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Cut off his head Çeviri Portekizce

259 parallel translation
I cut off his head.
E cortei-lhe a cabeça.
- Have someone cut off his head, Caesar.
- Corta-lhe a cabeça, César.
Finally, they cut off his head, but he kept fighting without his head.
Finalmente, cortaram-lhe a cabeça, mas ele continuou a lutar, mesmo sem cabeça.
With a big knife they cut off his head.
Com uma grande faca eles arrancam a cabeça dele.
You saw the tattered man strike the mercenary on the neck and cut off his head.
Viste o homem esfarrapado a espetar o mercenário no pescoço e cortar a sua cabeça.
You fought about the price and cut off his head.
Vocês discutiram sobre o preço e você cortou-lhe a cabeça.
My father cut off his head and fried it in garlic, in the hope of attracting my attention - I scarcely looked up from my work.
Meu pai cortou a cabeça e fritou-a em alho, na esperança de me chamar a atenção - raramente me desviei do trabalho.
This thief came to steal our livestock. We should cut off his head.
Rei, surpreendemos este homem roubando nosso gado.
We cut off his head.
Someone cut off his head!
Alguém lhe cortou a cabeça!
The killer... drove an ingot into each of his eyes... then cut off his head.
O assassino espetou um ferro em cada um dos olhos e depois cortou-lhe a cabeça.
Tell him I'll cut off his head and piss down his throat.
Diz-lhe que lhe corto a cabeça e que lhe mijo por a garganta abaixo!
If I did I would tell you. So you could find him cut off his head, and throw it right in his face.
Se soubesse, dizia-lhe, para que o pudesse encontrar, cortar-lhe a cabeça e mandá-la à cara dele!
They cut off his head, peasant.
Cortaram-lhe a cabeça, biltre.
Cut his head off, and he...
Corta a cabeça dela mas não o soltará.
If you cut off both of his arms, how could he pick up his head?
Se cortaste os dois braços, como é que ele podia pegar a cabeça?
He wouldn't stay put with his head cut off.
ele não ficaria quieto mesmo se tivesse a cabeça cortada.
I swear to find the person responsible, and have his head cut off.
Prometo encontrar o responsável, e cortá-lo a cabeça.
I don't want to cut his head off or anyone else's head, for that matter.
Não quero cortar a cabeça dele nem a de ninguém por isso.
Just cover his head so the water will cut off the air.
Não o estrangules. Pressione contra a cara para que a água corte o ar.
he had cut his head off.
com essas mesmas tesouras de alfaiate.
His head's been cut off.
Foi decapitado, senhor.
He said that one evening he forgot to put on his wooden wig... and that Paul cut his head off with his axe.
Disse que uma tarde esqueceu-se de colocar sua peruca de madeira... e que Paul feriu sua cabeça com um machado.
For if His Majesty should get wind of thy intent, he will cut off your legs, your arms and your head.
Porque se Sua Majestade vier a saber dos teus intentos, decepar-te-á as pernas, os braços e a cabeça.
Cut his head off, Like this,
Corta-lhes a cabeça. Assim...
"His head smashed in And his heart cut out " His liver removed And his bowels unplugged "His nostrils raped, his bottom burned off And his penis- -"
Cabeça esfacelada, coração arrancado, fígado extirpado, intestino aberto... narinas violadas, cu queimado e o pénis...
I want to cut his head off!
Quero cortar-lhe a cabeça!
So you go to the pope and you tell him if his archbishop puts one foot in England, I'll cut his head off!
Vai ter com o Papa e diz-Ihe... se o Arcebisbo dele colocar um pé em Inglaterra, corto a cabeça dele!
He stole some guy's wife and then he got his head cut off.
Ele roubou a esposa de um tipo e depois cortaram-lhe a cabeça.
Apparently, some fool cut his head off... or killed him in some way.
Parece que um idiota qualquer lhe cortou a cabeça... ou o matou lá.
And wasn't it the Sultan of Madagascar who threatened to cut your head off if you ever returned to his country?
E não foi o Sultão de Madagáscar que ameaçou cortar-lhe a cabeça, se voltasse ao país?
Who's Farrow when he's not having his head cut off?
Desculpa? Não, estava a pensar noutra coisa.
"So we cut his head off in the corridor to teach him a lesson".
Tu! Bastardo!
Right up to the point at which you had his head cut off.
Hum... Sim, está bem. Excelente!
Who's Farrow when he's not having his head cut off?
Quem é o Farrow, quando não lhe estamos a cortar a cabeça?
- Oh yes. How about if we get Lord Farrow's head and body and we take it to the Queen, except, exc-ept, just before we get in, we start shouting and screaming and then we say, "We were on our way when he said something traitorous." "So we cut his head off in the corridor to teach him a lesson".
E se formos buscar a cabeça e o corpo do Farrow e os levarmos à rainha, mas, antes de entrarmos, começamos a gritar e depois entramos e dizemos que ele cometeu traição quando íamos para lá e cortámos-lhe a cabeça no corredor para lhe dar uma lição?
Right up to the point at which you had his head cut off.
Exactamente. Até terdes mandado cortar-lhe a cabeça.
And we want to warn our enem ies... ... if anyone even touches our great leader... ... we'll cut his head off!
E queremos avisar os nossos inimigos que se alguém até tocar no nosso grande líder cortaremos a cabeça deles!
Polish national. Had his head cut off in New Jersey.
Alguém lhe cortou a cabeça em New Jersey.
This Fasil was so upset about the lousy wrestling tonight, that in a fit of depression he cut off his own head.
Foi o miserável espectáculo de luta livre que deprimiu esse Fasil de tal modo, que acabou por cortar a própria cabeça.
Because I cut off his legs... and his arms... and his head.
Porque eu cortei as pernas... e os braços... e a cabeça dele.
I ought to kill him. I ought to cut his fuckin'head off.
Devia matá-lo ou partir-lhe a cara.
I think I'll cut his head off, "
Creio que Ihe cortarei a cabeça.
Then, I will cover his real head with a cloak, and then, when I execute him, instead of cutting off his real head, I will cut off the pumpkin, and the King survives!
Então cobrirei a cabeça do rei com uma capa e então, quando o executar, ao invés de cortar a sua cabeça, cortarei a abóbora, e o Rei sobreviverá!
His mother blamed his death on leaders and tried to kill them. One of them cut off her head.
A mãe dele culpou os monitores pela morte do filho e quis matá-los a todos, mas um deles decepou-Ihe a cabeça.
And just recently, King Willie, the drug lord, the vicious drug lord found in an alley just around the corner with his head cut off and his spinal column torn from the body.
E recentemente Rei Willie, o barão da droga, achado num beco com sua cabeça decepada e a coluna vertebral arrancada do corpo.
I wish someone really would cut his ugly old head off.
Gostava que alguém lhe cortasse aquela cabeça feia.
I hope they find the punk who did this, and I hope they cut his head off.
Espero que encontrem o pulha que fez isto, e espero que lhe cortem a cabeça.
I mean, throwing rocks is one thing, but I would never cut the head off of a guy... who iced a bear with his bare hands.
Atirar pedras é uma coisa, mas eu nunca cortava a cabeça a um gajo... que matou um urso com as próprias mãos.
It's like a chicken with his head cut off.
Como uma galinha sem cabeça.
Besides having his head cut off, he's in perfect health.
Nada. À excepção de ter ficado sem cabeça, ele goza de perfeita saúde.

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