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And why would he do that Çeviri Portekizce

60 parallel translation
And why would he do that?
E por que ele faria isso?
And why would he do that?
E porque faria isso?
And why would he do that?
E porquê que ele faria isso?
- And why would he do that, eh?
- E porque é que ele faria isso, hey?
- And why would he do that?
- E por que faria isso?
And why would he do that?
E porque o faria?
And why would he do that?
E porque é que faria isso?
And why would he do that?
E porque faria ele isso?
And why would he do that?
E porque é que ele faria isso?
And why would he do that?
Porque é que ele faria isso?
And why would he do that, Ivan?
Porquê faria ele isso, Ivan?
And why would he do that?
Por que haveria ele de fazer isso?
And why would He do that?
E por que faria isso?
And why would he do that?
- Por que faria isso?
And why would he do that?
E por que faria isto?
And why would he do that?
E porque haveria de fazer isso?
- And why would he do that?
- E porque faria ele isso?
And why would he do that?
E porque fazia ele isso?
And Beau set up the trust for her baby, and why would he do that?
O Beau fez o seguro para o bebé. Por que faria ele isto?
And why would he do that?
- E porque faria isso?
And why would he do that?
E porque fez isso?
And why would he do that?
Porque é que faria isso?
And why would he do that?
- Porque pediu isso?
And why would he do that?
- Porque fazia isso?
Unless you can explain how he knew when and how Lucas Menand would be killed, why Nichols'fingerprints were inside that patrol car, and how he knew Ianelli's secret.
A menos que expliques como é que ele sabia como e quando o Lucas Menand ia ser morto, porque havia impressões digitais do Nichols no carro, e como sabia do segredo da Ianelli.
And why would he do a thing like that?
E porquê faria Ele algo assim?
And why the hell would he do that?
E por que faria ele isso?
And why would he want you to do that?
E porque quer ele que faças isso?
He be lying and playing me, and I don't understand why he would do something like that.
Ele tem brincado e mentido pra mim, e eu não consigo entender por quê ele faz isso.
Why don't you just figure out what he would do in the same situation, and try that?
Por que você não apenas descobrir o que ele iria fazer na mesma situação, e tente fazer isso?
And why would he do that?
- A que propósito?
And why would he do that?
E por que razão faria ele isso?
Now, why would he go and do a mean thing like that?
Porque é que ele haveria de fazer uma coisa malvada como essa?
- and burn the negative. - Why would he do that?
- Porque havia ele de fazer isso?
If you knew that William had his own agenda that had nothing to do with yours and that's why he has you moving fast, - would that change anything?
Se soubesses que o William tinha um objectivo pessoal, que não tem nada a ver com o teu, e que é por isso que quer que sejas rápido, isso mudaria alguma coisa?
But then, I tried to put myself in your position so that I could understand why you would do this to me, and to Stefan, because he's been such a friend to you.
Mas depois, tentei pôr-me na tua posição para tentar entender como pudeste fazer isto a mim e ao Stefan, porque ele tem sido tão teu amigo.
And he would never do anything to hurt me, so why on Earth would I tell some cold-hearted bitch anything that would ever hurt him?
Ele nunca ia fazer nada que me ferisse. Porque ia eu dizer a uma puta de coração de pedra alguma coisa que pudesse feri-lo?
Why would he want to do that? Because Matthew was pursuing one of your girls and not paying your fees, and you didn't like that.
Porque Matthew queria uma das suas miúdas, não pagou a taxa, e você não gostou.
Why would he do that? Perhaps your suspect has a smaller amygdala and prefrontal cortex.
Talvez tenha um córtex pré-frontal e amígdala menores.
Why would he go and do a dumb thing like that?
- Porque haviamos de fazer essa burrice?
Why on earth would he go and do that?
Por que faria uma coisa dessas?
But why in the world, when that behavior is wrong would Ciolino say he can do whatever he wants to get a confession out of somebody and to get them to say what he wants them to say.
Mas, então, se esse comportamento é errado, porque diria Ciolino que pode fazer o que quer para fazer alguém confessar e fazer com que diga o que ele quer?
His chip is probably the only one that can do it, and why would he frame himself?
Apenas o seu chip podia fazer isso. Porque se ia incriminar ele?
In addition to being an Al Fayeed, he is very wise, very loyal, and that is why I would like to make him a permanent member of this body, with the title special consul to the president.
Além dele ser um Al Fayeed, é muito inteligente, muito leal, e, por isso, gostaria de o tornar um membro permanente deste corpo, com o cargo de Conselheiro Especial do Presidente.
Why would I do that? He knows you and I are lovers.
Porquê, se sabe que somos amantes?
- Why would he do that? - Most likely to get rid of competition and establish dominance.
- O mais provável, foi para livrar-se da competição e estabelecer o domínio.
Now, why anyone would want to start an arcade in 2000 beats me, but Ned Bosham had it in his mind that that's what he wanted to do, and so he did.
Não sei porque haveria alguém de querer abrir um salão de jogos em 2000, mas o Ned Bosham meteu na cabeça que era o que queria fazer, e assim fez.
It's hard to imagine why he would do that if he really did hire someone to kill Butch and Jared.
É difícil de imaginar porque o faria se tivesse mesmo contratado alguém para matar os dois.
Now I know we all want to get to the talking part of this summit, but before we do that, why don't we take a moment and have Jamal Lyon come up here and do a song, 'cause he has not performed since that event at the ASAs. And I think this would be a most fitting moment for him.
Sei que todos queremos passar à discussão, mas, antes disso, porque não aproveitamos para pedir ao Jamal Lyon para vir aqui cantar, já que ele não atua desde os ASA e penso que este seria um momento perfeito para isso?
Your lawyer dropped the ball. And why the hell would he do that?
O teu advogado cometeu um erro.
But what would Rumplestiltskin want from her, and what does that have to do with why he took you?
O que quererá o Rumplestiltskin dela? O que tem isso a ver com ele te ter trazido?

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