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Fleetwood Çeviri Portekizce

74 parallel translation
Hey! Did you see a white Caddy here? A white Fleetwood?
- Viu um Fleetwood branco?
In Fleetwood.
Em Fleetwood.
Like a Cadillac Fleetwood.
É como o Cadillac Fleetwood.
Yeah. I got the Fleetwood Brougham.
Eu tenho o "Fleetwood Brougham".
- Simply Red, Fleetwood Mac, that kind of shit.
- Simply Red, Fleetwood Mac, esse tipo de merda.
- Oh, my God. - And, if I want to find the song "Landslide"... by Fleetwood Mac, I have to remember... that I bought it for someone in the fall of 1983 pile... but didn't give it to them for personal reasons.
E se quiser encontrar a faixa "Landslide" dos Fleetwood Mac, tenho de me lembrar que comprei o LP para oferecer no Outono de 1983,
74 Fleetwood.
Um Fleetwood de 74.
I hear fleetwood mac is amazing in concert.
Ouvi dizer que os Fleetwood Mac são extraordinários ao vivo.
Or what our program director thought was classic rock.
O que o director de programas achava que era. Fleetwood Mac.
Fleetwood Mac. Then they switched over to news and information back in....'82?
Depois, mudaram para notícias e informação em... 1982?
- Fleetwood mac.
- Fleetwood Mac.
I gave you Fleetwood, okay?
Eu dei-vos o Fleetwood.
- Fleetwood.
- O Fleetwood?
Fleetwood's been checkin'in with his parole officer... doin'community service and scrubbing'graffiti.
O Fleetwood tem-se apresentado ao agente da condicional, tem feito serviço comunitário e tem apagado graffiti.
We know you've been selling stolen goods to Fleetwood Walker.
Sabemos que tens vendido artigos roubados ao Fleetwood Walker.
Fleetwood is fencing'again.
O Fleetwood vai voltar a comprar objectos roubados.
- Fleetwood's got a warehouse full of stolen merch.
O Fleetwood tem um armazém cheio de mercadoria roubada.
- Who did this to you?
- Quem te fez isto? - O Fleetwood.
You were always such an idiot, Fleetwood. Weren't you?
Sempre foste um idiota, Fleetwood, não?
I have this thing for Fleetwood Mac... I'm embarrassed to say.
Eu gosto dos Fleetwood Mac, para minha vergonha.
Jefferson Airplane, Fleetwood Mac.
Os Jefferson Airplane, os Fleetwood Mac.
I bought a black Fleetwood.
Comprei um Fleetwood preto.
.. and you see Fleetwood Mac's Rumours, some Tom Petty records.
Estúdio Sound City Van Nuys, Califórnia... e vemos o Rumours, dos Fleetwood Mac, e uns discos do Tom Petty.
So after we did the basic take and had Kurt's vocal down we had Dave come in and do harmonies in the chorus.
Mas entramos... Estúdio Sound City Van Nuys, Califórnia... e vemos o Rumours, dos Fleetwood Mac, e uns discos do Tom Petty.
I got a top of the line Fleetwood RV.
Eu adquiri um topo da linha Fleetwood RV.
If it puts me in a Fleetwood bigger than Ricky Harris', yeah.
Sempre me dá para ter um Fleetwood maior do que o do Ricky Harris.
I think you should name her rhiannon, because her mother really liked that fleetwood mac album, and she listened to it the whole time she was pregnant.
Acho que você devia nomeá-la Rhiannon, porque a mãe dele realmente gostou daquele album de Fleetwood Mac, e ficou ouvindo-o quando estava grávida.
And the honeymoon's not in Barbados, it's in Fleetwood.
Os olhos. Podes esquecer aquele anel. Ah, e a lua de mel não vai ser nos Barbados, vai ser em Fleetwood.
Fleetwood Mac situation.
Do género Fleetwood Mac.
- I like Fleetwood Mac and um...
- Gosto de Fleetwood Mac E...
Everybody knows the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton.
Todos conhecem os Rolling Stones, os Beatles, os Fleetwood Mac, os Led Zeppelin, o Eric Clapton.
McMansion, Fleetwood Mac and Macaulay Culkin!
McMansão, Fleetwood Mac e o Macaulay Culkin.
- How so? Oh, I took lessons as a kid.
Queria tocar Fleetwood Mac.
I wanted to play Fleetwood Mac... but my teacher made me play scales forever.
Mas a minha professora obrigava-me a tocar escalas continuamente. Dó, ré, mi, fá, sol, lá, si, dó.
It was given to me by a female member of Fleetwood Mac.
Foi-me oferecida por um membro feminino dos Fleetwood Mac.
Track from Fleetwood Mac's
Musica dos Fleetwood Mac.
Great card tricks, great smile.
Óptimos truques com cartas, sorriso perfeito. Jack Fleetwood.
Jack Fleetwood. Real name's Yablonski.
Nome verdadeiro, Yablonski.
Jack, remember. You're no longer Jack Fleetwood.
Deixaste de ser o Jack Fleetwood.
And Jack, seriously, if you ever come back to Miami... or if I ever hear the name Fleetwood again, I will kill you myself.
Jack, a sério, se algum dia voltares a Miami, ou se eu voltar a ouvir o nome Fleetwood, eu mesmo te mato.
My Power Rangers got married and divorced in so many combinations, they were like Fleetwood Mac.
Os meus Power Rangers casaram e divorciaram-se de tantas maneiras que parecem Fleetwood Mac.
Tatton Park, trip out to Fleetwood, the theatre.
O parque Tatton, uma viagem até ao Fleetwood, o teatro.
We looked at what was going on in the States at the time. The music was very much dominated by the cool West Coast kind of rock with The Eagles and Steely Dan and Fleetwood Mac.
Se virem o que se passava nos EUA naquela época, a música estava muito dominada pelo "rock" frio da costa Oeste.
who was with mike strauss when he checked in to the fleetwood hotel on new year's eve?
Quem estava com o Mike Strauss quando ele deu entrada no Hotel Fleetwood na noite de Ano Novo?
Your Geoffrey committed his entire cavalry wing, there, to defeating John Fleetwood's foot brigades, there. Leaving himself with nothing in reserve for when we came back at him.
O vosso Geoffrey deu ordens à cavalaria toda, ali, para derrotar a infantaria de John Fleetwood, ali, e ficou sem reservas para quando voltámos a atacar.
How close are you to Sasha Fleetwood?
És muito amiga da Sasha Fleetwood?
The Fleetwood foot to the right.
A infantaria Fleetwood à direita.
Care to tell us what you were doing here, Mrs Fleetwood?
Pode dizer-nos o que faz aqui, Mrs. Fleetwood?
Sasha Fleetwood, I am arresting you in connection with the murders of Julian dequetteville and Sir Ludovic dequetteville.
Sasha Fleetwood, está detida pelos homicídios de Julian DeQuetteville e Sir Ludovic DeQuetteville.
- Fleetwood.
Dá-me um nome.
- Fleetwood.

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