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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ H ] / Have you heard from her

Have you heard from her Çeviri Portekizce

64 parallel translation
- Have you heard from her?
- Soubeste alguma coisa dela?
Have you heard from her?
Sabes dela?
Have you heard from her?
- Teve notícias dela?
Have you heard from her?
Sabes alguma coisa?
Have you heard from her since Mexico City?
Tiveste notícias dela desde a Cidade do México?
Have you heard from her?
Tens notícias dela?
- Yep. - Have you heard from her?
- Tiveste notícias dela?
So, have you heard from her?
Então, tens ouvido falar dela?
Have you heard from her?
Tiveste notícias dela?
Have you heard from her?
- Tens tido notícias dela?
- Have you heard from her?
Tiveste notícias dela?
Sometime soon.So have you heard from her?
- Tem notícias dela?
Have you heard from her?
Tem notícias dela?
- Have you heard from her?
- Teve notícias dela?
Have you heard from her since?
Você já ouviu falar dela desde então?
Have you heard from her?
Sabe dela? "
- Have you heard from her?
- Tiveste notícias dela?
Have you heard from her this morning?
Já falaste com ela desde esta manhã?
Pretty fucking genius. Have you heard from her?
Grande ideia.
Have you heard from her?
- Tiveram notícias dela?
Have you heard from her since then?
Teve notícias dela desde então?
Have you heard from her?
- Tiveste noticias dela?
Have you heard from her family yet?
- Já ouviu algo da sua família?
Have you heard from her, anything?
Sabes alguma coisa dela? Alguma coisa?
Have you heard from her?
Ela disse-te alguma coisa?
Have you heard from her?
- Ela disse-te alguma coisa?
Have you heard from her?
Sabe alguma coisa dela?
Have you heard from her at all since you've been back?
Tiveram notícias dela, desde que voltaram?
Have you heard from her today?
Falaste com ela hoje?
Have you heard from her recently?
- Teve notícias dela recentemente?
Have you heard from her since she went home?
- Tiveste alguma notícia dela?
I thought maybe she was with you or at least you might have heard from her.
Pensava que estaria contigo ou sabias onde ela estava...
Don't you think we'd have heard from her by now?
Não achas que já se tinha acusado?
I have heard of you from Mrs. Farintosh, whom you helped in the hour of her sore need.
Ouvi falar de si pela Sra. Farintosh a quem acudiu no momento em que ela mais necessitou de auxílio.
You have heard from her then.
Então, recebeu notícias dela.
Have you heard from her?
That Max guy said that lily never showed up in L.A. Have you heard anything from her?
Aquele tipo, o Max diz que a Lily não está em L.A. Tens sabido alguma coisa dela?
When she said that from what she's heard I'm the one to talk to that I have the ear of the president, you told her to say that, right?
Quando ela falou daquilo que ouviu dizer, foste tu que disseste que o Presidente me dá ouvidos, disseste-lhe para me dizer isso?
But you know, that would have been in self-defense, and if that's the case, why hasn't anyone heard from her yet?
- Miúda corajosa. Mas teria sido em legítima defesa. E então, porque não sabemos nada dela?
Have you heard anything from her?
Tiveste notícias dela?
Have you heard from her?
- Tiveste notícias dela?
Have you heard from her yet?
Já tiveste notícias dela?
From the rigors of travel the princess is weary, her senses are dulled and her vision is bleary, but I can assure you that when she has rested, the best you have heard is quite sure to be bested.
Certamente, Duquesa. Com a azáfama da viagem, a Princesa sente-se extenuada, os seus sentidos estão turvos e a sua visão cansada... mas posso assegurar que quando estiver recuperada a melhor rima que já ouviu... irá certamente ser ultrapassada.
Have you heard from her? Yeah, uh, sort of.
Mais ou menos.
so... erm have you still not heard from her?
Então... ainda não tiveste notícias dela?
You haven't heard from her, have you?
Não sabes nada dela, pois não?
Have you heard from her or not?
É importante.
Have you heard her from since?
Tiveste notícias dela desde aquele dia?
Why am I learning from Bitsy Hopkins, who heard from her maid, that you have a friend staying over, one who sips champagne at my swimming pool?
Porque venho a saber pela Bitsy Hopkins, que soube através da empregada, que tens uma amiga aqui hospedada? - Uma que bebe champanhe na piscina...
Have you seen Jenna? We haven't from heard from her or Matty all day.
Passámos o dia todo, sem saber nada dela nem do Matty.
I would have done anything for her, despite what you may have heard from other people.
Teria feito qualquer coisa por ela, apesar do... que outras pessoas lhe possam ter contado.

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