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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ G ] / Get her out of there

Get her out of there Çeviri Portekizce

314 parallel translation
Get her out of there! - If you want.
- Está bem, se é o que queres.
- I gotta get her out of there?
- Tenho de a tirar dali?
- Get her out of there.
- Tirem-na daí.
It'll get her out of there, won't it?
Pelo menos, sai dali.
We've got to get her out of there.
Devemos tira-la de lá.
We applaud that spirit, we admire it, we believe in it, but we must get her out of there.
Aplaudimos esse espírito. Admiramo-lo, acreditamos nele, mas temos de a tirar de lá.
Well, we've not only got to get her out of there, but we must get the land cleared, the houses and trees down...
Bem, não só a temos que tirar de lá, como temos de limpar as terras as casas derrubadas, as árvores derrubadas...
Then get her out of there!
Então tire-a daqui!
Whoever finds the girl, get her out of there right away.
Quem quer que encontre a rapariga, tira-a de lá, imediatamente.
- Get her out of there!
Tirem-na de lá!
Let's get her out of there!
Vamos tirá-la dali!
Get her out of there!
Tirem-na daqui!
- Figured how to get her out of there?
- Já sabe como tirá-la de lá?
How the heck are we ever gonna get her out of there?
Como é que raios vamos tirá-la dali?
Get her out of there.
Tirem-na daqui.
There's no other way we can get her out of there.
Não há outra maneira de a tirarmos de lá.
There's no other way we can get her out of there.
Não há outra maneira de a tirarmos dali.
Hen Wen. I must get her out of there.
Hen Wen... tenho de a tirar dali...
- Get her out of there. - Stop!
Tirem-na dali.
Would you get her out of there?
Importas-te de a tirar de lá?
We'll arrive shortly thereafter, get her out of there and go back to 1985.
Chegamos lá pouco depois, apanhamo-la e voltamos a 1985.
Let's get her out of there.
Vamos tirá-la de lá.
We gotta get her out of there.
Temos que tirá-la de lá.
Get her out of there, Chief.
Tire-a de lá, Chefe.
Get her out of there!
Tirem-na dali!
Get her out of there.
Tirem-na dali!
- Doc, I can get her out of there, okay?
Doutor, eu posso tirá-la daí.
I'll get her out of there.
Eu a tirarei de lá.
- Get her out of there.
- Vamos sacá-la daqui.
We'd better get her out of there.
É melhor tirarmo-la dali.
Get her out of there.
Tirem-na dali para fora.
Get her out of there and break us free of the cube. Stand by all weapons.
Tire-a de lá e nos livre do cubo, todas as armas em prontidão.
Make sure she goes. Get her out of there.
Diz-lhes que os amo.
Agent Scully, get her out of there!
Agente Scully, tire-a daí!
- Homer, get her out of there.
Homer, tira-a daí.
- Get her out of there.
Tire a de lá.
- There's your chance. Get out of her.
- Geoff, sai daí.
There must be something that would get her out of here like -
Deve haver algo que a tirasse daqui como...
You know how silly Mother is about banks and all that cash she keeps in her room.. Well, I got into a jam last week and there was just no other way to get out of it.
Sabes como a minha mãe é tonta com os bancos... todo o dinheiro que guarda no quarto, bem, meti-me num sarilho a semana passada... e não havia outra madia de saír dele.
- Come on, get her out of there.
Tirem-na daí!
Get her out of there.
Tire-a daí.
There must be a way to get her out of this.
Deve haver uma maneira de a conseguir livrar disto.
And as for that great Spanish dumpling there, get her out of my sight at once!
E quanto a esse enorme monte de banha espanhola, tirem-ma da frente imediatamente!
Nah, Kovics had her sprung out of jail before we could get down there.
O Kovics mandou tirá-la da cadeia antes de chegarmos.
Get her out of there!
- Tira-a daqui para fora.
He just wanted to get out there and pack up everything that might remind you of her so that when you went out there, you weren't
Sim. Ele está a arrumar tudo para que nada te faça lembrar a esposa.
Come on, leave her and get out of there.
Venha, filho. Deixe-a e vamos embora.
See, if there wasn't nothin'... in that bag but them towels... then maybe she didn't get a chance to take the money... out of her suitcase and the A.T.F. got it.
Se dentro do saco só estivessem as toalhas, talvez ela não tivesse tempo de tirar a massa da mala.
He can still catch her. Get out of there!
Ele ainda a apanha.
- Get out of here! - Go in there and talk to her right now.
- Não me gozes!
Yeah, it's just that I can't get her face out of my mind, you know. There was so much fear, and her hair was pure white.
Só não consigo tirar o rosto dela da minha mente, tinha... tanto medo e o seu cabelo estava branco.

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