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Haggerty Çeviri Portekizce

62 parallel translation
Remember stealing Old Lady Haggerty's stomach off the coroner?
Lembras-te quando roubámos ao médico legista o estômago da Lady Hall?
The one on this end, Jefferson, is Haggerty, the hatchet fiend.
Nesta ponta, Jefferson, está o Haggerty, o demónio do machado.
- No, Haggerty.
- Não, Haggerty.
This is hardrock haggerty, my foreman.
Apresento o Hardrock Haggerty, o meu capataz.
Start working here to meet haggerty.
Começaremos por aqui para nos encontrar com o Haggerty.
Hi. Haggerty, schultz and kelly.
Haggerty, Solles e Cadic.
Yes, haggerty?
Sim, Haggerty?
Haggerty. - Sim, senhor?
Haggerty : that's right, but he and the sheriff were going to check the white springs ranch route too.
Sim, mas depois ia com o xerife ao rancho de White Spring.
Benson? Yes. My name's haggerty.
Chamo-me Haggerty.
Haggerty : yes, i know.
Sim, eu sei.
Haggerty : then you're alone?
Então está sozinha? Sim.
The postman was your man Haggerty, delivered two packets and four letters.
O carteiro era o vosso homem, Haggerty, entregou dois pacotes e quatro cartas.
Honorable Judge Edward A. Haggerty, Jr. presiding. Be seated.
Preside o Meritíssimo Juiz Edward A. Haggerty, Jr.
This is James Haggerty, head of security.
É o James Haggerty, chefe da segurança.
Find out which unit responded to the Haggerty's call.
Descobre quem respondeu à chamada dos Haggerty.
Take Mrs. Haggerty to Chairs.
Leve Mrs. Haggerty à sala de espera.
Mrs. Haggerty, your husband's been stabilized and sent up to the O.R.
Mrs. Haggerty, o seu marido estabilizou e foi mandado para a SO.
- How's Mr. Haggerty?
- Como está Mr. Haggerty?
But I like to think that Jim Haggerty, who was Eisenhower's press secretary kind of knew what they were getting into when they started allowing press conferences to be recorded for broadcast for the first time.
Mas gostava de pensar que Jim Haggerty, o porta-voz de Eisenhower sabia no que estavam a meter-se quando começaram a permitir conferências de imprensa gravadas para transmissão pela primeira vez.
For those 33 minutes Haggerty stood in the Indian Treaty Room I can only imagine what he was feeling.
Durante os 33 minutos, Haggerty esteve na sala dos Tratados Índios e apenas consigo imaginar o que sentiu.
My God, Jimmy Haggerty's dead?
Meu Deus, Jimmy Haggerty está morto?
Someone inside the company tried to get into Jimmy Haggerty's personnel records.
Alguém de dentro da empresa tentou aceder aos arquivos pessoais do Jimmy Haggerty.
My name's Pat Haggerty. "PAT HAGGERTY - Humor Coach"
O meu nome é Pat Haggerty.
- OK. - Haggerty, Dillard!
- Haggerty, Dillard!
I spoke to a lawyer out there, a guy named Jerry Haggerty.
Falei com um advogado de lá, chamado Jerry Haggerty.
- Jerry Haggerty invited me out here.
- O Jerry Haggerty convidou-me.
Haggerty, he always had an angle.
O Haggerty tinha sempre um plano.
If this was real and I was going to be involved, Haggerty couldn't be a part of it.
Se era verdade e eu ia envolver-me, o Haggerty não podia entrar.
From what Haggerty told me, I knew there was a lot of money in this deal and that was good.
Pelo que o Haggerty me contara, eu sabia que havia ali muito dinheiro e isso era bom.
OK, so how do you think Haggerty fits in?
E como é que o Haggerty entra?
- I'm not so sure about Haggerty.
- Não sei se o Haggerty deve entrar.
Haggerty's gonna be indicted any minute now, OK?
O Haggerty pode ser indiciado a qualquer instante.
It wouldn't be Haggerty.
Não seria o Haggerty.
I took care of Haggerty after pulling a favor from my buddy at the Hard Rock.
Tratei do Haggerty, depois de pedir um favor ao meu amigo do Hard Rock.
After I had Haggerty taken care of, I had Buck and Wayne have the Russians call me.
Depois de tratar do Haggerty, pedi ao Buck e ao Wayne que pedissem aos russos para me ligar.
Denny Z, plus Haggerty, plus Buck and Wayne added up badly any way you looked at it.
Com o Denny Z somado ao Haggerty, ao Buck e ao Wayne, o resultado só podia ser mau.
- Jerry Haggerty.
- O Jerry Haggerty.
Jerry Haggerty is Nikita's lawyer?
O Jerry Haggerty é advogado do Nikita?
Something really romantic, like Haggerty getting hit by a bus, or Wayne and Buck spontaneously combusting.
Algo muito romântico, como o Haggerty a ser colhido por um autocarro ou o Wayne e o Buck em combustão instantânea.
So Buck and Wayne told Haggerty they'd shut the site down.
E o Buck e o Wayne disseram ao Haggerty que cancelariam o site.
And before you know it, Buck and Wayne told Haggerty about the dead Russian.
E num ápice, o Buck e o Wayne contaram tudo ao Haggerty sobre o russo morto.
Now, Haggerty's got me in the worst possible position.
Agora, o Haggerty tinha-me na pior das posições.
Man, ain't you that kid who lit a crack pipe in haggerty's office?
Tu não és o rapaz que fumou crack perto da direcção?
I met in detention and- - yeah, I heard about what happened in haggerty's office.
Eu soube o que aconteceu no escritório do Haggerty.
I took two aspirin and haggerty, like, flipped out and now the whole school thinks I'm, like, a meth-head or something.
Eu tomei duas aspirinas... e o Haggerty passou-se e agora a escola inteira pensa que sou um drogado ou coisa parecida.
Rear Admiral Haggerty's expecting us in the emergency operations center.
O Major Lyle Haggerty espera-nos no Centro de Operações de Emergência.
I just had an interview with principal Haggerty.
Tive uma entrevista com o Director.
Hi, I'm Dan Haggerty.
Boas, eu sou Dan Haggerty.
But there is nothing better, and I mean, nothing better, than a cool Haggerty Smoke.
Mas não há nada melhor... e eu digo, nada melhor... do que uma boa passa Haggerty.
Haggerty Smokes give me exactly what I'm looking for, and that's a kickass buzz.
Os cigarros Haggerty dão-me exactamente do que eu preciso, e isso é uma moca do caraças!

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