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Hillel Çeviri Portekizce

30 parallel translation
An old Jewish saying By an ancient sage called Hillel.
Um antigo comentário Judaico... de um antigo sábio chamado Hillel.
Your friend Hillel didn't know that your other friends The British, would be fighting a world war And the Turks would be running Palestine.
O teu amigo Hillel não sabia que os teus outros amigos... os Britânicos, estariam a combater uma Guerra Mundial... e os Turcos governariam a Palestina.
- Hillel's argument.
- O arguneto de Hillel.
Hillel's argument that knowledge...
O argumento de Hillel que o conhecimento...
My father quoted Hillel, who said...
O meu pai citou Hillel, que disse...
- Hillel said, "May I?"
- Hillel disse, "Posso?"
- No, may I quote Hillel?
- Não, posso citar Hillel?
Was that Rabbi Hillel?
Isso era Rabino Hillel?
I see my father's face in Hillel.
Vejo a cara do meu pai no Hillel.
We didn't name him Hillel.
Não lhe chamá-mos Hillel.
It's Hillel.
É Hillel.
Even Hillel has better parties.
Até as festas da Hillel são melhores do que as nossas.
At the Hillel House, I broke bread.
Na casa de Hillel, parti o pão.
Hey, man, I did what you said. We're pooling our student funds with the Hillel house... and we're having an awareness dance.
Fiz o que disseste, pá, e nós e a Hillel organizámos uma noite de compreensão mútua.
" And this is what Rabbi Hillel did in the time of the Holy Temple.
" E isto é o que o Rabbi Hillel fez nos tempos do Templo Sagrado.
- Uh, we met at a Hillel... - mixer, a function.
- Conhecemo-nos numa Hillel, numa festa.
I don't know, Rabbi Hillel said something poignant.
Esses já não sei. O rabino Hilei disse algo comovente.
He's been going to the singles mixers at Hillel House.
Ele costumava ir para o singles mixers de Hillel House.
- He goes to mixers at the Hillel House.
- Ele vai para misturadores na "Hillel House".
- Hillel, where are you?
- Hillel, onde estás?
- Hillel!
- Hillel!
Hillel Kristal, you currently reside at 21 East 2nd Street?
Hillel Kristal, atualmente reside na 21 East Second Street?
Look around, Hillel.
Olha à tua volta, Hillel.
Merv, are you gonna be working with Hillel... on the new club?
Merv, vais trabalhar com o Hillel no novo clube?
Am I correct, Hillel?
Estou certa, Hillel?
I prefer Rachmaninoff, Hillel.
Eu prefiro Rachmaninoff, Hillel.
Well, Rabbi, as I'm sure you know, my father has been paying our tuition here at Hillel.
Bem, Rabino, como deve saber, o meu pai tem pago as nossas mensalidades aqui na Hillel.
Turns out it fits a safety deposit box in the Tel Aviv Credit Union on Hillel Street.
Acontece que ela encaixa num cofre no Tel Aviv Credit Union na Hillel Street.
I've heard from the schools of Shammai and Hillel.
Tive notícias das escolas de Shamai e Hilel.

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