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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Did you know about it

Did you know about it Çeviri Portekizce

195 parallel translation
- Linda, did you know about it?
- Sabias disso, Linda?
How did you know about it?
Como é que sabes disso?
How did you know about it?
Como sabia que estava aqui?
How did you know about it?
Como sabias?
Did you know about it?
How did you know about it?
Como você sabe disso?
Did you know about it?
Sabes algo sobre isto?
It can't hurt the baby once you're about eight weeks, did you know that?
Não pode fazer mal ao bébé, uma vez que se esteja de oito semanas, sabia disso?
If you went to a party it was the duty of your host to warn anybody coming to that party if there was one person there whom he did not trust or did not know about.
Se fôssemos a uma festa, o anfitrião tinha a obrigação de nos avisar se ia alguém à festa em quem não se confiava ou que não se conhecia.
Did you manage it so the police won't have to know about me?
Tomou medidas para que a polícia não tenha que saber de mim?
Did everybody know I was getting married, except me? We knew you'd find out about it in time.
Toda a gente sabia que eu ia casar-me, excepto eu?
It's the truth... even if I did teach you everything you know about a gun... ever since you was big enough to pull a trigger.
Devia. É a verdade... mesmo que o tenha ensinado tudo que sabe sobre uma arma. desde que era grande o suficiente para puxar um gatilho.
Well, it was a little late to notify everyone about a change, and we did want to get to know you better, Mr. Anderson.
Era tarde demais para avisar toda a gente, e também queríamos conhecê-lo melhor.
Forgive me, Your Eminence, that I did not greet you first, but I did not know whether I would see my child again in this lifetime, and I was so happy about it.
Perdoe-me, Vossa Eminência, por não cumprimentá-lo em primeiro lugar, mas não sabia se iria ver a minha filha mais alguma vez. E estou feliz por vê-la.
If I did, you'd be the first to know about it.
Se tivesse, seria a primeira a saber.
I know we agreed about you having a lover but I did it because of you, to save you pain.
Eu sei que concordámos sobre teres um amante mas eu fiz isto por tua causa, para poupar o teu sofrimento.
Did he say what about? He said there was something about Cernium 116 you should know... before it's too late.
Ele disse que era algo sobre o Cernium 116, que devia saber antes que fosse tarde demais.
I know you've been putting it about that my nephew did her in.
Sei que tens difundido o rumor que o meu sobrinho foi quem o fez.
You and I are the only two people in America who did not know about it.
Tu e eu somos as únicas duas pessoas na América que não sabiam disto.
I just thought, you know, it's been a long time since I did something nice for you, so how about this?
Acho que já passou muito tempo desde que fiz algo bonito por ti, que tal isto?
I don't know about you, but what I did to get through it was I dove into work.
Não sei como foi consigo, mas eu afundei-me no trabalho.
Did you know if you took the ozone layer and laid it on the ground it would only be about as thick as a piece of canvas?
e já tem buracos maiores do que a Antártica.
Thank you, but the more i think about it, you know, the more i wonder if i did do the right thing.
Obrigado, mas quanto mais eu penso, mais me pergunto se fiz a coisa certa.
I didn't even know about it, did you?
Eu nem sabia da sua existência. O Sr. sabia?
I heard from some of the technical advisors stories about the air cavalry that were real, that would serve my fulfilling fiction, that they really did, you know, like, for instance, a guy would go into his helicopter in North Vietnam and try to hook a bicycle and steal it with the runner. And they would shoot at him.
Ouvi de alguns dos conselheiros técnicos com o ciclista nela. enganchou a bicicleta e roubou-a.
If such a device did exist, don't you think we'd know about it?
- Não, senhor, eu penso que não. Caso tal dispositivo não exista, tu não pensa que deseja saber sobre ele?
It hurts my throat. Look, I know all about what you did to Suzi and Dave.
Olha, eu sei tudo sobre o que tu fez a Suzi e Dave.
How did you know I made it up? What are you talking about?
- Como soube que eu inventei?
I feel really bad about what i did, you know? Yeah, and i want to make it up to you.
Senti-me mal pelo que fiz no outro dia e quero compensar-te.
You know, when I look at you and I think about what you did to my little girl, it makes me sick to my stomach.
Sabes, quando olho para ti... e penso no que fizeste à minha menina... fico com náuseas...
Look, I don't get it. Did you know about her?
Não percebo.
Did you know about it?
Sabia disto?
Did you know about bids when you were 13? I really doubt it.
Sabias disso aos 13?
I did it to feel better about myself, and, you know, I do.
Comprei-o para me sentir melhor comigo mesmo, e sinto ;
Boy! Why did you buy a computer when you don't know anything about it?
Quem te deu a ideia de comprar um computador?
You had a lot of problems before you came here, and I know you had some problems after you got here but did I say anything to you about it?
Tiveste muitos problemas antes de teres vindo para aqui, e eu sei... que tivestes problemas depois de teres aqui chegado... mas eu disse-te alguma coisa? Não.
When you were with Angel and nobody knew about it, did that make it feel, you know, sexier somehow?
Quando estavas com o Angel, e ninguém sabia, isso fazia-te sentir, sei lá, de uma maneira mais sexy?
Look, I know we were teasing you earlier about being a virgin and all...,... but if nothing happened last night'cause you didn't want it to...,... then you did the right thing.
É que sinto que temos algo lindo entre nós... - Não quero estragar isso.
So you would know what it feels like... to have everything that you care about in the world... ripped away from you - Like you did to your ex-wife.
Para que saiba o que é... ter tudo o que lhe interessa no mundo... e ser-lhe arrancado... como fez à sua ex-mulher.
Sweetheart, I know it's hard for you... finding out about your brother the way you did.
Querida, eu sei que foi difícil para ti... teres descoberto que tinhas um irmão da maneira como descobriste.
It's just that... I had this big speech all worked out, right about how I didn't want to be second any more... how I wanted a relationship that felt... permanent, you know not just convenient... how I wanted to be part of a couple that did things as a... as a couple, you know?
É só que eu tinha preparado um grande discurso, de como não queria continuar a vir em segundo lugar, que queria uma ligação que sentisse ser permanente, não apenas conveniente,
Did you know when they were about to shut down the Mapplethorpe exhibit it was Kitty Montgomery who said, " Absoutey not.
Sabiam que, quando quiseram fechar a exposição Mapplethorpe, foi a Kitty Montgomery quem disse : " Nem pensar!
I know you did, but it wasn't about that.
Sei como se sente, mas não é assim.
I suppose you know our reputation the Barbarois serve the people of the night, and after five thousand years, I don't think we're about to change our stripes anytime soon, although if we did for anyone it would be for you
Suponho que conheças a nossa reputação. Os Barbarois servem as pessoas da noite, e depois de cinco mil anos, não temos ideias de mudar de lado. Contudo, se o fizermos tens a nossa preferência.
- Did you know he's stressed out about it?
- Sabes que isso o deixou nervoso?
I know what I did was wrong and I'm not gonna make excuses about it. I just... I just want you to know that I'm really, really sorry.
Sei que o que fiz foi errado e não vou inventar desculpas, mas... só quero que saibas que lamento mesmo muito e quero compensar-te.
'Cause we did a thing... years ago... with this mouse in this microwave or whatever, to try about nuclear... to do a nuclear test to see if it could, you know, survive the nuclear thing, and it did survive.
Porque já pensei sobre isso ao longo da minha carreira mas nunca tinha ouvido mais ninguém falar deles para além de ti. - Obrigado. Isso é importante para mim.
And whenever I would ask him how he did it or how he knew, he would just say that he could sense, you know, what was about to happen.
E sempre que eu lhe perguntava como é que ele conseguia, ele dizia sempre que conseguia sentir o que estava prestes a acontecer.
You know, about how you did it.
Tu sabes, sobre como fizeste.
You did promise to tell me about it, you know.
Prometeste-me falar sobre ela, não foi?
They'll know you were double-crossed and did nothing about it.
Saberão que foste traído e que não fizeste nada.

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