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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ A ] / And you're okay with that

And you're okay with that Çeviri Portekizce

123 parallel translation
Everything fits. And I want you all to know that if you're havin'any trouble with, say appendicitis, heart attacks.... That's okay.
Serve tudo e quero que todos saibam... que, se tiverem algum problema como apendicites ou ataques cardíacos, não há mal nenhum.
I, I appreciate all this, but, you know, that you're here in my hour of need and all, and I just want to tell you I think I'm okay with it now.
Eu agradeço isto tudo, mas, sabes, mas estás aqui na minha hora de necessidade e isso tudo e eu quero apenas dizer-te que acho que agora estou bem com isso.
So, okay, maybe that means you're not over Ross yet and you have issues with your father.
Se calhar, isso significa que ainda não esqueceste o Ross e que tens problemas com o teu pai.
And you're okay with that?
E não te importas?
But it is okay, because I've been thinking about it... and I think what happened is that you're my best friend and I love you... and I got jealous when you were spending so much time with Ryan... and then with you graduating. And then I think in a weird way...
- Não, não está, mas está, porque estive a pensar, e tu és a minha melhor amiga eu adoro-te e fiquei com ciúmes por passares tanto tempo com o Ryan e depois estás a formar-te e tudo
StoKes : And you're okay with that?
E achas isso bem?
So my father gets away with it and you're okay with that.
Então, o meu pai safa-se e tu não te importas.
- And you're okay with that?
- Aceitas isso bem?
- And you're okay with that?
- E queres as coisas assim?
- Of course I like what you're doing but I like it done with artistry, with grace, and that means, if you're gonna eat each other, you must find a way to do it tastefully, okay?
- Claro que gostei do que fizeram. Mas quero que seja feito de forma artística, com classe. E isso significa que, se se vão comer uma à outra, tem de arranjar maneira de o fazer com bom gosto, ok?
I get too structured and too serious, and I just have to adjust, you know... because we're in college, and college is about change... and you have my study tree, so I have to be okay with that... and just learn to kind of go with the flow.
Sou muito organizada e séria e tenho de me adaptar, sabes, porque estamos na universidade e isso tem a ver com mudança, e tu ficas com a minha árvore de estudo, por isso tenho de me resignar... e aprender a ir na onda.
If it's okay with you. I think he should hear the music tonight and know that we're getting married.
Se não se importa, ele devia ouvir hoje as músicas da cerimónia e consciencializar-se de que vamos mesmo casar.
And uh... oh, you're playing with fire... - Okay, that's enough, that's it,
E... tu estás a brincar com o fogo.
-... and you're okay with that.
-... e não tens problemas com isso.
- And you're okay with that?
- E não te importas?
Okay, that was the thursday rock block, and you're listening to the new and improved Hot Donna, now with hair like like strands of gold.
Esse foi o bloco rock de Terça-feira, e estão a escutar a nova e melhorada Hot Donna, agora com cabelo tipo tipo amarras de ouro!
- And you're okay with that.
- E está bem com isso.
And you're okay with that?
E isso não é problema para si!
Okay, well, I already picked you. And you know that. So, unless I just go through with this, you're always gonna look at me as the guy who almost fired you.
Eu já te escolhi a ti e tu sabes, por isso, se eu voltar atrás vais ver-me sempre como o tipo que quase te despediu.
You're using me and I'm okay with that.
Estás a usar-me e eu aceito isso.
You're using me, and I'm okay with that.
Estás a usar-me e eu aceito.
And you're okay with that?
E estás bem em relação a isso?
And you're okay with that?
Para você tudo bem?
- And you're okay with that?
- E não te importas? - Não.
Okay, you're saying that hundreds of people could still be out there with cancer time-bombs in them and not even realize it?
Pode haver centenas de pessoas com cancros bomba-relógio sem o saberem?
And you're okay with that'?
E é assim que fica?
Okay, you listen to me, redzo. You either get on board, or you're gonna wake up on that island with phil donahue and the electric car. You understand me?
Ouve lá, vermelhusco, ou alinhas connosco ou vais acordar na ilha com o Phil Donahue e um carro eléctrico, topas?
And you're okay with that?
E isso não te incomoda?
But I don't want you to do that thing that you do, you know, when you say you're okay with something and six months after that, we're at my parents 50th wedding anniversary and you've had one beer too many, and you ask my mom if the ball-buster gene comes from her side of the family?
Passados seis meses, estamos no aniversário de casamento dos meus pais, bebeste uma cerveja a mais e perguntas à minha mãe se o gene de "mulher-macho" vem do lado dela.
Okay, well, you're going to have to go solo, because I'm staying right here and hitting on that girl with the great big boobs
Bem, vais ter que ir sozinho, porque eu vou ficar aqui a fazer-me àquela miúda das mamas grandes.
And you're okay with that?
E por ti tudo bem?
And you're okay with that?
E tu não te importas?
But you're messing with my friends, my summer, and that's not okay with me.
Mas metes-te com os meus amigos, com o meu Verão, e isso incomoda-me.
Okay, well, you know what? I'm glad that you're so pleased with yourself because now Keysha and Daryl are not going to get the education that we were hoping they'd get.
OK, estou contente que fiques tão satisfeito contigo mesmo porque agora a Keysha e o Daryl não vão ter a educação que nós queríamos.
So what we need to do is go through and cross off the ones that are married- - or bald, unless you're okay with bald.
Então o que temos de fazer é analisá-la e riscar os casados... Ou carecas, a menos que não te importes que seja careca.
- And you're okay with that?
- E não se importa com isso?
And you're okay with that?
E sentes-te bem com isso?
And it's going to take some time too... so, it looks like you're stuck with us for a... little while longer, if that's okay?
E também vai levar algum tempo, portanto, parece que vais ter de nos aturar por mais algum tempo, se não houver problema.
Okay, listen, I know you're getting to that age where you'd rather be with your friends than your old man, and that's okay.
Está bem, sei que estás a chegar aquela idade, onde preferes estar mais com os teus amigos do que com o teu pai, e tudo bem.
I hope you can say you're okay with it... and we can still be together... because that's what I want more than anything.
Espero que digas que está bem. Assim ainda podemos estar juntos. Porque isso é o que eu quero mais do que tudo.
Wen, I asked you to do this because you're a mom and I thought you'd be okay with it and that you wouldn't be squeamish. Are you gonna be okay with this?
Wen, pedi-te a ti por seres mãe e achei que não te importavas e que não ias levantar problemas.
- And you're okay with that?
- E tu aprovas?
And you're okay with that?
É... E não te importas?
Okay, and you find an ashtray with cigarettes in it and you think... You automatically assume that they're mine.
E encontras um cinzeiro com cigarros e pensas que... automaticamente, presumes que são meus.
And you're going to tell me you're okay with that, huh?
E vais-me dizer que te sentes à vontade com isso?
I was cool with your books'cause it made you feel comfortable and it made your work easier, but at the end of the day they're books- - written by some guy that probably has never been in a relationship in his life and doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, okay?
Ouve, concordava com os teus livros porque isso fazia-te sentir confortável e fazia-te trabalhar menos, mas no fim de contas, há livros escritos por um tipo qualquer que provavelmente nunca teve um relacionamento na vida e não sabe do que está a falar, está bem?
And you're okay with that?
Sentes-te preparada para isso?
And you're okay with that?
E concordas com isso?
Come on, you're trying to have sex with your father and I'm okay with that.
Por favor, estás a tentar ter sexo com o teu pai, e eu estou bem com isso.
And you're okay with that?
- E não te importas?
And you're okay with that?
E estás bem com isso?

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