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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ G ] / Get him in the car

Get him in the car Çeviri Portekizce

153 parallel translation
It took four of us to get him in the car one night.
Uma noite foram precisos quatro para o meterem dentro do carro. A sério.
Get him in the car.
Coloquem-no dentro do carro
Come on, get him in the car. Get in there!
Vamos, tragam-no para o carro!
Get him in the car.
Mete-o no carro.
Get him in the car!
Mete-o no carro!
Stacy, help me get him in the car. Stacy, A-Wax!
Stacy, ajude-me a colocar ele no carro.
Help me get him in the car, man!
Hey, esperem! Me ajudem a pôr no carro!
- Tie his wrists and get him in the car. - Please!
Amarra-lhe os pulsos e mete-o no carro.
Get him in the car.
- Vai-te lixar.
Let's get him in the car.
Vamos metê-lo no carro.
Right, I'll help you get him in the car. What for?
Bem, eu ajudo-te a metê-lo no carro.
Get him in the car, Tommy! Put your head in, you fool!
Meta a cabeça.
- Get him in the car.
- Leva-o para o carro.
Get him in the car, get the car pulling away.
Metam-o no carro, e arranquem com o carro.
Quick, get him in the car.
Coloca-o no carro.
Hey, Nino, get him in the car, huh?
- Cala a boca, Franco. Nino, põe-no no carro.
- Let's get him in the car.
Vamos pô-lo no carro. Anda, Oscey.
We won't even be able to get him in the car.
Nem o conseguiremos meter no carro.
Let's get him in the car.
- Vamos colocá-lo no carro.
- Get him in the car.
- Põe-lo dentro do carro.
We'll get the car and after they're in bed, we'll bring him in through the window.
Quando tiverem adormecido, enfiamo-lo pela janela.
Well, I think I'd get Phillip to help me carry him out of the room, down the back stairs, and the two of us would put him in the car.
Pedia ao Phillip para me ajudar a levá-lo pelas escadas traseiras e punha-o no carro.
I can take him in the car and when we get to a very lonely spot hit him on the head with a hammer, pour gasoline over him and the car and set the whole thing ablaze.
O posso meter no carro e num lugar apartado dou-lhe na cabeça com um martelo, o rocío de gasolina e prendo-lhe fogo a todo.
Get him his case, Sergeant. Send the car in please.
A maleta está no carro.
I didn't get out of the car, I didn't want to shame him, I said to him, "Ben, get in the car."
Não saí do carro, não o quiz envergonhar, e disse-lhe, "Ben, entra no carro."
Just get him down in the squad car.
Mete-o dentro do carro.
Right. He wants him in the car so he can't get back inside.
Quer que os homens entrem no carro, para que não possam voltar.
- Get in the car and run him over.
Pega no carro e atropela-o. Deixa-o vir.
Get in the car and get after him!
Peguem no carro e sigam-no!
Let's get in the car and go look for him.
Vamos à procura dele no carro.
Get him all the way in the car.
Metam-no no carro.
I mean, you can't have him get in his car and drive all the way over here thinking that.
Fazê-lo meter-se no carro e vir até aqui a pensar nisso.
He was killed making a routine traffic stop in daylight... by some punk who didn "t want no ticket... when his partner was to get out of the car and back him up, he didn" t.
Foi morto numa abordagem de rotina no de trânsito... em pleno dia, por causa de uma multa! O parceiro dele deveria protegê-lo, mas não o fez!
All right, people, get him in the car.
- Metam-no no carro.
Get out of the car... and shoot him in the head.
Saia e dê-lhe um tiro na cabeça!
- How do we get him to the boat? - In a car.
- Como o levaremos para o barco?
So, I think we should get in the car... pick up Steven and move him back in with us and feed him... and... and clothe him... and love him.
Então, eu acho que devíamos ir buscar o carro... ir buscar o Steven e trazê-lo para cá e alimentá-lo... e, e vesti-lo... e amá-lo.
And I've screamed horrible things to him... a seven-year-old, because he doesn't want... to get in the car at the end of the day.
E eu grito-lhe coisas horríveis... a um miúdo com 7 anos de idade, porque ele não quer... entrar dentro do carro no fim do dia.
Convinced Dave to get in the car, kept him for four days before he escaped.
Convenceram o Dave a entrar no carro e ele só conseguiu fugir 4 dias depois.
Tell her to get in the car, dammit. We'll track her to him.
Manda-a a entrar no carro, raios.
He got into a beef with a street-level dealer ; grabbed his gun... and put two rounds in him before our guys could get out of the car.
Mas ele começou à bulha com um traficante de rua, sacou da arma e deu-lhe dois tiros antes que a polícia pudesse sair.
They didn't get him past us in the trunk of a car.
Não passaram com ele na mala dum carro.
Well, tell you the truth, Chris wanted to take a ride in my car... and I could've said no, but I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot with him.
Bem, para te dizer a verdade, o Chris queria dar uma volta no meu carro... e eu podia ter dito que não, mas não queria começar com o pé errado com ele.
Now, you're gonna have to trust me and get in the car, because I know where Alvey is and I know how to get him back, because I know the one place Otis the moose would go.
Tens que confiar em mim. Entra no carro, sei onde está o Alvey e como o recuperar. Porque sei qual o lugar onde Otis poderá estar.
Let's get him in the car, c'mon.
Vamos colocá-lo no carro, vamos.
Get him the fuck in the car.
Entra no caralho do carro!
I didn't get back in the car with Cory, and if I had, I wouldn't have left him!
Eu não voltei de carro com o Cory, e se tivesse, eu não o teria deixado!
Cops have ruled him out as a suspect, but he said he saw Clurman get in the car with the package.
A polícia eliminou-o enquanto suspeito, mas ele disse que viu o Clurman a entrar no carro com o pacote.
But once the car accident put him in the hospital and he started losing weight, his body had to get its energy somewhere else.
Assim que foi hospitalizado, começou a perder peso e o corpo teve de ir buscar energia a outro sítio.
So all you have to do is get your ass in the car and I'll take you to go meet him.
Então o que precisas de fazer é enfiar o teu rabo no carro e eu levar-te-ei para ir encontrá-lo.
Vito's in the car and I have to get him home.
O Vito está no carro e tenho de levá-lo para casa.

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