Having said that Çeviri Portekizce
294 parallel translation
Having said that, I now return you to our studios.
Dito isto, vou passá-los para os nossos estúdios.
Having said that, I now intend to leave for London.
Dito isto, vou-me embora para Londres.
I'll deny ever having said that.
Negarei haver dito isto.
Well, having said that don't get the impression that we're going to sit by and do nothing.
Bom, dito isto... não fiquem com a idéia de que não vamos fazer nada a respeito.
That and the fact of having said that he is in the middle age.
Isso e o facto de terem dito que ele está na meia-idade.
Having said that, this department has no further interest in Miss Robertson.
Dito isto, este departamento não tem mais interesse em Miss Robertson.
Having said that, I'm not opposed to a settlement.
Dito isto, não me oponho a fazer um acordo.
An important point the prosecution raised, was the fact that the boy, having said that he was at the movies, during the time the murder occured, could not remember the names of the films or the stars that were in them.
Um argumento importante da promotoria foi o fato de que o garoto, que disse estar no cinema, enquanto o assassinato acontecia, não conseguia lembrar dos nomes dos filmes a que assistiu, nem os atores que estavam neles.
Having said that, there is no reason why any of you should have anything to do with him again.
Mas, nada mais tendes a ver com ele.
Having said that, let me say this.
Dito isto, quero que saibam o seguinte.
I will deny ever having said that.
Vou negar ter dito isto.
Having said that, I want to make one thing clear :
No entanto, quero deixar uma coisa bem clara :
I'd like to ask your forgiveness for having said that.
Queria pedir-lhe desculpa por ter dito isso.
Having said that, are we all game to finish this?
Dito isto,... estamos todos em jogo para acabar com isto?
Having said that, it is my sincere hope that I never see you again.
Tendo dito isso, sinceramente espero... nunca mais vê-la.
You sure got the laugh on all of us him having all that money you said he had and everything.
Realmente, ficas-te a rir de nós, tendo ele o dinheiro todo que disseste que tinha.
They said that my recompense for having a late child was comfort in my old age, especially if it was a girl.
eles me disseram que minha recompensa por ter uma temporã... era o meu conforto na velhice, principalmente se fosse menina.
- What's that, miss? I said, this fine summer weather we're having ought to do her good.
Eu disse que este clima de Verão deve lhe fazer bem.
Remember what you said back in Tampico... about having to pack that old man on our backs?
Lembras-te do que disseste em Tampico, sobre ter de levar o velhote às costas?
But if I slay you, which I intend to do, it will be said that this great king and warrior died by the hand of a little Greek boy. For I am coming against you, and, having entrusted myself to the immortal gods, I shall be victorious over you.
Mas se eu o matar, o que pretendo... será dito que o grande rei e guerreiro... morreu pelas mãos de um garoto grego... pois estou indo enfrentá-lo... e tendo-me entregue aos cuidados dos deuses imortais... devo ser o vencedor.
As a matter of fact, he told me all about the ball we're having here. Like in the paper here, it said that... And he said it to me before the paper even came out.
Contou-me do baile que vamos dar, ainda antes de vir no jornal.
Disseram que, depois de terem atado as mãos ao capitão... foram para o seu camarote e a tripulação... assassinou o capitão.
She said she was having a drink, that you waited for her in the parking lot, that she was too drunk to drive home and that you'd get her a room.
Ela estava com uma amiga no bar do hotel, esperaste ao pé do carro, disseste que não estava em estado de guiar e levaste-a para um quarto.
She said that she's been very upset... about having to share her room at home, and...
Disse que estava muito aborrecida por ter que compartilhar o quarto.
I should have said at the start that I noted for having a grand sense of humor.
Devia ter dito logo de início que eu tenho fama ter um grande sentido de humor.
I remember myself that Thomas Mann and Bruno Walter the Germans had defended e had said that they could not be dislocated because they would despair, for having run away from nazista Germany for another concentration camp.
Recordo-me que Thomas Mann e Bruno Walter defenderam os alemães nos EUA e disseram que não podiam ser deportados porque se desesperariam, de terem fugido da Alemanha Nazi para cair em outro campo de concentração.
What was the one on Muskie's stationery that you sent out... that said that Scoop Jackson was having a bastard child?
E outra também em papel do Muskie... dizendo que Scoop Jackson ia ter um filho ilegítimo?
She said that he was in her house having drinks.
Foi a casa dela tomar uma bebida.
When we were having dinner, I talked to the airport manager and said that it must be difficult for the Cooking for many people without warning.
Quando estávamos a jantar, falei com o director do aeroporto e disse-lhe que devia ser difícil para ele cozinhar para tanta gente em cima da hora.
"I am now proud," he said... "... that having followed the course of the Nile I have the right to announce there is nothing to modify in our letter on the alphabet of hieroglyphics.
'Agora estou muito orgulhoso, - dizia ele, de ter seguido o curso do Nilo, até à segunda catarata, e tenho o direito de anunciar que não há nada a modificar nas nossas letras, no alfabeto dos hieróglifos.
That having been said, I think I've got to alert the media.
Tendo dito isso, acho que devo avisar a imprensa.
Last night I was having a bit of a snack at the Naughty Hellfire Club, and some fellow said that I had the wit and sophistication of a donkey.
Ontem à noite estava a comer algo no Naughty Hellfire Club, e um individuo disse que eu tinha a inteligência e a sofisticação de um burro.
They said that they were taking a chance just having us here looking for your friend.
Disseram que estavam a arriscar, só de estarmos aqui à procura do seu amigo.
He said that Alice was hysterical... and that she was having paranoid delusions.
Ele disse que a Alice está histérica... e que estava a ter ilusões paranóicas.
He just said that he thinks that we're having twins.
Ele disse que acha que vamos ter gémeos.
To which he said I was nuts, and that all he meant was that with us having a new baby, it just seemed like a crazy time to move to sub-zero weather and a city full of strangers, and that I should think of you guys... and of his parents, and how moving so far away would be so hard on everyone.
Ele disse que eu estava louca e que só queria dizer que com o bebé é uma loucura mudar para uma cidade mais fria, cheia de estranhos, e que eu devia pensar em vós, pessoal, e para os pais dele, e quão chocante a distância seria tão difícil para todos.
They said that not having more contact with the KGB, there is no place for me in its budget.
Eles disseram que não tendo mais contato com a KGB, não há lugar para mim no seu orçamento.
I was standing out in the yard, and he said something to me about having been tried twice in Mississippi for "killing that nigger."
Estava eu parado no pátio, e disse-me algo acerca de que o havian julgado 2 vezes em Mississipi por ter morto esse negro.
You know, you are really a lot of fun. Laurie, I was having a discussion with a young man last night, and he said that someone my age was too old to- - well, just too old. I know.
- Sabe, você é muito divertido.
Why would you think I was having an affair with George? Oh, because he said that he had to talk with you earlier about some problem that you were having.
Porque ele disse que tinha de falar contigo acerca de um problema qualquer com que estavas.
And it got to the point where I said that I would sacrifice having a son if I could find who did this to my boy.
E chegou uma altura em que eu disse que sacrificaria o ter um filho, se conseguisse encontrar quem tinha feito isto ao meu rapaz.
But I thought you said you weren't having any trouble sleeping and that you didn't need any sedatives.
Não disseste que não tinhas insónias e que não precisavas de sedativos?
All I said is that we were having some very important guests this morning... so could you pretty please be very quiet at that time?
Só disse que íamos ter convidados importantes esta manhã. "Podes, por favor, não fazer barulho nessa altura?"
Um, Father McCue said that you've been having trouble... Getting much information about what might have happened to her.
O Padre McCue disse que foi difícil obterem explicações sobre o que lhe aconteceu.
He said to tell you he's having a little trouble with that tonight.
Mandou dizer-te que está com uns problemas esta noite...
We were having this State-of-the-Union type conversation... and she said, matter-of-factly, that we were pretty unhappy at the moment.
Estávamos numa conversa tipo Estado da Nação. Ela disse que nós éramos bastante infelizes e eu concordei.
I thought we said that having sex was just a huge mistake. It was weeks ago now.
Nós dissemos que o sexo tinha sido um grande erro e isso já foi há várias semanas.
Oh, I thought when you said you were having a party that would include- -
Quando falou em festa, pensei que isso incluísse...
- Monica and Chandler... said you were having so much fun here... and apparently no amount of drums or tarantula is gonna change that.
- A Monica e o Chandler disseram que te divertes aqui e parece que não há bateria nem tarântula que altere isso.
Now, having said all that, with the right man it can be fabulous.
Apesar de tudo o que disse, com o homem certo, pode ser fabuloso.
That said... I wouldn't mind having a go with you right now, if you want to reconsider.
Mas, mesmo assim... não me importava de te dar uma voltinha agora mesmo, se quiseres reconsiderar.
said that 16
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25