia a sua falta, e o amava... e os bons tempos que passamos juntos.
You know, when you came at me with a knife all I could think of was that you'd hurt yourself.
Quando te aproximaste de mim com uma faca só pensava que podias magoar-te.
And afterwards... when I was sitting in Vernon's office... all I could think about... was Larry's father... and Larry having to go home... and explain what happened to him.
Logo depois... quando estava no escritório do Vernon... e tudo que eu pensava... era sobre o pai do Larry... Larry indo pra casa... e tendo que explicar o que aconteceu pra ele.
All I could think of was that I might not ever see you again.
Só pensava que nunca mais iria v ~ e-lo.
When I realised we were off to Top Gun, all I could think about was that trophy.
Quando soube que vínhamos para os Ases, só pensava no troféu.
It was all I could think of to save his life.
Não me ocorreu mais nada para salvar-lhe a vida.
You see, before I met you all I could think about was science.
Antes de te conhecer, só era capaz de pensar em ciência.
I guess from the day we met, all I ever really wanted was to know I could take care of you and that you would love me and think well of me.
Acho que, desde que nos conhecemos, só quis saber que podia tomar conta de ti, e que me amarias e pensarias bem de mim.
All I could think about was goin'to sleep.
Tudo o que eu pensava era em ir dormir.
GEORGE : All I could think about was the size of this place.
Só conseguia pensar no tamanho desta casa!
GEORGE : All I could think of was the part I had to play.
Só pensava no que eu tinha de fazer.
in his experience to go that far. And I think this film was all about risking, risking your money, risking your sanity, risking how far you could press your family members... I mean, everything that he did, he went to the extremes to test those fringe regions and then come back.
nessa experiência de ir tão longe. arriscar... arriscar... até onde poderia pressionar os seus... foi aos extremos para testar esses... limites e depois regressar.
Beating Yurilivich and playing for the title... was all I could think about.
Só pensava em derrotar o Yurilivich e disputar o título.
All I could think about was you.
Só pensava em ti.
He was sweating, and all I could think of was : It's not hot in here. Why is he sweating?
Ele estava a suar e eu só pensava que não estava calor lá dentro, porque estava ele a suar.
All I could think of for so long was how I made your brother, Sau, go to war.
Só pensava como obrigara o Sau a ir para a guerra.
I mean, I was beginning to wonder whether anything would be open. All I could think of were those all-night supermarkets, and... I wondered whether anybody would even be in the mood for a drink if we had to drive around half the night looking for an open market.
Quero dizer, eu começava a me perguntar se algo estaria aberto... e tudo o que podia pensar eram aqueles supermercados 24 h, e... me perguntava se alguém ainda estaria no clima de um drinque... já que dirigimos metade da noite procurando por uma loja aberta.
Dwight kept babbling on about the virtues of Concrete but all I could think about was shooting that turkey.
O Dwight não parava com a lengalenga das virtudes de Concrete, mas eu não conseguia pensar em mais nada senão em matar aquele peru.
And soon, sex was all I could think about.
E em breve, o sexo era tudo o que eu podia pensar.
It was all I could think of.
Não me lembrei doutra coisa.
All I could think of when I was looking at her face was, "Newman found this unacceptable."
Quando olhava para a cara dela só me lembrava de que o Newman a considerou inaceitável.
All I could think of as I looked at her was that this was not my Keiko.
Quando olhava para ela só conseguia pensar que não era a minha Keiko.
I used to just think it was party time, you know. All the booze and drugs I could get. But now...
Eu achava que tudo era uma festa... era só bebida e drogas, mas agora não sei.
All I could think about was how much money I was gonna make and how many ways I could spend it.
Porque não pegou o tesouro? Estava bem ali...

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