But i didn't know Çeviri Portekizce
3,646 parallel translation
Okay, look, I know why you told him to stay away, but you didn't have to treat him like dirt, you know.
Ok, ouve, eu sei porque é que lhe disseste para se manter afastado, mas não tinhas que o ter tratado como lixo, sabias.
You know, I didn't get a chance to tell you amid all the fuss, but Sidney and I are engaged.
No meio da confusão, nem te cheguei a contar. Eu e o Sidney estamos noivos.
Louis, I know it didn't go exactly as planned, but you need to pick yourself up and dust yourself off.
Louis, sei que não foi exactamente como planeámos, mas precisas-te recompor e sair daqui.
Yes, but I didn't know him.
- Trabalhavam no mesmo local. - Mas eu não o conheci.
Look, I know it didn't work with the arsonist beast, but it worked on me, right?
Sei que não funcionou com o monstro incendiário, mas funcionou comigo, certo?
But I know I didn't buy a portable tool shed for $ 1,800.
Mas sei que não comprei um barracão portátil por 1800 dólares.
Well, up until recently, I didn't know anything about bisexuality, but I'm a quick study.
Até há pouco tempo, eu não sabia nada sobre bissexualidade, mas eu aprendo rápido.
I didn't know how people felt back then, but now I'm beginning to understand.
Não sabia o que as pessoas sentiam na altura, mas agora estou a começar a entender.
I said I didn't want to get involved, but they insisted, saying I know how to talk.
Disse que não me queria envolver, mas eles insistiram, dizendo-me que falava bem.
I've heard of HR, but I swear, I didn't know the money was theirs.
Ouvi falar sobre a HR, mas não sabia que o dinheiro era deles.
I didn't start your fire, but I know who did.
Eu não comecei o fogo, mas eu sei quem o fez.
I killed Sikes, but... my boys didn't know anything about the side business.
Eu matei o Sikes, mas... os meus filhos não sabiam deste negócio paralelo.
I'm sorry, I didn't really wanna drag you into this, but I didn't know who else I could drag into it.
Desculpa, não queria arrastar-te para isto, mas não conhecia mais ninguém que pudesse arrastar.
You know, I didn't want to have to say anything, but...
- Eu não queria dizer nada...
I mean, technically, he's from Vitebsk, but that's less than an hour from here, and I'm a bit disappointed that you didn't know that.
Tecnicamente, ele é de Vitebsk, mas fica a menos de uma hora daqui. - Desilude-me não saberes isso.
I didn't know her long, but... She was the kind of person you didn't mind being stuck on a bus with half the night.
Não a conhecia há muito, mas era uma daquelas pessoas com quem não nos importávamos de ficar presos num autocarro de noite.
I'm not sure how we're related because I... I didn't know my grandparents, but, uh... I know you had an older brother named Caleb.
Não sei qual é o grau de parentesco, porque não conheci os meus avós, mas sei que tinha um irmão mais velho chamado Caleb.
Um, you know, I... didn't have a very good angle from over here, but I trust Dr. Bailey if she saw a bubble.
Não tenho um bom ângulo daqui, mas confio na Drª. Bailey.
I didn't know... what was happening, but I knew it wasn't good.
Não sabia o que se passava, mas sabia que não era bom.
I didn't know this would happen, But I knew it was a risk.
Não sabia que isto ia acontecer, mas sabia que era um risco, e vós também.
I know what the evidence says, but he didn't do this.
Eu sei o que a prova diz, mas ele não fez isto.
It's how he communicated, but I don't know how I didn't see this sooner.
Era como nos comunicávamos, não sei como não percebi isso mais cedo.
I would have called, but, uh... well, I didn't know if you'd have your phone handy.
Eu teria telefonado, mas... Bem, não sabia se tinhas o teu telemóvel à mão.
You didn't know that? I did not. Yeah, she struggled as a backup singer for 20 years, and she finally got a big break, but she walked away from it as soon as Mary came into the picture.
Ela foi cantora de apoio durante 20 anos, e quando, finalmente, teve uma grande oportunidade, desistiu dela, assim que a Mary entrou em cena.
I know that you and I didn't get along in the past, but perhaps we could work together towards a common goal.
Sei que no passado não nos relacionámos bem... mas talvez possamos trabalhar juntas em prol de um objectivo comum.
I didn't know it, But I think all of my April talk made Timothy go after her!
Não sabia disso, mas penso que tudo o que disse da April fez o Timothy ir atrás dela.
I didn't know what you were up to, but I knew something was weird.
Não sabia o que estavam a fazer mas algo estava estranho.
I-I didn't want to wake you before I left this morning, but I just wanted to let you know
Sou eu. Eu não quis acordar-te quando saí esta manhã, mas queria dizer-te que tive uma boa conversa com a médica.
Listen, I didn't want to upset you, you know, with the bot fly, but...
- Sim? Não queria perturbar-te com a mosca, mas...
Yeah, but I didn't know it was Vincent.
Mas eu não sabia que era o Vincent.
I didn't know it at the time, but it turns out that the Russians were involved in it, too.
Eu não sabia disso na altura, mas, acontece que os russos também estavam envolvidos nisso.
He didn't ask me, but... I know he wanted me to forgive him.
Não me perguntou, mas... eu sei que queria que o perdoasse.
But I didn't know if it would have done more harm than good.
Mas não sabia se teria feito mais mal do que bem.
I didn't know this part, of course, but I knew about the transition.
Não sabia desta parte, claro, mas sabia da transição.
You know, it didn't have to be Julia, but I just couldn't resist bringing it full circle.
Sabes, não precisava de ser a Julia. Mas não resisti a encerrar o ciclo.
Now, Mason, I know you didn't really want to have a party today, but we did.
Sei que não querias uma festa hoje, mas nós queríamos.
I know you trust him and all, but he didn't mention even one of the experimental drugs they're testing right now.
Eu sei que confias nele e tal, mas ele não fez menção a nenhum medicamento experimental que estão a testar agora.
Listen, I know we didn't grow up together, and I was in the Army by the time that you were born, - but, uh, I just thought I would try...
Ouve, eu sei que não crescemos juntos, e eu estava no exército na altura que nasceste mas, uh, eu só gostaria de tentar...
I know that meant stay away, but you didn't say it.
Eu percebi isso, mas tu não o disseste.
And I know there were times when you wanted to come back here, but you didn't because of me.
E sabia que havia alturas em que querias regressar, mas não o fizeste por minha causa.
No, but I don't know that because, see, you didn't make a statement at the time, did you?
Não, mas eu não sei isso porque, sabes, não deste o teu testemunho na altura, pois não?
I've known you for so long, but I didn't know your name
Conheço-te há tanto tempo, mas não sei o teu nome verdadeiro.
I didn't know how special but, the thing is, I knew he could really fight.
Não sabia quão especial, mas sabia que era um grande lutador.
I don't know why the PowerPoint didn't work, but...
Obrigado. Não sei porque é que o PowerPoint não funcionou...
i saw the photos, but... you really are. i didn't know.
Não sabia.
I don't know, maybe I didn't seal the spaces well enough... or maybe I haven't had enough containers with electrodes, but...
Não sei, talvez não selei muito bem os espaços... ou talvez não tenha tido recipientes com elétrodos suficientes, mas...
But that's because I didn't know what to say.
Não sabia o que dizer.
Dylan, there's something, didn't make any sense to me at the time, but, you know, I always felt like there was someone with me.
Dylan, há uma coisa, não fez muito sentido, na altura, mas, sabes, sempre senti que havia alguém comigo.
I'm sorry. But I didn't know your last name.
Eu não sabia o teu sobrenome.
But I didn't know how to feed him. So I had to leave him in front of a house.
Mas como não sabia como alimentá-lo, tive de o deixar à porta de uma casa.
I didn't know what to say, because I couldn't remember my mother ever looking at my dad with anything but contempt.
Não sabia o que dizer, pois não lembrava da minha mãe ter olhado para o meu pai, senão com desprezo.
but i can't 1234
but i don't 540
but it wasn't 208
but i'm going 29
but i'm sorry 142
but i'm not 551
but i'm still here 37
but it 307
but in the end 317
but i'm not interested 30
but i don't 540
but it wasn't 208
but i'm going 29
but i'm sorry 142
but i'm not 551
but i'm still here 37
but it 307
but in the end 317
but i'm not interested 30
but i'm 401
but it's ok 45
but it's over 138
but i don't have any money 24
but i'm hungry 38
but i'm tired 27
but i am 338
but i didn't 584
but i'm here now 110
but i'm not stupid 33
but it's ok 45
but it's over 138
but i don't have any money 24
but i'm hungry 38
but i'm tired 27
but i am 338
but i didn't 584
but i'm here now 110
but i'm not stupid 33