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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ G ] / Get him out of here

Get him out of here Çeviri Portekizce

1,966 parallel translation
Get that pink ass suck-up off the field, just get him out of here!
Tirem-me essa mariquice cor-de-rosa do campo, tirem-no daqui para fora.
Temos de o tirar daqui.
Get him out of here.
Tire o tipo da câmara daqui!
- Get him out of here.
- Tirem-no daqui!
Get him out of here.
Levem-no daqui.
Shouldn't we get him out of here?
Não devíamos tirá-lo daqui?
Let's get him out of here.
Vamos tirá-lo daqui.
You get him out of here before it starts raining blood or he forces us to eat jerk chicken.
Tira-o daqui antes que comece a chover sangue ou nos obrigue a comer o frango de empurrão.
Get him out of here.
Tira-o daqui.
Get him out of here.
Tirem-no daqui.
Get him out of here, please.
Levem-no daqui, por favor.
Podíamos dar um ao elefante aqui presente, para o tirar de cá.
all right. let's get him out of here.
Certo. Vamos tirá-lo daqui.
Gotta get him Out of here!
Temos que o tirar daqui!
I said get him out of here.
Disse para o tirarem daqui.
- Get him up, get him out of here.
- Levantem-no, levem-no daqui.
Get him out of here.
Levem-no daqui!
Get him out of here before he wets himself again.
Tira-o daqui antes que se mije novamente.
Even without the piece, we have to get him out of here.
Mesmo sem o pedaço, temos de o tirar daqui.
Get him out of here!
Tira-a daqui!
Get him out of here, goddamn it.
Tira-a daqui, raios partam.
- Get him out of here!
- Levem ele daqui!
Get him out of here! Get him out.
Levem ele daqui!
Get him out of here!
Tirem ele daqui!
Get him out of here! Get him out of here!
Tirem ele daqui!
Get him out of here.
- Levem-no daqui.
Get him out of here.
Tirem-no daqui!
Get him out of here!
Tira-o daqui!
- Get him out of here.
- Leve-o daqui.
– Get him out of here!
- Tirem-no daqui!
Get him out of here.
Leva-o daqui.
Get him out of here. Get his ass out of here!
Tira-o daqui!
Get him out of here.
Leve-o daqui.
Get him out of here!
Tirem-no daqui! Vá!
- Get him out of here.
- Tirem-no daqui.
We have to get him out of here
Temos que tirá-lo daqui, agora.
Guinevere, you've got to get him out of here. We're on a deadline.
Guinevere, faça-o ir embora, o tempo escasseia!
Get him out of here!
Tirem-no daqui!
Get him out of here.
Levem-no daqui para fora.
Unless it's for murder Get him out of here!
Se não matou ninguém... levem-no daqui!
Let's cover him up, let's get him out of here.
Vamos tapá-lo.
Get him the fuck out of here.
Tirem-me isso daqui, caralho.
I get him to put down the revolver... you promise we walk out of here alive?
Se o convencer a baixar a arma, garantes que saímos daqui vivos?
And if I could get out of here, believe me, I would bring him some company.
E se eu conseguisse sair daqui, acredita, ia fazer-lhe alguma companhia.
Let's l-stat him and get out of here.
Vamos isolá-lo e saímos daqui.
I had one but Nick fucked him, let's get out of here.
Eu tinha um mas o Nick fodeu-o, vamos sair daqui.
Period. Tell him. Let's get the hell out of here.
Vamos sair daqui para fora.
Tell him to get my car out of the impound lot. And to have it here at 9 : 00 a.m. sharp.
Diz-lhe para ir buscar o meu carro ao parque e para o trazer cá às 9 : 00 em ponto.
Anyway, I think if I play him right, I can get a pass out of the Green Zone... and I can see what's really going on here.
Mas, se lhe der a volta, terei livre-trânsito fora da Zona Verde e verei o que se passa.
Get him out of here!
Tire-os daqui.
Get him the frak out of here!
- Tirem-no daqui para fora!

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