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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ G ] / Goodspeed

Goodspeed Çeviri Portekizce

38 parallel translation
Agent Stanley Goodspeed, Agent / Trainee Marvin Isherwood... initiating exam of wooden crate.
Agentes Stanley Goodspeed e Marvin Isherwood examinam a caixa de madeira,
James Womack.
Goodspeed... James Womack.
- And then the whole thing just - - The gas, Dr Goodspeed.
O gás, Dr. Goodspeed.
No, Dr Goodspeed, it's not a training exercise.
Não, Dr. Goodspeed, não é.
This is Ernest Paxton, agent in charge of the West Coast operation. - Dr Goodspeed.
Ernest Paxton, o agente encarregado da Costa Oeste.
- Pleasure to meet you.
O Dr. Goodspeed...
- No, Goodspeed's right.
- A sério? - O Goodspeed tem razão.
- Eh, well, my - I'm Stanley Goodspeed.
Chamo-me Stanley Goodspeed.
You're not acquainted with the full facts, Goodspeed.
Você desconhece a totalidade dos factos.
Dr Goodspeed, the goal is to take out the launchers, then neutralize the V.X. chemical rounds.
O objectivo é destruir as rampas dos "rockets" e neutralizar o gás.
Listen, Stanley Goodspeed is my boyfriend. Actually, he's, um, my fiancé.
Stanley Goodspeed é meu namorado...
Goodspeed, Godspeed, Godspell, you never went to any antiterrorist school.
"Goodspeed", "Godspeed", "Godspell"... Nunca teve aulas sobre anti-terrorismo?
- I-It's Goodspeed and Mason.
Goodspeed e Mason.
Goodspeed, I'm not gonna kill you.
Goodspeed não vou matá-lo.
Goodspeed. Goodspeed, do you read me?
Goodspeed, está a ouvir-me?
Goodspeed, have you resolved the situation?
Goodspeed, já resolveu a situação?
Goodspeed, come on.
Goodspeed, vamos!
My name's Stanley Goodspeed.
Chamo-me Stanley Goodspeed.
Stan Goodspeed, FBI. Uh -
Stan Goodspeed, FBI.
Goodspeed, come in.
Goodspeed, responda.
Goodspeed, Goodspeed, do you read me?
Goodspeed, está a ouvir? Responda.
- Goodspeed, do you read me? Come in!
Goodspeed, está a ouvir?
Goodspeed, do you read me?
Goodspeed, está a ouvir?
Goodspeed, do you read me?
Goodspeed? Está a ouvir?
Goodspeed, it's Womack.
Goodspeed, daqui fala Womack.
But, uh, I'm sure you know the etymology of your name "Goodspeed."
Mas penso que conhece a etimologia do seu nome... "Goodspeed".
- Congratulations, Dr Goodspeed.
Parabéns. Conseguiu.
Poor bastard.
Pobre desgraçado. Goodspeed, o Mason?
Thanks again for the opportunity, Mr Goodspeed.
Agradeço de novo a oportunidade, Sr. Goodspeed.
Mr Goodspeed was there the day you were born.
O Sr. Goodspeed esteve presente no dia em que nasceste.
Goodspeed told me you people were doing experiments, changing the world.
O Goodspeed disse-me que faziam experiências, mudavam o mundo.
Hello, Mr. Goodspeed.
Olá, Sr. Goodspeed.
I'm Dr. Goodspeed.
Sou o Dr. Goodspeed.
Dr Goodspeed.
- Dr.
- Great job, Goodspeed.
Bom trabalho, Goodspeed.
Dr Goodspeed is our specialist.
Quando o Dr. Goodspeed neutralizar a ameaça,
- Goodspeed.
- Goodspeed.
This is Goodspeed.
Daqui Goodspeed.

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