I'll get you Çeviri Portekizce
16,439 parallel translation
All right, I get that. So we'll set something up so you can stay in touch. Videos.
Eu entendo, nós arranjamos algo para estares em contacto.
Come spring, I'll go get that for you.
Quando vier a Primavera, eu vou buscar-lho.
Okay, cat, I'll get you out tomorrow, but here's dinner.
Muito bem, gato, tiro-te daí amanhã, mas tens aqui o jantar.
I'll get your guy, you'll go home, and you bring us more stuff next week, hmm?
Vou buscar o teu homem, vocês vão para casa, e na semana que vem trazem mais coisas.
I mean, I get that you'll just have to take my word for this, but... she wasn't even the one I was aiming for.
Vais ter que acreditar na minha palavra. Não era nela que eu estava a mirar.
I'll come get you.
Eu vou buscar-te.
When I get back, I'll get you an American visa.
Quando eu voltar, Vou arranjar-te um visto americano.
If you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for the march.
Se me derem licença, tenho que me preparar para a marcha.
Let's go, I'll get you home.
Vamos lá, levar-te para casa.
I'll get you back.
Eu vingo-me.
I'll get inside once you let them go.
Eu entro assim que os libertares.
I'll have security get you what you need.
Vou preparar o que precisa da segurança.
I suggest you to get the police to send us a request.. ... and we'll do the rest.
Sugiro que peça à polícia para nos enviar uma solicitação e nós tratamos do resto.
I'll see you when I get home?
Vemo-nos quando voltar?
I'll be working with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, HUD and the congressional leaders to get you that clinic.
Vou trabalhar com o Departamento de Veteranos, o Urbanismo e Habitação e com os líderes do Congresso para fazer desta clínica uma realidade.
- I'll get the door for you, ma'am.
- Eu abro a porta.
So you stay in control and you follow my orders, and I'll decide if you get to be an agent or not.
Assim você fica no controle e você siga minhas ordens, E eu vou decidir se você começa a ser um agente ou não.
I got you, we'll get it.
Já percebi. Vamos conseguir.
I'll get you out of this.
- Calma, eu tiro-te daqui.
You keep thinking that. Anyway, I told Kiersten you'll both know each other because you're both gonna be wearing... now, get this... white denim jackets.
Enfim, eu disse para Kiersten que vocês vão se reconhecer porque os dois vão estar vestindo... se prepara... jaqueta branca.
I'll get Vostok, you kill the power for Stein, and, Raymond, promise me.
Eu apanho a Vostok, tu desligas o núcleo, e, Raymond, promete-me.
Well, the more times you tell your story, the easier it'll get, I promise.
Bem, quantas mais vezes contares a tua história, mais fácil ficará fazê-lo, prometo-te.
Are you saying you'll fight S.H.I.E.L.D. to get out of here?
Lutas com a SHIELD para saíres? Tens de lutar comigo também.
I'll put you in jail, so you'll get raped.
Vais presa e depois vais ser violada.
I'll get you work in a bit.
Já lhe levo trabalho.
Get the pedo to sign, I'll give you your 50 bucks.
Se conseguires a assinatura do pedófilo, dou-te 50 dólares.
I'll buy one and bring it to you when we both get out.
Vou comprar um e vou ter contigo quando ambas sairmos.
You play Geronimo for me for a few days... and in turn, I'll spare your life and get you relocated to another colony.
Passa a ser o Geronimo para mim durante alguns dias e em troca, poupo a sua vida e coloco-o noutra Colónia.
I'll get you something for that burn.
Vamos lá tratar dessa queimadura.
Sure, we have medical professionals, but I'm talking about intimacy, the kind of support you- - well, I'll just say it, you get from a... a good woman.
Claro, temos profissionais da medicina, mas estou a falar de intimidade, o tipo de apoio que... bem, vou mesmo dizer, você recebe de... uma boa mulher.
You'll have to entertain her while I get ready.
Vais ter de lhe fazer companhia enquanto me preparo.
- I'll get there right after you, I swear.
- Chego logo a seguir.
I know you're worried about her, but we'll get her back.
Eu sei que estás preocupado, mas vamos recuperá-la.
I guarantee you'll get what you need.
Garanto que terá o que precisas. Estás a falar destes arquivos?
I'll get some dinner here and work till it's time to get you.
Janto qualquer coisa por aqui e trabalho até ser hora de te ir buscar.
I'm pretty sure you'll get a chance.
Tenho certeza que terás hipótese para isso.
If you get me close enough, I'll do it.
Se me aproximares o suficiente, eu faço-o.
Sure, I'll look the other way if you can get her after she finishes the phone call.
Claro, viro a cabeça se conseguires apanhá-la, depois de ela desligar a chamada.
Isn't this quaint? I get out of these cuffs, and you'll see how quaint you think I can be.
Se me livrar destas algemas, verás quanto singular posso ser.
I'll get you some water.
- Vou buscar-te água.
I'll check, and I'll get back to you.
Vou verificar.
Listen, when I get home, I'll transfer enough money so you can rebuild your town.
Ouve, quando chegar a casa, vou transferir dinheiro suficiente para que possas reconstruir a tua cidade.
"I can gulp it down... And become a drunkard for you." "I can't get over your intoxication, I'll forget the entire world."
Eu posso tornar-me um bêbado por si eu posso embriagar-me e esquecer o mundo todo
I'll get you in the Olympics.
Vou levá-lo às Olimpíadas.
I'll tell you when you get back. Thanks.
Conto-ta quando voltares.
If we ever do get out of here, the first thing I'll do is take you to the Vanishing Point to await trial before the Time Council.
Se alguma vez saisse daqui a primeira coisa que eu faria era regressar ao Ponto de Desaparecimento e esperar pelo julgamento perante o Conselho do Tempo.
I'll get you some water.
- Vou pegar água pra você.
I know if there's a way to get in here, you'll find it.
Sei que se houver uma forma de entrar aqui, irás encontrá-la.
Get me the hell out of here, and I'll register and tell you anything you want to know.
Tire-me daqui e irei registar-me. Dir-lhe-ei tudo aquilo que quer saber.
Relax. I'll get you out.
- Tenha calma, vou tirá-lo daí.
If anything pops up, i'll, uh - - You know, we'll get into it.
Se surgir alguma coisa... tratarei do assunto. Sim?
i'll get you back 17
i'll get you home 17
i'll get you some 35
i'll get you a new one 19
i'll get you one 48
i'll get you your money 18
i'll get you out 56
i'll get you another one 19
i'll get you a beer 17
i'll get you some water 53
i'll get you home 17
i'll get you some 35
i'll get you a new one 19
i'll get you one 48
i'll get you your money 18
i'll get you out 56
i'll get you another one 19
i'll get you a beer 17
i'll get you some water 53
i'll get you out of here 36
i'll get you something to eat 17
i'll get you a glass of water 16
i'll get you something 30
i'll get you a drink 44
i'll get your coat 18
i'll get you for this 26
i'll get you the money 21
i'll get it 1406
i'll get this 36
i'll get you something to eat 17
i'll get you a glass of water 16
i'll get you something 30
i'll get you a drink 44
i'll get your coat 18
i'll get you for this 26
i'll get you the money 21
i'll get it 1406
i'll get this 36