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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I'd like that very much

I'd like that very much Çeviri Portekizce

124 parallel translation
I doubt very much that you'd like her in The Hairy Ape.
Duvido que gostasse dela em O Macaco Peludo,
Yes, I like them very much as a rule, but... I tell you what, I think I'd rather have some of that roast beef that's in the refrigerator.
Eu lhe digo, eu acho que preferiria ter um pouco da carne assada que está na geladeira.
I'd like that very much.
Eu adoraria.
You know, son, I know that I haven't been very much of a daddy to you but I would like to make it up to you, somehow, if you'd let me.
Sabes, filho, sei que não tenho sido um bom pai para si... mas gostava de compensá-lo de algum modo, se me deixar.
I'd like that very much.
Gostaria muito.
Oh, I'd like that very much, Mr. Goodwin.
Oh, isso era óptimo, Mr. Goodwin.
I'd like that very much.
Eu gostava muito.
Yes, I'd like that very much. - I'll call you.
- Eu chamá-lo-ei.
Thank you, I'd like that very much.
Obrigada, gostaria imenso.
And I'd like very much to do that.
E gostava de fazer isso.
I'd like that too, very much, but you don't know what you're getting into.
Na sua qualidade de líder civil da classe dirigente, só ele tinha esse poder.
I'd like that too, very much :
Eu também gostaria disso... muito.
I'd like that very much :
Iria gostar muito disso.
I'd like that very much :
Eu gostaria muito isso
- Yes, I'd like that very much.
- Muito.
( Joanna ) I'd like that very much, Mr. O'Brian.
- Gostava muito, Mr. O'Brian.
I'd like that very much, Mr. O'Brian.
- Gostava muito, Mr. O'Brian.
I'd like that very much.
Obrigado. Adorava.
- I'd like that very much.
- Com muito gosto.
Yes! I'd like that very much.
Sim, gostaria muito.
Yeah. I'd like that very much.
Quero, quero muito.
I can't believe you'd pull a stunt like that. - Does it hurt very much? - Only when I burp.
Não acredito que tenhas tentado uma manobra daquelas.
- I'd like that very much.
- Com todo o gosto.
I'd like that very much, Mr. Volare.
Ia adorar isso, Mr. Volare.
Yes, I'd like that very much, but right now I'm in a rush to get back to my office.
Teria muito gosto mas tenho que voltar ao escritório.
Yes, I'd like that very much.
Eu adoraria.
I'd like very much to have you by my side... when I throw the switch that powers up... the Lex Corp. Nuclear Plant.
Gostaria muito de o ter ao meu lado quando ligar o interruptor da Central Nuclear Lex Corp.
I'd like to say to our friend here that it's very good that he wants to work his own land, but how much better it would be if we all worked it together.
Gostaria de dizer aqui ao companheiro, que está bem que ele queira trabalhar as suas terras, mas seria muito melhor se as trabalhássemos juntos...
- I'd like that very much.
- Gostava muito.
I'd like that very much.
Eu gostaria muito.
Dr. Vucelich I know Dr. Benton left the study, and I wanted to say that I've learned more under you than in four years of medical school. And I'd very much like to continue on the team.
Dr. Vucelich, sei que o Dr. Benton deixou o estudo e queria dizer que aprendi mais consigo do que em quatro anos de faculdade, e que gostaria muito de continuar na equipa.
I'd like very much for you to be that fatso.
Gostaria muito que fosse você esse gordalhão.
A guy in the retro shop said it represents friendship, and that's something I'd very much like to have with you.
Um tipo numa loja retro disse que representa amizade, e isso é algo que gostaria muito que tivesses contigo.
I'd like that very much.
Gostava muito.
I know he'd like Patrick, and he'd be very happy... that I found someone who loves us so much.
Eu sei que ele iria gostar do Patrick. E ficaria muito feliz por eu ter encontrado alguém que nos ama tanto.
I'd like that... very much.
Gostaria... imenso.
Technically, my heart is in my chest, and I'd like to keep it that way, thank you very much.
Tecnicamente o meu coração está no meu peito e deixa-o estar sossegada, muito obrigado
- Yeah, I'd like that very much.
Sim, gostaria muito.
I'd like that. I'd like that very much.
Gostaria muito.
I'd like that very much.
Seria um prazer.
I'd like that very much, Peter.
Gostava muito, Peter.
- I'd like that very much.
- Gostaria muito.
I'd like that very much.
- Gostaria muito que o fizesse.
- Okay, would you tell him that I'd like very much to use my family's Bible which my family has bought at least twice now.
- Podias dizer-lhe que gostaria muito de usar a Bíblia da minha família que a minha família comprou pelos menos duas vezes.
Now that is Ko Panyi, which is the setting for a very famous Thai poem, which I think you'd like very much, Jones.
Aquilo é Cu-Pã-Hi É um centro ao qual seguramente gostarias de vir
Yes, I think that... she'd like that very much.
Sim. Acho que ela ia gostar muito.
Yes I'd like that, very much.
- Sim, gostaria imenso.
I'd like that very much.
Ia gostar muito.
Yeah, I'd like that very much.
Gostava mesmo muito.
- I'd very much like that.
- Gostaria muito.
I'd like that very much.
Gostaria muito disso.

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