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Did you tell her that Çeviri Portekizce

207 parallel translation
Did you tell her that?
Disseste-lhe isso?
Just close your eyes and imagine... Did you tell her that?
"Fecha os olhos e imagina." Também lhe disseste isso?
When you called your wife, did you tell her that Ms. Johnson was a former lover of yours?
Quando telefonou à sua mulher disse-lhe... que a Sr.ª Johnson tinha sido sua amante?
TS, did you tell her that every time you're on TV, you look 10lb heavier?
Disseste-lhe que na TV as pessoas parecem 5 kg. mais gordas?
Did you tell her that you'd kill him if she didn't?
Disseste-lhe que o matavas se ela não o fizesse?
- Did you tell her that cigarette smoking could kill her? - Yes.
- Sim.
- Did you tell her that?
- Disseste-lhe isso?
Why did you tell her that?
! - Por que lhe disseste isso?
Did you tell her that it was over?
Disseste-lhe que acabou tudo?
Why... why did you tell her that?
Porquê... porque lhe disseste isso?
If you did, I'd not need to tell you... that only Almighty God... or the Devil himself knows what's in her head.
Se conhecesse, eu não precisaria de dizer-Ihe que só Deus Todo Poderoso ou o próprio diabo é que sabe o que vai na cabeça dela.
- You followed her up there. - Did she tell you that?
- Ela o seguiu até lá acima.
Did the prisoner's wife show you a knife and tell you that her husband had cut his wrist while slicing bread?
A esposa do acusado mostrou-lhe uma faca... e disse-lhe que o seu marido havia ferido o pulso a cortar pão?
Did you ever tell her that, Link?
Contaste isto a ela, Link?
- Fine. Humbert don't tell Charlotte that I told you this, will you but did you know that you've had the most remarkable effect on her?
Humbert, não conte isso a Charlotte, por favor... mas sabia que você teve um efeito notável nela?
Did she tell you what her plans were, anything like that?
Ela disse quais eram os seus planos?
He got her to tell you that Sam Wood did it.
Foi ele que a obrigou a dizer que tinha sido o Sam Wood.
Did she tell you that I found her with one of her friends?
Ela disse-lhe que a encontrei com um dos amigos dela?
Did her father tell you? Is that all?
- Foi o pai dela que vo-la deu?
Did you tell Emily that Cal's been cheating on her?
Disseste á Emily que o Cal a tem estado a enganar?
When my mother got well, and tried to take charge after all those years... is it not true, that I was doing a good job of raising the children? And that you did not stand up to her and tell her that in effect... I was a better parent to those children?
Quando a minha mãe melhorou e tentou tomar as rédeas da casa, não é verdade que tinha feito um bom trabalho a criar os meus irmãos, e que não lhe fez frente dizendo que estariam melhor entregues a mim?
How did you expect her to tell you that she made more money than you?
Ela näo podia dizer que ganhava mais...
Did they tell you that that girl lost her mind... and her mother killed herself in our living room?
Eles contaram-te que a rapariga ficou doida... e a mãe matou-se na nossa sala de jantar?
I want you to tell her that I cannot explain why I broke with her as I did.
Dizei-lhe que não sei explicar... porque rompi com ela daquela maneira.
Aside from when Priscilla was a five-year-old, did she ever tell you that your mother treated her badly?
Tirando a altura quando ela tinha cinco anos, a Priscilla alguma vez lhe disse que a vossa mãe a tratava mal?
I can tell you... that he did love her, for whatever that's worth.
Mas posso dizer-lhe que ele a amava mesmo, se isso valer de alguma coisa.
Why did you tell Veronica that I was gonna dump her to go back with Caitlin?
Por que é que disseste à Veronica, que a deixaria pela Catlin?
I'll tell him that you did not help, that you let her die on your lawn,
E terei de lhe dizer que não me quiseste ajudar, que deixaste que morresse à tua porta.
What did you tell Mrs. Costanza that changed her mind?
Estou curioso : que disseste a Mrs. Costanza, que a fez mudar de ideias?
3 days before she walked out, did you not tell her that :...
- Não, eu nunca fiz isso. Três dias antes que ela partir, você não lhe disse :
Did you her tell about your little role in that situation?
Disseste-lhe qual foi o teu papel nisso?
You tell him that I did not kill her.
Diga-lhe que não a matei.
And I read that Princess Grace showed up there too Did you tell her about us?
E li que a princesa Grace apareceu lá, falaste-lhe de nós?
You know, I would have left them with a nanny, but they won't tell me what they did with her, and they're at that age.
Sabes, eu ia deixá-las com uma ama, mas não me vão dizer o que fizeram com ela, e elas estão naquela idade.
Did you ever think that at this very moment the man might be trying to find his way to tell Carrie that he loves her?
Já vos ocorreu que o homem pode estar a tentar arranjar forma de dizer à Carrie que a ama?
Besides, even if I did tell her that... well you know.
Mesmo que eu dissesse que eu... bem... você sabe...
Did you come here to tell me that something happened to her?
Veio aqui dizer-me que lhe aconteceu alguma coisa?
Did I ever tell you that I was the one who discovered her?
Já alguma vez te disse que fui eu que a descobriu?
And did you happen to tell her that maybe it wouldn't grow back?
Por acaso, disse-lhe que talvez não voltasse a crescer?
Although if you did tell her, she probably wouldn't understand much,'cause that flute thing banged her up pretty bad. - Yeah, yeah.
Embora ela não percebesse grande coisa, pois a flauta acertou-lhe com bastante força.
Did you tell her about the magical ride that starts with every flush?
Falaste-lhe da magia provocada por cada descarga do autoclismo?
But you're going to have to tell her eventually, so if she did answer the door and was nice to me, then I would've known that she was going to be hating me soon, and that just would've been really hard because I like your mom.
Mas vais ter de lhe dizer mais cedo ou mais tarde. E se ela viesse à porta e fosse simpática comigo, e eu saberia que ela me iria odiar em breve, isso seria muito difícil porque eu gosto da tua mãe.
Tell them about the one that you done did over at what-you-call-her.
Conta-lhes aquela que "fizestes", fizeste no "como-é-que-lhe chamas"
- Did you tell her you stole that robe for me?
Contaste que roubaste o robe para mim?
Your mother'll be broken-hearted to hear that not only did you sneak into town... but you didn't have the decency to call and tell her you were okay.
A tua mãe vai ficar destroçada não só de chegares sorrateiramente à cidade mas não tiveste a decência de lhe ligares e dizeres que estavas bem.
Newbie, you told me to tell her exactly how I feel, I did just that.
Fantástico, mas isso é a artéria braquial, e não é assim que colhemos sangue.
Did she tell you that I beat her?
- Ela disse-lhe que eu lhe batia?
What did I tell you about using that kind of language... in front of--Aah! - - language in front of her?
O que é que te disse sobre usares esse tipo de linguagem à frente à frente dela?
Why did you tell her we're having that party?
Porque é que lhe disseste que íamos a dar a festa?
Did she ever tell you about a guy or someone that didn't like her?
Alguma vez falou num rapaz ou em alguém que não gostasse dela?
Oh, did I tell you that the surrogate changed her mind?
Disse-te que a mãe de aluguer mudou de ideias?

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