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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Did she say anything about me

Did she say anything about me Çeviri Portekizce

26 parallel translation
- Did she say anything about me?
- Ela disse algo de mim?
- Did she say anything about me? - Ms. Wade?
Ela disse alguma coisa sobre mim?
Did she say anything about me?
Ela disse alguma coisa sobre mim?
Did she say anything about me?
Que disse ela sobre mim?
- Did she say anything about me?
- Ela disse algo sobre mim?
Did she say anything about me?
Falou alguma coisa sobre mim?
Did she say anything about me?
- Ela disse alguma coisa sobre mim?
Did she say anything about me?
Ela disse alguma coisa a meu respeito?
So... did she say anything about me?
Então... ela disse alguma coisa sobre mim?
Did she say anything about me?
Ele disse alguma coisa sobre mim?
Did she say anything about me?
- Disse alguma coisa sobre mim?
Oh, really? And did she say anything about me?
Ela disse alguma coisa sobre mim?
So when you talked to her earlier, did she say anything about me?
Quando falaste com ela, ela disse alguma coisa sobre mim?
Did she say anything else about me?
Ela disse mais alguma coisa sobre mim?
Did she ever say anything about me?
- Ela alguma vez falou de mim?
Did she say anything to you about me?
Ela disse-lhe algo sobre mim?
Why, did she, uh...? She say anything about me?
Porquê, ela disse alguma coisa sobre mim?
I don't know anything about anyone last night, and when i say the woman who did this to my face was asking for it, i mean, she was really asking for it.
Não sei nada sobre ninguém noutra noite. E quando digo que a mulher que me fez isto estava a pedi-las, estava mesmo a pedir.
She didn't say anything else, did she, about me or us?
Ela não disse mais nada, pois não? Acerca de mim ou de nós...
Did she say anything about being mad at me?
Ela disse alguma coisa sobre estar furiosa comigo?
She didn't give me any details, but she did say she was safe and that Juice didn't say anything about us helping him.
Ela não me deu grandes detalhes, disse apenas que estava em segurança e que o Juice não disse nada acerca da ajuda que nós demos.
Hey, did she say anything about me?
Ela disse alguma coisa sobre mim?
Did she ever say anything about me?
Disse alguma coisa sobre mim?

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