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Daedalus Çeviri Portekizce

423 parallel translation
Project Daedalus is a recent design of the British Interplanetary Society.
O projecto Dédalo é recente, da Sociedade Britânica Interplanetária.
Orion and Daedalus might go 10 percent the speed of light.
As naves Oríon e Dédalo poderiam deslocar-se, a 10 % da velocidade da luz.
Dédalo, você me conhece.
We have to stop them, Daedalus.
Temos que dete-los, Dédalo.
Daedalus, we've done it this time.
Dédalo, desta vez o temos.
And Daedalus... I promise you, the next time I call on you will be for the final showdown.
E Dédalo, quando voltar a lhe chamar será para um grande final.
Daedalus is concerned.
Daedalus está preocupado.
Tell Daedalus I'm on my way.
Diz ao Daedalus que vou a caminho.
Signal Daedalus.
Avisem o Daedalus.
October, 1988, you were assigned... to take out a munitions dealer named Daedalus... and his hired enforcer, Timothy.
Em Outubro de 88, és destacada para apagar um traficante de armas, Daedalus, e o seu guarda-costas, Timothy.
Anyhow, I think we can safely assume... that Daedalus is aware of your resurrection... and attempting to reverse it.
De qualquer forma, podemos prever que Daedalus sabe que ressuscitaste... e vai tentar inverter isso.
He's Daedalus! Get out of there!
Sai daí!
Okay, I'll signal Daedalus.
Vou avisar o DeadaIus.
Daedalus... I'll make you a deal.
Daedalus... Eu faço um acordo.
You mean Daedalus?
Referes-te ao Daedalus?
If she got to Daedalus... she could know about Honeymoon.
Se ela chegou ao DeadaIus, pode saber da Honeymoon.
"And Daedalus fashioned wings from wax and feathers and used them to escape his prison."
"E Deadalus criou asas com plumas e cêra e a usou para escapar da sua prisão"
Roger, Daedalus.
Entendido, Daedalus.
Project Daedalus is now complete and designated Mission Accomplished. "
O Projecto Daedalus está concluído e designado Missão Cumprida. "
Team Daedalus.
O Team Daedalus.
So you'll just have to send up Team Daedalus.
Portanto, terás de mandar o Team Daedalus.
I bring glad tidings, Reverend Tank, in the name of Team Daedalus.
Trago boas novas, Reverendo Tank, em nome do Team Daedalus.
I said I'd do it if the original Team Daedalus did the job.
Disse-lhe que só alinharia se o Team Daedalus fizesse o trabalho.
The founding members of Project Daedalus.
Os iniciadores do Projecto Daedalus.
Just who got Team Daedalus canned, Colonel Hawkins?
Quem acabou com o Team Daedalus, Coronel Hawkins?
Please welcome Team Daedalus.
Dêem as boas-vindas ao Team Daedalus.
Team Daedalus, all of Team Daedalus has a launch in 92 hours.
O Team Daedalus, todo o Team, partirá daqui a 92 horas.
General Corvin, General Hawkins, welcome to Daedalus.
General Corvin, General Hawkins, bem-vindos ao Daedalus.
See you back on the ground, Team Daedalus.
Até à volta, Team Daedalus.
Liftoff of space shuttle Daedalus and STS-200.
Descolagem do vaivém Daedalus e STS-200.
Houston, this is Daedalus.
Houston, aqui Daedalus.
Roger roll, Daedalus.
Certo, Daedalus.
Daedalus, you are go at throttles up.
Daedalus, accionar os reguladores.
Roger, Daedalus.
Certo, Daedalus.
Roger, Daedalus. You are go for orbit ops.
Certo, Daedalus, Podem confirmar.
Okay, Daedalus has got Ikon on the scopes.
O Daedalus já avista o Ikon.
Roger, Daedalus.
Vemos, Daedalus.
Houston, Daedalus.
Houston, Daedalus.
- Daedalus, this is Houston.
- Daedalus, aqui Houston.
Daedalus, you have an unscheduled EVA you want to tell me about?
Daedalus, querem participar-me alguma operação não programada?
Houston, this is Daedalus.
Houston, fala Daedalus.
How's Daedalus?
Como está Daedalus?
Daedalus is home.
Daedalus chegou a casa.
I brought him in on Project Daedalus 40 years ago and on this one too.
Meti-o no Projecto Daedalus há 40 anos e agora neste.
The Daedalus doesn't leave for another 12 hours.
A Daedalus só parte daqui a 12 horas.
The Daedalus left two hours ago.
A Daedalus partiu há duas horas.
I can't believe I missed the Daedalus for this.
Não acredito que perdi a Daedalus por isto.
I missed the Daedalus because of this.
Perdi a Daedalus por isto.
I mean, I did miss the Daedalus for this, so...
Quero dizer, perdi a Daedalus por isto...
Dédalo, Dédalo!

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