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Bartholomew Çeviri Portekizce

318 parallel translation
Mr. Bartholomew, are you quite sure you know who I am?
Sr. Bartholomew, tem a certeza que sabe quem sou eu?
What's all this got to do with me, Mr. Bartholomew?
O que tem isto a ver comigo, Sr. Bartholomew?
Mr. Bartholomew, if you're trying to frighten me... you're doing a first-rate job.
Sr. Bartholomew, se está a tentar assustar-me... está a fazer um trabalho de primeira.
Mr. Bartholomew, if I had a quarter of a million dollars... believe me, I'd know it.
Sr. Bartholomew, se tivesse um quarto de milhão... de dólares, acredite, que sabia.
Mr. Bartholomew, this is Regina Lampert.
Sr. Bartholomew, é a Regina Lampert.
Mr. Bartholomew, I just saw one of those m - Mr. Bartholomew, can you hear me?
Há pouco vi um daqueles homens... Sr. Bartholomew, pode ouvir-me?
Mr. Bartholomew, this is Regina Lampert.
Sr. Bartholomew, aqui é Regina Lampert. Eu acabo...
But I am calm, Mr. Bartholomew.
Estou calma, Sr. Bartholomew.
- Are you still there, Mr. Bartholomew?
Ainda está aí, Sr. Bartholomew?
Mr. Bartholomew, I'm catching the next plane out of here.
Sr. Bartholomew, vou apanhar o próximo avião.
- Please go on, Mr. Bartholomew.
Por favor continue, Sr. Bartholomew. O que aconteceu depois?
I'm sorry, Mr. Bartholomew, but nothing you've said has changed my mind.
Sinto muito, Sr. Bartholomew, mas nada do que disse... me fez mudar de ideias.
Go ahead, Mr. Bartholomew.
Prossiga, Sr. Bartholomew.
- Mr. Bartholomew?
- Sr. Bartholomew?
Uh, Mr. Bartholomew's office, please.
Escritório do Sr. Bartholomew, por favor.
Mr. Hamilton Bartholomew.
Sr. Hamilton Bartholomew.
Mr. Bartholomew has left for the day.
Sr. Bartholomew não está a trabalhar hoje.
Mr. Bartholomew?
- Estou. Sr. Bartholomew?
- There was a call for you just now, Mr. Bartholomew.
- Sim. - Houve uma chamada para o Sr. Pareceu muito urgente.
Mr. Bartholomew!
Mrs. Foster, take a memo to Bartholomew in Security recommending -
Sra. Foster, leve um memorando ao Bartholomew, e diga que... a segurança recomenda...
- little, tidy Bartholomew boar-pig.
Seu urso faminto!
Sure, we could have caught the massacre of Saint Bartholomew, Spanish Inquisition, retreat from Moscow, the sinking of the Titanic, storming of the Bastille...
Podíamos ter apanhado o Massacre de São Bartolomeu, a Inquisição Espanhola, a retirada de Moscovo, o naufrágio do Titanic, a Tomada da Bastilha.
- The St Bartholomew Massacre.
- O massacre de São Bartolomeu.
Holy Peter, Holy Paul, Holy Jacob, Holy Demetrius, Holy Bartholomew, all ye holy apostles, pray for us.
S. Cristóvão, S. Paulo, S. Jacob, S. Filipe, S. Bartolomeu.
What do you have on Saint Bartholomew?
O que tem de São Bartolomeu?
- Chief surgeon at St.Bartholomew's- -
É chefe de cirugia em St. Bartolomeu.
I am Major Bartholomew Cavendish, and you, Mr. President, are my prisoner.
Eu sou o Major Bartholomew Cavendish, e você, sr. Presidente, é meu prisioneiro.
"let it be known that I, Major Bartholomew Cavendish,"
"que seja sabido que o Major Bartholomew Cavendish,"
Who is Bartholomew Cubbins?
Quem é Bartholomew Cubbins?
- Who is Bartholomew Cubbins?
- Quem é Bartholomew Cubbins?
Bartholomew Cubbins!
Bartholomew Cubbins!
When Sindy Bartholomew o.d.-ed her friends put her on the front seat of her mother's car.
Quando a Cindy Bartolomeu morreu, os amigos deixaram-na no carro dos seus pais.
Oh, my dear Bartholomew, I'm afraid that you've gone and upset me.
Meu querido Bartolomeu, temo que me tenhas aborrecido.
I am Captain Thomas Bartholomew Red!
Eu sou o capitão Thomas Bartolomeu Red!
- Thomas Bartholomew Red!
- Thomas Bartolomeu Red!
Steven Bartholomew Rhoades.
Steven Bartholomew Rhoades.
Who is it? Steven Bartholomew Rhoades. Bartholomew?
Desculpa, mas ao fim de 16 anos de casado, já não tenho sangue para dar.
Clark, Bartholomew.
Clark, Bartholomew.
Do you know Mr Bartholomew Scott Blair?
Conhece o Mr. Bartholomew Scott Blair?
For Mr Bartholomew Scott Blair. Urgent. "
Bartholomew Scott Blair, particular e urgente. "
I believe I'm addressing Mr Bartholomew Scott Blair.
Creio que me dirijo ao Mr. Bartholomew Scott Blair.
Mr Bartholomew Scott Blair?
Bartholomew Scott Blair?
Agents. - He has a gun, Mr. Bartholomew.
- Ele tem uma arma, Sr. Bartholomew.
Mr. Bartholomew, what is all this about?
Sr. Bartholomew, o que está a acontecer?
Mr. Bartholomew!
Sr. Bartholomew! Sr. Bartholomew!

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