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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ B ] / Bundy

Bundy Çeviri Portekizce

786 parallel translation
Help you, Mrs. Bundy?
- Que deseja, Mrs. Bundy?
I can't see that it makes any difference, Mrs. Bundy.
Não vejo que isso faça diferença, Mrs. Bundy.
Mrs. Bundy, you don't seem to understand.
- Mrs. Bundy, não está a perceber.
How many gulls did you count, Mrs. Bundy?
- Quantas gaivotas contou, Mrs. Bundy?
Why not, Mrs. Bundy?
- Porque não, Mrs. Bundy?
You're right, Mrs. Bundy.
Tem razão, Mrs. Bundy.
Mrs. Bundy said something about Santa Cruz.
Mrs. Bundy disse qualquer coisa sobre Santa Cruz.
Stimson's biographer, McGeorge Bundy.
O biógrafo de Stimson, McGeorge Bundy :
( Bundy ) He wrote to the president to urge direct negotiation on the nuclear issue, and argued that relations with Russia "may perhaps be irretrievably embittered by the way in which we approach the solution of the bomb with Russia."
"Ele escreveu ao Presidente a pedir negociações directas no caso nuclear " e dizia que as relações com a Rússia " podiam talvez ficar irremediavelmente estragadas
He's headin'south across Bundy's field.
Ele está no campo do Bundy.
Eh, you'll be coming home, and Mr. and Mrs. Bundy will be attending.
Al, ele tem dois pares. O E.J. Tem o 10 e faltam duas damas. Ele não tem o terceiro 10.
Al Bundy. That's right.
Uh, Al! Al Bundy.
Perdeste, como sempre?
All you have to do is bowl great and be a Bundy.
Só tens de jogar bem e ser um Bundy.
Besides, no one would believe I'm a Bundy.
Aliás, ninguém acreditará que sou um Bundy.
We'll Bundy you up.
Nós disfarçamos-te de Bundy!
Whoa, Bundy!
Ena, Bundy!
I want to ask them if I could be an adopted Bundy.
Queria perguntar-lhes se posso ser um Bundy adoptado.
A failed Bundy.
Um Bundy falhado.
This guy's no Bundy.
Este tipo não é um Bundy.
He's a Bundy.
É um Bundy.
I'll have one word for them : Bundy.
E eu terei uma para eles : "Bundy".
I'm Al Bundy.
Sou o Al Bundy.
Mr. and Mrs. Bundy, I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here with you.
Não vos consigo agradecer o suficiente por me deixarem ficar convosco.
Yes, Mr. Bundy?
- Sim, Mr. Bundy?
We must put an end to world hunger, we must buckle up for safety, but when it comes to Peg Bundy getting it regularly, we must go with the flow.
Temos de acabar com a fome no mundo. Temos de nos proteger. Mas se a Peg Bundy o consegue, temos de ir com a corrente.
Well, from now on, Al Bundy is going to do something about it.
A partir de agora, Al Bundy alguma coisa há-de fazer.
From now on, Al Bundy is going to live with a little bit of dignity.
A partir de agora, Al Bundy vai viver com um pingo de dignidade.
They keep away the mosquitoes.
Impedem os mosquitos de entrar. Ó Bundy!
Hey, Bundy! Telephone!
So much for Bundy unity.
Lá se vai a união entre os Bundy.
This is the last message the Rhoades are taking for the Bundys.
Este é o último recado que os Rhoades entregam aos Bundy.
Well, I'm ready, Mr. Bundy.
Bem, estou pronta, Mr. Bundy.
Oh, hi, Mrs. Bundy.
Olá, Mrs. Bundy.
Hey, Mrs. Bundy, what's going on?
Mrs. Bundy, o que conta?
Usual table, Mrs. Bundy?
A mesa do costume, Mrs. Bundy?
Well, Mr. Bundy, I don't know who worked on this baby before me, but they sure didn't know what they were doing.
Bem, não sei quem cá veio antes de mim, mas não percebia nada disto.
Mr. Bundy, can I use your bathroom?
Bundy, posso usar a sua casa de banho?
Well, Mr. Bundy, she's working.
Bundy, está a trabalhar.
Eh, you'll be coming home, and Mr. and Mrs. Bundy will be attending.
Vens para casa, e o Mr. E a Mrs. Bundy irão estar presentes.
That's right.
Al Bundy.
Aren't they sweet, Al? Uh, Al! Al Bundy.
- São ou não são queridas, Al?
That's right.
- AI! Al Bundy.
Ladies, I'd like you to meet my friend, Al "The King" Bundy.
Minhas senhoras, apresento-vos o meu amigo, Al'O Rei'Bundy.
Is Al Bundy there?
O Al Bundy está ai?
Is Al Bundy there?
A Marcy acendeu a luz.
It's time for the Bundy cheer!
É hora do cumprimento Bundy!
You're a Bundy.
És um Bundy.
Mrs. Bundy.
Boa noite, minhas senhoras.
Can I get you anything?
Mrs. Bundy!
Al Bundy.

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