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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I'll tell you that much

I'll tell you that much Çeviri Portekizce

90 parallel translation
I'll tell you what. If it scares you that much, I've got just the job to take it off your mind,
Olhe, se o incomoda assim tanto tenho o ideal para esquecer o sucedido...
We've got more moves back there than here, I'll tell you that much.
Temos mais jogadas lá do que vocês.
I'll bet that I can tell, within a buck either way how much money you've got in your pocket.
Aposto que consigo dizer, sem um centavo a mais ou a menos quanto dinheiro tens no bolso.
I'll tell you this much- - the man I marry would have taken that money.
Só vos digo que o homem com quem me casar teria ficado com o dinheiro.
I'm never going to jail, I'll tell you that much.
Nunca irei para a prisão, podes ter a certeza.
Look, if it means that much to you, I'll call everybody back and you can tell them it's time to go to dinner.
Frank, desculpa. Posso chamá-los de volta e dizes tu. Ei, esperem todos!
Well, this guy can stay in my room, I'll tell you that much.
Este pode ficar no meu quarto, isso te digo eu.
I'll tell you that much.
Isso lhe garanto.
- But in the future, Little Ray... - if you feel that you have too much to do, you just tell me... - and I'll try to make things more even.
Mas de futuro, meu pequeno Ray, se achas que te cabem tarefas demais, basta que me digas e eu tentarei equilibrar as coisas.
I won't be making a career out of it, I'll tell you that much.
Posso garantir-lhe que não farei carreira disso.
I want you to tell me what he's thinking. As much as you can sense. Anything you can pick up that'll give me a clue to his thoughts.
Quero que me diga o que ele está a pensar, o que consegue sentir, tudo o que conseguir apanhar que possa dar-me alguma pista.
I'll tell you that, though, you ain't have to worry about Adebisi that much longer.
Mas te direi algo. Não tem que preocupar-se pelo Adebisi muito mais tempo.
I don't leave the bag in the plane... I'll tell you that much.
Não deixei a maleta no avião.
- I'll tell you that much.
- E te digo mais.
I'll tell ya what, mate. You're not gonna make much money as a prostitute, I'll tell you that.
Não vais ganhar muito dinheiro como prostituta, digo-te eu.
But Duffy Haskell is a piece of work, I'll tell you that much.
Mas Duffy Haskell é muito estranho.
You know, maybe I am a drug dealer, but I'll tell you this much, when I tell my grandkiddies stories... about my misspent youth... I won't have to include the fact... that I spread them wide for any jake... with a fistful of fifties! That I saw more strange dick... than a draft board doctor.
Talvez trafique drogas, mas quando contar aos meus netos da minha juventude mal passada, não terei de dizer que abri as pernas a um gajo cheio de dinheiro e que vi mais pilas que um médico.
You went down like a sack of potatoes, I'll tell you that much.
Te foste abaixo como um saco de batatas, te digo isso.
I'll tell you that much.
- Perdi a disposição, isso sim.
Well, I'll tell you this much... there's no possible way I'm ever getting back in that van.
Bem, digo-vos uma coisa, não há maneira possível de eu voltar a entrar nessa carrinha.
Thank God I didn't eat the worm in there. I'll tell you that much.
Graças a Deus que não comi a minhoca que lá estava.
I'll tell you that much.
Digo-te já.
I'll tell you that much.
Pelo menos isso digo-te.
But it's some nice shit though, i'll tell you that much.
Mas muito bonito, Isso posso te assegurar.
They ain't covering their noses, I'll tell you that much.
Só lhe digo que não estão a proteger os narizes.
Well, I'm not getting pregnant again, I'll tell you that much.
Bem, eu é que não vou ficar grávida outra vez. Isso eu garanto.
We fought like fucking hell, i'll tell you that much, and i never once had the upper-hand.
lutamos como o diabo, se quiser saber. E eu nunca tive o controle.
That indian saved jack mccall's life, - i'll tell you that fucking much.
Aquele índio salvou a vida de Jack McCall, é o que digo.
You won't get much sleep, I'll tell you that.
Não vais dormir muito, isso posso-te dizer.
Money isn't weird, I'll tell you that much.
O dinheiro não é estranho, garanto-te.
Hey, God's pissed off at the neighborhood, Raymond. - I'll tell you that much.
Ei, Deus amassou nosso bairro, Raymond.
I'm not going beg. I'll tell you that much.
Não vou rastejar, fica sabendo.
Jail's no fun, I'll tell you that much.
- Cumprir pena é uma treta.
I'll tell you that much'cause I...
Vou te contar Que eu...
I'll tell you that much.
Digo-te apenas isso.
I'll tell you about as much truth as the people who wrote that fucking Bible.
" Digo-vos tanta verdade como os que escreveram essa maldita Bíblia.
I love these nachos, I'll tell you that much.
Adoro estes nachos, é só o que te digo.
I'll tell you that much.
É o que te digo.
I'll tell you that much.
Isso é certo.
Her insides are stronger than any bullet. - I'll tell you that much.
Tem as tripas mais fortes que uma bala, é o que te digo.
Not a day goes by, I'll tell you that much.
Só lhe digo que não há dia em que não me lembre.
I ain't no farmer, I'll tell you that much.
Não sou um agricultor, já te disse isso.
Yeah, well, she should have learned to invent a better door, I'll tell you that much.
Devia ter inventado uma porta melhor. Eu digo-te isto.
Roberto, you were often told me that I was a terrible father what I never told you, is that I agree with you there's so much I haven't told you that you need to know so if you want to hear about the past I'll tell you
Roberto, disseste-me muitas vezes que eu fui um péssimo pai. Aquilo que nunca te disse é que concordo contigo. Há tanta coisa que nunca te disse e que tu precisas de saber...
He's not a bitch, I'll tell you that much.
Ele não é maricas, asseguro-te.
Hoover's not out of it yet, I'll tell you that much, and while it's not looking rosy anytime soon, I do see some signs of improvement.
E embora não se avizinhem tempos fáceis, tenho visto alguns sinais de mudança.
Also you don't want to eat anything you caught in that lake, I'll tell you that much.
E também não iria querer comer nada deste lago...
Well, I'll tell you what, I'll save your children from beeing bombed, and you can decide how much that's worth to you.
Vamos fazer assim, salvo os seus filhos de serem explodidos, e decidem quanto vale para vocês.
A lot less than you make being a bookie, I'll tell you that much.
- Muito menos do que tu ganhas como apostador. Isso garanto-te eu.
The tide's turning, I'll tell you that much.
Digo-te, a maré está a mudar.
I'll tell you that much. You got about four seconds to figure it out.
Tens perto de 2 segundos para pensar o que fazer.

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