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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I'd like to speak with you

I'd like to speak with you Çeviri Portekizce

63 parallel translation
I'd like to speak with you privately later.
Queria falar consigo a sós, porque eu...
I'll ask for your help. I'd like to speak with a few girls. Can you assure me you can do it?
Eu me remeto a ti, para falar de uma moça, você tem certeza do dever?
I'd like to speak with you privately.
Por favor, venha por aqui senhor... faça o favor de dizer... Gostava de falar consigo em particular.
I'd like to speak with you.
Gostaria de falar convosco.
I'd like to speak with you... because I know you and I understand each other.
Sargento, queria-Ihe falar... porque sei que nós nos compreendemos.
Lt. Halloran, I'd like to speak with you for a moment.
Tenente Halloran, gostaria de falar consigo um instante.
I'd like to speak with your foreman. Everyone, stop! You!
Gostaria de falar com o encarregado.
I'd like to speak with you.
Queria falar-lhe.
Look, um, if you don't mind I'd like to speak with Mr. Webb again.
Se não se importa, gostaria de falar com o Sr. Webb de novo.
I have someone here who'd like to speak with you.
Tenho aqui alguém que gostaria de falar consigo.
I'd like to speak with you about your grandson, Miguel.
Eu gostaria de falar com você sobre seu neto, Miguel.
Lieutenants Paris and Torres, I'd like to speak with you for a moment.
Tenentes Paris e Torres, gostaria de falar com vocês um momento.
If you wait here, I'll tell Mr Berman you'd like to speak with him.
Se você esperar aqui, eu digo ao Sr Berman que você gostaria de falar com ele.
I'd like to speak with you in private.
Preciso de falar consigo em privado.
- I'd like to speak with you in private.
- Gostava de falar a sós consigo.
I'd like to speak with you in private.
Gostaria de falar consigo em privado.
No... but if you wait, I'll get Dr. Harden. I know she'd like to speak with you.
Não mas vou chamar a Dra. Harden que quer falar consigo.
- Actually if it's all right with you I'd like to speak to Amy.
- Na verdade, se não se importar, gostava de falar com a Amy.
I'd like to speak with you.
- Gostaria de falar consigo.
I'd like to speak with him, if you don't mind.
Gostava de falar com ele, se não se importar.
Annabelle, I'd like to speak with you.
Annabelle, eu gostaria de falar contigo.
I'm sorry, sir. Your bank is on the line. They'd really like to speak with you.
Desculpe, senhor, o seu banco... está ao telefone e querem falar consigo.
- Yeah, this is Charlie Kelly. Hi. I'd like to speak with you about some recent activity on your new account.
Queria falar com o senhor a respeito de umas movimentações recentes na sua nova conta.
- I'd like to speak with you.
- Queremos falar contigo a sós.
So, I'd like for you all to leave now, so that I can speak with my director.
Assim, gostava que todos saíssem para poder falar com o meu director.
- I'd like to speak with you. - Sure.
- Gostaria de falar consigo.
So when you locate Peyton in that gutter, you let her know I'd like to speak with her before this catastrophe goes any further.
Por isso quando entrares em contacto com a Peyton naquele buraco, diz-lhe que eu quero falar com ela antes que esta catástrofe avance mais.
I have someone here who'd like to speak with you.
Aqui há alguém que deseja falar contigo.
- Chuck, I'd like to speak with you.
Quero falar contigo. Já!
I'd like to speak with your father if you don't mind hanging out with the team.
Gostava de falar com o teu pai se não te importares de ficar aqui com a equipa.
I'd like to speak with you, Bill.
Quero falar com você, Bill.
I'd like to speak with you about your fight today with Grant Johnson.
Gostaria de falar consigo sobre o seu combate de hoje com o Grant Johnson.
Yes, I'd like to speak with you.
Sim, eu gostaria muito de conversar com você.
I'd like to speak with you about your scans.
Sou especialista cárdio-torácico.
I'd like to speak with you privately.
Gostaria de falar contigo em particular.
If you don't mind, I'd like to speak to your wife by herself, to start with.
Se não se importa, irmão, gostaria de falar com a sua esposa, para começar.
See, you have a certain human being of ours and, uh, I'd like to speak with him.
Têm um certo ser humano nosso e... gostaria de falar com ele.
I'd like to speak with you about your essay.
Queria falar contigo sobre a tua composição.
I'd like to speak with you.
Gostaria de falar contigo.
I'd like to speak with you about.
Gostava de conversar contigo sobre isto.
Maria, I'd like to speak with you if you'd let me, please.
Maria, gostava de falar consigo, se me deixar, por favor.
I'm John Koski, I'd like to speak with you.
Chamo-me John Koski, e gostaria de falar consigo.
- I'd like to speak with you?
- Gostaria de falar consigo?
In the meantime, I'm sure there is someone you'd like to speak with.
Enquanto isso, tenho a certeza que há alguém com quem gostaria de falar.
I believe she'd like to speak with you.
Creio que ela quer falar consigo.
- Thomas, I'd like to speak with you - [whistles] - in private. - Yo!
Thomas, gostava de falar contigo em privado.
I'd like to speak with you about some old memos...
Eu gostaria de falar consigo sobre alguns velhos memorandos...
I'd like to speak with you, please.
Gostaria de falar consigo, por favor.
There is... something I'd like to speak with you about.
Que gostaria de falar consigo.
Actually... I'd like to speak with you, Katya.
Na verdade... gostaria de falar contigo, Katya.
Dr. Danvers, I'd like to speak with you and your husband.
Dra. Danvers, gostaria de falar consigo e com o seu marido.

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