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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I'll let him know

I'll let him know Çeviri Portekizce

334 parallel translation
It's all right, Sam. I'll never let him know I know.
Está tudo bem, Sam.
Tex has the money. - Go to bed. I'll let you know when I've found him.
- Volta para a cama, vou achá-lo.
Let me speak to your Führer. I'll tell him everything he wants to know.
Eu digo ao seu Fuhrer tudo o que ele quiser saber.
If you're havin'a good time, let the captain know and I'll have him steam around in circles!
Se estiverem a divertir-se, digam ao capitão e mando-o navegar em círculos!
- Look, I know it's over between you but he's a legend, we'll have to let him down easy.
Sei que já não há nada entre vós, mas ele é uma lenda, tens de dizer-lhe com jeitinho.
He has no preceptors yet but I'll let him know you're here.
Ele ainda não tem preceptores mas vou dizer-lhe que estás aqui.
I'll do anything to let him know that I'm his
Farei tudo Para que saiba que sou dele
Now listen, son, if you ever get the money... and you do want him to have a nice headstone... you just let me know, and I'll see to it personally... that a real nice one is placed on the grave.
Agora ouve, filho, se conseguires o dineiro, e precisas dele para uma bela lápide, diz-me, e eu pessoalmente me encarrego... de que seja colocada uma bem bonita.
All right, I'll let him know.
Está bem, eu dir-lhe-ei.
Don't let him do this, I'll tell you what you want to know!
Não permitam. Eu digo o que querem saber!
After he's busted, I'll make sure to let him know you knew beforehand.
Depois de ser preso, vou dizer-lhe que já sabias o que ia acontecer.
Let him know how you feel, and I'm sure you'll be able to work things out.
Olá, Willie. - Olá. - Olá.
If I see him... I'll let him know you're looking for him.
- Se o vir, digo-lhe que o procuras.
I'll let him know why I'm called the North-Wing Killer!
ele vai saber porquê que me chamam o assassino da ala norte!
Don't let him know it's me. I'll get you out. I'll take you home, I promise.
Não o deixes saber que sou eu, vou-te tirar dai, prometo.
- I'll let him know you're here.
- Eu digo-lhe que está aqui.
Yeah, well, they may let him back, but I don't know if they'll let him finish.
Pode voltar, mas não o vão deixar acabar.
We'll let him know you're here. I'm sure he will be with you as soon as he possibly can.
Recebê-lo-á assim que puder.
- I'll leave him a note let him know where we are.
Deixo-lhe um bilhete... para ele saber onde vamos estar.
But if I see him or hear from him, I'll let you know.
Mas se o vir ou souber dele eu aviso-a.
I'll let him go... when I know I haven't been followed.
Eu solto-o... quando tiver a certeza de que não fui seguido.
Let him go, and I'll tell you what you need to know.
É o seguinte : solta o Capitão Coragem aqui, e eu conto tudo.
I'll let him know.
Dar-lhe-ei o recado.
Then go on up I'll let him know you're coming
Então sobe.
Tell Higgins I'll let him know.
Diz ao Higgins que eu depois digo-lhe alguma coisa.
And I'll let him know too.
E eu também.
I'll let him know.
Eu digo-lhe.
I'll let him know you'd like to complain.
Mas dir-lhe-ei que quer queixar-se.
I'll let him know just you gonna call him Zel.
Eu digo-lhe que vais trata-lo por Zel.
If I hear from him, I'll let you know.
Se eu tiver notícias dele, aviso-te.
Thanks, I'll let him know.
Obrigado, eu digo-lhe isso.
I'll let him know you're here.
Digo-lhe que estão aqui.
- I'll let you know when we have him.
- Eu informo quando o apanharmos.
I'd like to let him know what's happened to me. I'll get a padd.
Se um acusado for bastante rico, ele pode negociar com a família da vítima.
I'll let him know the next time he calls that you got to get your money first.
Eu vou-lhe dizer na próxima vez que telefonar que tens que ganhar o teu dinheiro primeiro.
I'll let him know you came by.
Eu digo-lhe que passaste por cá.
I'll let him know.
Eu aviso-o.
I'll let him know you asked.
Digo-lhe que perguntaste.
I'll be sure to let him know.
Não me esquecerei de lhe dizer.
I'll let him know you asked.
- Eu aviso que perguntou.
I'll let him know.
Eu faço com que ele saiba.
I'll let him know.
- Eu hei-de lhe dizer.
I'll let him know.
Eu informo-o.
You let me see him, and I'll tell you everything you wanna know.
Deixem-me vê-lo e dir-vos-ei o que quiserem saber.
I'll let him know. He'll be pleased.
Ele vai ficar satisfeito.
Well, tell him to give me some vinyl and I'll let him know when we know.
Mande-o enviar os discos. Falo com ele depois. - Olá, irmão.
Not to me, sir, but I'll let you know as soon as I find him.
Para mim não, senhor, mas eu te avisarei tão logo eu o encontre.
- OK, I'll let him know.
- OK, eu digo-lhe.
- I'll let him know.
- Vou informá-lo.
I'll let him know you're on base.
Vou-lhe dizer que estás na base.
Well, I'll pay a visit to our parolee Pete Wilton, let him know we found his son.
Vou visitar o Pete Wilton e dizer-lhe que encontrámos o filho dele.

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