But i didn't care Çeviri Portekizce
200 parallel translation
I warned you, but you didn't care.
- Te o disse e não você escutou.
But I didn't care much for it.
Mas eu não me interessei muito por ela.
It was the bottom of the barrel, and I scraped it, but I didn't care.
Atingi o fundo do poço, mas mais nada importava.
I knew all the time he didn't love me. But I didn't care.
Era certo de que não me amava, mas não me importou.
Oh, I don't think I care to have you depend on my opinion there, Miss Wilkinson, but if it didn't you'd be ruined.
Oh, não gostaria que a sua decisão depen - desse da minha opinião, Menina Wilkinson, mas corre o risco de ficar arruinada.
Jake. I never asked you anything about your past life because I didn't care about anything that happened before we met each other. But what you're asking me to accept on faith now concerns cur future.
Jake, nunca perguntei nada do seu passado... porque não me importo com o que aconteceu antes de nos conhecermos... mas o que me está pedindo agora diz respeito ao nosso futuro.
But then she got old and she couldn't take care of me anymore So, when I was 8, I went to live with my parents I could tell Mom didn't like me.
A minha avó estava velha e já não podia tomar conta de mim, então vim para casa dos meus pais, já tinha oito anos e apercebi-me que a minha mãe não gostava muito de mim, estava sempre a discutir comigo por tudo e por nada,
But I didn't care, anyway.
Mas não me importei.
I knew my parents would be waiting, but I didn't care.
Sabia que os meus pais me esperavam, mas não queria saber.
I wish to God I didn't care about anything but my magic!
Quem me dera não querer saber de nada a não ser da minha magia!
I said I didn't care, I was just an adventuress but she wouldn't understand because she had no sense of humor.
"Não quero chegar a lado nenhum. " Sou uma aventureira, "só que tu não me percebes porque não tens sentido de humor."
I didn't want to, but I didn't care if they did so I watched.
Não queria, mas eles foram e eu fiquei a ver.
- He offered money but I didn't care.
- Ele me ofereceu dinheiro, mas eu recusei.
The bus driver said it might rain, but I said I didn't care.
O motorista disse que vai chover mas eu disse que não me importava
Well, I knew I was going to have to take care of the dog, but I didn't know it was going to be in a place that was huge and kind of like a mausoleum and is stuck way out in the middle of the moors.
- Eu sabia que teria que tratar do cão, mas não sabia que seria num lugar imenso e como um mausoléu e presa bem no meio de um pântano.
If there's going to be an encounter I don't wanna be sitting around with my finger up my nose because some smart-aleck jokester didn't do his job. Now, I don't care what you have to do or what lie you have to tell but I want that code cracked and I want it cracked now.
Quando aterraste na nossa garagem, eu era uma menininha desajeitada e tímida, com aparelho.
There were things about Laura I didn't like, but she did take care of my brother Johnny.
Havia coisas na Laura de que não gostava, mas ela cuidava do meu irmão Johnny.
But by then, I didn't care.
Mas eu já não me importava.
But I didn't care because I was happy.
Mas isso não me incomodava porque eu era feliz.
But I thought you were the one who didn't care about my money.
Falando a sério, tu não fazes exactamente o meu tipo.
But me, I didn't care if they'd all been in Sing-Sing.
Mas, por mim, até podiam ter estado em Sing Sing.
But I didn't care what any of them said.
Mas eu não me importava :
I didn't care. But he did, big-time.
Não me fez diferença nenhuma, mas para ele fez imensa.
Everyone said it was a stupid move, but I didn't care because I loved you and wanted to see you pull yourself out of this senseless funk that you've been in since that whore dumped you so many years ago.
Todos me disseram, que eu era estúpida, mas não dei ouvidos... porque te amei e te quis ter comigo... e te quis tirar desta confusão em que te encontras... há bastante, desde que ela te deixou cair.
I never really knew why she came back, but I didn't care.
Nunca soube porque voltou, mas também não quis saber.
I was called Dr Mengele, Dr Frankenstein, but I didn't care.
Chamaram-me Dr. Mengele, Dr. Frankenstein. Mas eu não me importei.
But Nicky didn't care. I gotta do something.
Tenho de fazer algo.
The F.B.I. Watched every move he made, but he didn't care. He just didn't care.
Ele tinha o FBI à perna, mas não se ralava.
But what I did not get, she didn't care.
Mas o que eu não percebi, é que ela não queria saber.
It only went up to T, but I didn't care.
Só ia até à letra T, mas não me importava.
I wouldn't have anything to do with anybody who didn't care about you, but he does.
Jamais me relacionaria com alguém que não gostasse de ti, mas ele gosta.
I didn't dream anything about an aqua suit... or a lavender shirt, but you did take care of Mom.
Nunca sonhei com nada num fato azul ou numa camisa lavanda. Mas tomaste conta da mãe.
Hi, Bryan Trenberth, I don't care if you like me or not... but we didn't bring a snack this week'cause my wife is as busy as hell... and she brought a perfectly fine snack last week... and if it's not on your stupid list...
"Olá, Bryan Trenberth, não me interessa se gosta de mim ou não," "mas não trouxemos merendas porque a minha mulher anda ocupadíssima," "comprou uma merenda aceitável, a semana passada,"
Everyone laughed at me... but I didn't care because it was so funny.
Toda a gente se ria de mim, mas não me importei. Foi divertido!
Not only didn't I know what he was gonna say not only didn't I care what he was gonna say but if he had sat here while I typed his testimony for him I wouldn't have understood what he was gonna say!
Não só não sabia o que ele ia dizer, não só não me ralava com o que ele ia dizer, como, se ele estivesse sentado aqui enquanto eu lhe escrevia o testemunho, não teria compreendido o que ele ia dizer!
And then Vicky walked over and started interrogating me, but I didn't care at this point'cause I was already drunk a little bit.
Então a Vicky juntou-se a nós e começou a interrogar-me, mas neste ponto já não me importava porque já estava um pouco bêbeda.
- I did, but they didn't care!
- Mostre-lhes!
I warned her of the prophecy, but she didn't care.
Avisei-a sobre a profecia. Mas ela não fez caso.
I don't care why - debts, a lover...... but don't tell me you didn't need your brother's money!
Não quero saber o motivo pelo qual o fez. Dividas de jogo, vicios, uma mulher... Não me importa.
"The Red Sox were in town, but I didn't care, because it was Tuesday and I was on my way to see Maury."
Mas isso não me importava, porque ia ver o Maury.
I became a doctor to help people, but orientation yesterday didn't really focus on patient care.
fica bem lá dentro. Ouçam, eu escolhi ser médico porque quero ajudar as pessoas. Mas ontem na formação de orientação...
I mean it would be nice if your father didn't he to conduct his business on holidays but, it's not your job to take care of me
Seria bom se o teu pai não tivesse de tratar de negócios nos feriados mas não é obrigação tua tomar conta de mim.
Perhaps you didn't know it, but I too was in love once. A young girl from Nikolaievsk who took care of me when I was a kid.
Talvez não saibas, mas eu também já tive um grande amor, uma jovem de Nikolaievsk que tomou conta de mim quando eu era criança.
I knew you were going to kill Barry, but you didn't even care.
Eu sabia que ias matar o Barry, mas tu não quiseste saber.
Granddad hated it, but I didn't care.
O avô detestava-o, mas eu não queria saber.
I personally didn't care if you guys saw us or not, but hey – women, right?
Por mim, não me importava se nos vissem. As mulheres, não se pode viver com elas.
But I didn't do it because I care about him.
Mas não fiz porque queria.
It's like, I knew I had it, but I didn't care because I didn't see it.
É assim... Eu sabia que o tinha, mas não me importava porque não o via.
I didn't know what I was doing, but I didn't care.
Não sabia o que estava a fazer, mas queria saber.
I don't know what you're doing in this place and I don't particularly care. But we didn't come here to stage a prison break. So why don't you just give us the coordinates... and we'll all stop wasting each other's time?
Não sei o que você está a fazer neste lugar, e pessoalmente, não importo mas não viemos até aqui para organizar uma fuga de prisioneiros, portanto, por que você não nos dá essas coordenadas para que todos não percamos mais tempo?
I tried to find him to get him to accept responsibility. But he's long gone because he didn't care about her.
Eu tentei encontrá-lo e obrigá-lo a assumir a responsabilidade, mas ele foi-se embora por não querer saber dela.
but i can't 1234
but i don't 540
but it wasn't 208
but i'm going 29
but i'm sorry 142
but i'm not 551
but it 307
but i'm still here 37
but in the end 317
but i'm not interested 30
but i don't 540
but it wasn't 208
but i'm going 29
but i'm sorry 142
but i'm not 551
but it 307
but i'm still here 37
but in the end 317
but i'm not interested 30
but i'm 401
but it's ok 45
but it's over 138
but i don't have any money 24
but i'm hungry 38
but i'm tired 27
but i am 338
but i didn't 584
but i'm here now 110
but i'm not stupid 33
but it's ok 45
but it's over 138
but i don't have any money 24
but i'm hungry 38
but i'm tired 27
but i am 338
but i didn't 584
but i'm here now 110
but i'm not stupid 33